
Dragon Age Origins Guide


| I. Introduction................................................ [01.00.00]|

| II. Controls.................................................... [02.00.00]|

| III. Characters.................................................. [03.00.00]|

| - Alistair.................................................. [03.01.00]|

| - Dog....................................................... [03.02.00]|

| - Leliana................................................... [03.03.00]|

| - Loghain Mac Tir........................................... [03.04.00]|

| - Morrigan.................................................. [03.05.00]|

| - Oghren.................................................... [03.06.00]|

| - Shale..................................................... [03.07.00]|

| - Sten...................................................... [03.08.00]|

| - Wynne..................................................... [03.09.00]|

| - Zevran.................................................... [03.10.00]|

| IV. Game Basics................................................. [04.00.00]|

| V. Walkthrough................................................. [05.00.00]|

| - Dalish Elf................................................ [05.01.00]|

| - Dwarf Commoner............................................ [05.02.00]|

| - City Elf.................................................. [05.03.00]|

| - Magi...................................................... [05.04.00]|

| - Human Noble............................................... [05.05.00]|

| - Dwarf Noble............................................... [05.06.00]|

| - Ostagar................................................... [05.07.00]|

| - Korcari Wilds............................................. [05.08.00]|

| - Ostagar Part 2.......................................... [05.08.01]|

| - The Tower of Ishal........................................ [05.09.00]|

| - Lothering................................................. [05.10.00]|

| - Camp...................................................... [05.11.00]|

| - Lake Calenhad Docks....................................... [05.12.00]|

| - Circle Tower.............................................. [05.13.00]|

| - Second Floor............................................ [05.13.01]|

| - Third Floor............................................. [05.13.02]|

| - Fourth Floor............................................ [05.13.03]|

| - Fade...................................................... [05.14.00]|

| - The Raw Fade............................................ [05.14.01]|

| - The Burning Tower....................................... [05.14.02]|

| - Mages Asunder........................................... [05.14.03]|

| - The Darkspawn Invasion.................................. [05.14.04]|

| - The Templar's Nightmare................................. [05.14.05]|

| - Weisshaupt Fortress..................................... [05.14.06]|

| - The Raw Fade Part 2..................................... [05.14.07]|

| - The Burning Tower Part 2................................ [05.14.08]|

| - Mages Asunder Part 2.................................... [05.14.09]|

| - The Three Nightmares.................................... [05.14.10]|

| - Inner Sanctum........................................... [05.14.11]|

| - Circle of Magi Part 2................................... [05.14.12]|

| - Redcliffe Village......................................... [05.15.00]|

| - Side Questing Part 1...................................... [05.16.00]|

| - The Long Road........................................... [05.16.01]|

| - Forest Meadow........................................... [05.16.02]|

| - Wooden Glen............................................. [05.16.03]|

| - Abandoned Meadow........................................ [05.16.04]|

| - Roadside Stop........................................... [05.16.05]|

| - Denerim Market District Part 1.......................... [05.16.06]|

| - The Pearl............................................... [05.16.07]|

| - Back Alley.............................................. [05.16.08]|

| - Dirty Back Alley........................................ [05.16.09]|

| - Dark Alley.............................................. [05.16.10]|

| - Rundown Back Street..................................... [05.16.11]|

| - Dirty Hovel............................................. [05.16.12]|

| - Deserted Building....................................... [05.16.13]|

| - Denerim Market District Part 2.......................... [05.16.14]|

| - Kadan-Fe Hideout........................................ [05.16.15]|

| - Out of the Way.......................................... [05.16.16]|

| - Battlefield............................................. [05.16.17]|

| - Civil War............................................... [05.16.18]|

| - Lake Calenhad Revisited................................. [05.16.19]|

| - Flemeth's Hut........................................... [05.16.20]|

| - Redcliffe Village Part 2................................ [05.16.21]|

| - Redcliffe Castle.......................................... [05.17.00]|

| - Urn of Sacred Ashes....................................... [05.18.00]|

| - Village of Haven........................................ [05.18.01]|

| - Ruined Temple............................................. [05.19.00]|

| - Wyrmling Lair........................................... [05.19.01]|

| - The Gauntlet............................................ [05.19.02]|

| - Brecilian Outskirts....................................... [05.20.00]|

| - West Brecilian Forest................................... [05.20.01]|

| - East Brecilian Forest................................... [05.20.02]|

| - Ruins Upper level....................................... [05.20.03]|

