
Disaster A Eremika Story Book 3

Oh wow. Another chapter? Anyways got nothing for A/N so, Enjoy the story.


I went to schol with Jean. As we walked hand in hand into the school, people stared at us. Armin new about it so he didn't say anything. We had homeroom at the end of the day so I'll be looking forward to that.

——Time skip——

Its the last period. Everyone took their seat to read or do something else. Half of our period was nice. But then the teacher stood up.
"Class, I think you all know Mr. Eren Yeager right?" The teacher said as we all nodded. Well you can spend the rest of this period saying or asking him last words or questions. Mr. Ackerman?" The teacher signaled. Levi entered the room.
"Hello brats, This is the last time you would be seeing Yeager as a 'Student'. The other time he is going to either be in his office in the school or be a hand to help all of the students in need. He will be in room B305 On mondays and Wednesdays. And don't ask why he isn't in there. 'Cause Survey corps are busy. Now get on with it Yeager." Levi signaled Eren to come in. He was wearing one of the commander's coat. It wasn't tied up like the commanders did. It showed is scout uniform inside. He came in and saluted Levi. He then looked at our teacher and smiled. I could see that she was tearing up inside. He then looked at the class. He took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Hello everybody, as you all know. I'm Eren. The boy who sings and play the guitar. I was excepted into the Survey Corps and became a commander in the goverment's side. You might be wondering why I am dressed like this. It is to show that I am a commander,but, deep down. I will forever be working with the scouts to protect everyone of you. So dont go into the main HQ because you wont find me there. Oh, and Levi?" He turned over to Levi.
"Hmm?" Levi glared.
"You can pass that office over to Jean. He could help more people than I could." Levi nodded and tossed the key across the room to Jean. Jean caught it.
"If you need me for anything urgent. Come to the Scouts' base and they will send a person to fetch me. This is it." He bowed.
"BRATS! Now is the time for you to ask orsay any last question." Levi shouted. No one said anything. I saw Eren smile. He was about to leave when Armin told him and the rest of the crew to ralk outside. He cringed. He walked outside as all of us does.
"Make it quick." Says Jean. Why was he acting like that? I shurgged it off.
"Eren, are you sure you want to leave?" Armin asked. He nodded. No one spoke a word. Levi came out as Eren chukled.
"This is it. Goodbye. Thank you for all of the times we had spent together. Now. This will be probably the last you will hear. As for now, I bid my farewell and wish you all a happy life." He said in a sad smile and walked away. Jean smiled while we all bursted out in tears.

I have done it! I took over. Now I will be the center of attention! HA! You lost Yeager. You lost. Now go and never turn back anymore. I. AM. KING.

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