| - Lower Ruins............................................. [05.20.04]|

| - Lair of the Werewolves.................................. [05.20.05]|

| - Orzammar.................................................. [05.21.00]|

| - Siding with Prince Bhelen............................... [05.21.01]|

| - Aeducan Thaig........................................... [05.21.02]|

| - Siding with Lord Harrowmont............................. [05.21.03]|

| - Dust Town................................................. [05.22.00]|

| - Carta Hideout........................................... [05.22.01]|

| - The Deep Roads............................................ [05.23.00]|

| - Caridin's Cross......................................... [05.23.01]|

| - Ortan Thaig............................................. [05.23.02]|

| - The Dead Trenches....................................... [05.23.03]|

| - The Anvil of the Void................................... [05.23.04]|

| - Orzammar Part 2......................................... [05.23.05]|

| - The Landsmeet............................................. [05.24.00]|

| - Side Questing in Denerim Part 2......................... [05.24.01]|

| - Arl of Denerim's Estate................................. [05.24.02]|

| - Arl of Denerim's Estate - Interior...................... [05.24.03]|

| - Arl of Denerim's Estate - Dungeon....................... [05.24.04]|

| - Fort Drakon............................................. [05.24.05]|

| - Arl Eamon's Estate...................................... [05.24.06]|

| - The Alienage............................................ [05.24.07]|

| - Orphanage............................................... [05.24.08]|

| - Run-Down Apartments..................................... [05.24.09]|

| - Redcliffe Village Battle Part 2........................... [05.25.00]|

| - Side Questing Part 3...................................... [05.26.00]|

| - Lake Calenhad Docks Once More........................... [05.26.01]|

| - Frostback Mountains Once More........................... [05.26.02]|

| - Run Down Alley.......................................... [05.26.03]|

| - D's/K's Hideout......................................... [05.26.04]|

| - The Final Battle.......................................... [05.27.00]|

| - Market District......................................... [05.27.01]|

| - The Alienage............................................ [05.27.02]|

| - Denerim - City Gates.................................... [05.27.03]|

| - Palace District......................................... [05.27.04]|

| - Fort Drakon............................................. [05.27.05]|

| - Fort Drakon - Second Floor.............................. [05.27.06]|

| - Fort Drakon - Rooftop................................... [05.27.07]|

| VI. Downloadable Content (DLC).................................. [06.00.00]|

| - Soldier's Peak............................................ [06.01.00]|

| - The Keep................................................ [06.01.01]|

| - Second Floor............................................ [06.01.02]|

| - Avernus's Tower......................................... [06.01.03]|

| - Sulcher's Pass............................................ [06.02.00]|

| - Honnleath............................................... [06.02.01]|

| - Willhelm's Cellar....................................... [06.02.02]|

| - Cadash Thaig............................................ [06.02.03]|

| - A King's Confidant........................................ [06.03.00]|

| - Ostagar................................................. [06.03.01]|

| - Tower of Ishal.......................................... [06.03.02]|

| - Darkspawn Tunnels....................................... [06.03.03]|

| - Battlefield............................................. [06.03.04]|

| - The Darkspawn Chronicles.................................. [06.04.00]|

| - Denerim - The Market District........................... [06.04.01]|

| - Denerim - Elven Alienage.,,,,........................... [06.04.02]|

| - Denerim - Palace District............................... [06.04.03]|

| - Denerim - Fort Drakon................................... [06.04.04]|

| - Leliana's Song............................................ [06.05.00]|

| - Denerim Market.......................................... [06.05.01]|

| - Noble's Estate.......................................... [06.05.02]|

| - Noble's Estate - Night.................................. [06.05.03]|

| - The Dungeons............................................ [06.05.04]|

| - Chantry................................................. [06.05.05]|

| - Game Over............................................... [06.05.06]|

| - The Golems of Amgarrak.................................... [06.06.00]|

| - Deep Roads Grotto....................................... [06.06.01]|

| - Amgarrak................................................ [06.06.02]|

| - Witch Hunt................................................ [06.07.00]|

| - Circle of Magi.......................................... [06.07.01]|

| - Elven Ruins............................................. [06.07.02]|

| - Cadash Thaig............................................ [06.07.03]|

| - Dragonbone Wastes....................................... [06.07.04]|

| VII. Crafting Skills............................................. [07.00.00]|

| - Herbalism................................................. [07.01.00]|

| - Poison-Making............................................. [07.02.00]|

| - Trap-Making............................................... [07.03.00]|

| VII. Version History............................................. [08.00.00]|

|VIII. Closing..................................................... [09.00.00]|








First, thank you for choosing to read my guide about this wonderful game.

This is one of many guides that I have written and hope to finish. I try to be

as thorough as possible and will strive to find as many ways to complete said

tasks as possible. Give some leniency as this is an extremely long game with

a lot of room for doing your own thing.

Please note that other than the physical items on the map, the contents of

them are generally random. Any items that are specific to a chest or looted

corpse will be documented as such. Enemies that spawn are not random but the

items that can be stolen from them are. Codex updates will be noted and quest

acquisitions will be as well. All key notes will be bolded and in brackets as

such; [CHEST], [QUEST], or [CODEX]. The lists at the beginning of each section

will be in alphabetical order. Shops will only list rare items and gifts while

the Codex list will not contain Controls, Enemies, or Spell Combinations.







| PC Controls |


| Quick Save | F5 |

| Quick Load | F9 |

| Highlight objects | TAB |

| Hide main interface | V |

| Take screenshot | PRT SCN |

| Character record | C |

| Journal | J |

| Inventory | I |

| Skills | K |

| Spells/Talents | P |

| Area Map | M |

| World Map | N |

| Tactics | \ |

| Main Menu | ESC |

| Run forward | W |

| Rotate camera left | A |

| Run backward | S |

| Rotate camera right | D |

| Run left | Q |

| Run right | E |

| Rotate camera up | Home |

| Rotate camera down | End |

| Zoom in | Pg Dn |

| Zoom out | Pg Up |

| Pan (zoomed out) | Arrow Keys |

| Toggle run/walk | / (num pad) |

| Pause | Spacebar |

| Use quickbar ability | 1-0 |

| Swap weapon sets | / |

| Party move/hold | H |

| Select full party | = |

| Select one character | F1-F4 |

| Select many characters | SHIFT + F1-F4 |







The characters that you acquire are more than just those you control. They

interact with your character and have their own morals and opinions on things

that occur in the game. Your choices ultimately affect how they respond to you.



Your approval rating fluctuates from -100 to 100. The rating stops at 74

unless you are friendly or have a romance with that companion. You can achieve

the friendly status by doing that character's personal quest.



| Rating | Normal | Rating | Romance |


| 76 to 100 | Friendly | 91 to 100 | Love |

| 26 to 75 | Warm | 71 to 90 | Adore |

| 25 to -25 | Neutral | 51 to 70 | Care |

| -26 to -99 | Hostile | 26 to 50 | Interested |

| -100 | Crisis | 25 to -25 | Neutral |

| | | -26 to -99 | Hostile |

| | | -100 | Crisis |





Characters like to receive gifts and it's a great way to increase approval

rating with them. When you give them a gift the item disappears and approval

rating is awarded.

- Base approval bonus: +5

- If character likes the gift: +5

- For every prior gift: -1

- Character has negative approval rating: 1/2 value of bonus

- Minimum approval bonus: +1

- Maximum approval bonus: +10



Characters will gain inspiration through your leadership and approval rating.

There are four levels of plot abilities; minor, moderate, major, and massive.

Each upgrades the bonus the character receives to an attribute.


ALISTAIR [03.01.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: Templar

Unlock: N/A

Alistair is one of the first characters that you will get in your group. He

makes for a great tank and starts out with some points in the Weapon and Shield

category to reinforce that. He is sensitive but also humorous and loves to joke




Raise your approval to friendly and talk with Alistair about his background as

a Templar and his family. Compliment him and make a few moves on him to win him

over. He will need to be at the level of adore or higher to get him into your

tent. If you are in a relationship with him you can take him to the Pearl in

Denerim and have a three-some with Isabela. Female characters only.



If you choose to save Loghain at the Landsmeet then Alistair will leave in




Talk to Alistair at camp and he will talk about going to Denerim soon. Probe

him on who he wants to see to find out that he has a sister that lives there.

Tell him you'll help to gain the quest [ALISTAIR'S FAMILY]. Head to Denerim and

with Alistair in your party and go to Goldanna's House next to Wade's Emporium.

Regardless of what you say she will resent him and the quest is complete. He

will talk to you outside afterwards, you can either calm him down or choose the

option "Everyone is out for themselves. You should learn that." to harden him.



- Alistair may teach the Templar specialization if he warms up to you

- You can harden him by choosing the option, "Everyone is out for themselves.

You should learn that." during his personal quest.

- Poisoning Andraste's Ashes during the Urn of Sacred Ashes will result in a

large approval decrease.

- He is the illegitimate son of King Maric. Romancing him as a human could lead

to you being queen.



Alistair's Mother's Amulet and Duncan's Shield will each start a conversation

with Alistair. Duncan's Shield becomes an equipable item after you give it to

him. You can't acquire the shield until after the Landsmeet.



| Gift | Location |


| Alistair's Mother's Amulet | Castle Redcliffe; Main Floor |


| Black Runestone | Aeducan Thaig |


| Duncan's Shield | Denerim; Market Warehouse |


| Onyx Demon Statuette | East Brecilian Forest |


| Small Carved Statuette | Lothering |


| Stone Dragon Statuette | Castle Redcliffe; Upper Floor |


| Stone Warrior Statuette | Haven |


| White Runestone | Circle Tower; Third Floor |




DOG [03.02.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: None

Unlock: Complete the Human Noble sidequest or Mabari Hound sidequest in Ostagar

Dog is usually rather good at the beginning of the game. His Overwhelm talent

is great for controlling a dangerous enemy. Dog can also fetch random items in

each area. Eventually Dog will get replaced but until then he is helpful.



- Dog gets a health boost if you have him clean up your gore.

- Brings you random items if you ask him.



Dog always has max approval rating so you can give the gifts to the other

members for a slight approval increase.



| Gift | Location |


| Beef Bone | Ostagar / Circle Tower |


| Lamb Bone | Castle Redcliffe; Main Floor |


| Large Bone | Haven; Village Store |


| Ox Bone | West Brecilian Forest |


| Veal Bone | Denerim Alienage; Apartments |




LELIANA [03.03.00]


Class: Rogue

Specialization: Bard

Unlock: Stop the ruckus in Dane's Refuge in Lothering and she will join.

Leliana is a lay sister of the Chantry. She has apparently spent most of her

life as a bard in Orlais, a minstrel assassin, and a spy employed by the nobles

of Val Royeaux. She makes a great melee rogue with Dual Weapon talents but can

also shell out some damage as an archer.



Leliana is a little difficult to start a relationship with. As a male talk

to her about her time in the cloister in camp and choose the following dialogue


- "I'd like to talk."

- "What was someone like you doing in Lothering?"

- "You know, a beautiful charming woman like yourself."

- "Those initiates can't have been more lovely than you."

- Romance initiated

With an approval rating over 50 as a female character talk to her in camp and

she will say (only once), "I... have I ever told you I really like the way you

wear your hair?" Respond with the following dialogue options:

- "My hair? Thank-you."

- "Dear Maker!"

- "Well we are friends aren't we?"

- "And do you enjoy the company of other women?"

- "I think I might giggle and maybe look coy?"

- Romance initiated

Finish her personal quest with Marjolaine and talk to Leliana. She'll say, "I

know that look -- you have something on your mind don't you?" Respond with the

following dialogue options:

- "We need to talk."

- "Are you feeling better?"

- "Er, I think I see what you mean."

- "She was special to you wasn't she?"

- "I'm sorry it ended to badly."

- "Everyone changes unfortunately."

- "I can only hope to one day be as special as she was to you."

- Romance initiated

To get invited into her tent she must be in love with you, that means an

approval rating of 100. Talk to her in camp and continue being nice to her and

she will invite you in for a one-time event.



If you choose to desecrate the ashes during the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest she

will turn against you unless you pass an extremely hard Intimidation check.



When she is "Warm" to you speak to her at camp and ask her why someone like

she would be in Lothering's Chantry. She will talk about being a bard in Orlais

and end the conversation there. Get her approval rating over 25 and talk to her

in camp again. Talk to her about the minstrels being spies and then leave camp.

Return to camp and Leliana will immediately approach you. She will admit to

lying earlier. Your next random encounter should be with some assassins, do

what you will with the survivor after he gives up the information. You will

acquire the quest [LELIANA'S PAST] after she speaks with you.

Head to Denerim and enter the Assassin's Contact for Leliana located just

south of the entrance. Kill the Guards then enter the next room and speak with

Marjolaine. You'll eventually have to kill her, loot her and check the [CHEST]

in the side room for some runes and [MARJOLAINE'S RECURVE], one of the best

bows in the game.



- Leliana may teach the Bard specialization if she warms up to you

- She is religious and usually takes the morally correct path



Andraste's Grace and the Nug will start personal dialogue with her. You can't

get the Nug until Leliana mentions that she finds "those little bunny pigs

adorable." Talk to the Idle Dwarf in Orzammar's Dust Town to get one.



| Gift | Location |


| Andraste's Grace | Redcliffe Village; Alienage |

| | West Brecilian Forest |


| Blue Satin Shoes | Old Tegrin (Random Encounter) |


| Bronze Symbol of Andraste | Lothering Chantry |


| Chantry Amulet | Circle Tower; Second Floor |


| Etched Silver Symbol | Ortan Thaig |


| Golden Symbol of Andraste | Orzammar; Legnar's Store |


| Nug | Orzammar; Dust Town |


| Silver Sword of Mercy | Old Tegrin (Random Encounter) |


| Steel Symbol of Andraste | Denerim; Genitivi's Home |




LOGHAIN MAC TIR [03.04.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: Champion

Unlock: Spare his life at the Landsmeet

Loghain will most likely function as a tank since Alistair will leave. He

doesn't talk very much but putting him in your party in terms of combat isn't a

bad idea at all, he is a war hero after all.



- Loghain may teach the Champion specialization if he warms up to you.

- Keeping him alive opens up a lot of endings with Anora.



In short, Loghain likes maps because he is an analytical soldier.



| Gift | Location |


| Ancient Map of the Imperium| Denerim; Wonders of Thedas |


| Botanist's Map of Thedas | Castle Redcliffe |


| Current Map of Ferelden | Denerim Alienage; Alarith's |


| Map of the Anderfels | Denerim; Gorim |


| Map of Occupied Ferelden | Redcliffe Castle |




MORRIGAN [03.05.00]


Class: Mage

Specialization: Shapeshifting

Unlock: After Ostagar Morrigan automatically joins

Morrigan is very cynical but also a very powerful mage. She starts with spells

in the Entropy school and it's probably a good idea to work her down that school

for a few of the stronger spells. She typically is unhappy with helping others

unless it benefits the group making it easy to lose approval rating with her.



Morrigan must be at least friendly in order to start a relationship. Talk to

her in camp and she'll say (only once), "Tis a curious thing. I do not know how

to describe it." Respond with the following dialogue options:

- "What? Is something wrong?"

- "Why would I do that?"

- "Because I need you here."

- "I was hoping to be more than friends"

- Romance initiated

Another option to start the romance involves getting the Black Grimoire and

giving it to her. Speak with her at camp and she will say, "I have a thought."

Respond with the following dialogue options:

- "Oh? What's on your mind?"

- "And? What's in it for me?"

- "My tent does get rather cold..."

- Romance initiated

- This one can also lead to her asking you if you need a reward, you can

pass a persuasion check to have her give you a kiss thus starting the romance.

Finally, after killing Flemeth and giving Morrigan Flemeth's Grimoire a

conversation will start. Respond as follows:

- "Flemeth is dead, you are free."

- "Yes, but I intend to keep it for myself."

- "What? That's it? Just a thank you?"

- "What was that last bit again?"

To get her into your tent you have be between 50 and 89 approval rating, she

will not sleep with you if she is in love. Male characters only.



Morrigan does not have a crisis situation though dropping her approval low

enough will result in her leaving.



Morrigan's personal quest involves obtaining the Black Grimoire from the

Circle Tower. Give it to her to start the quest [FLEMETH'S GRIMOIRE]. See

section [05.16.20] for more information on the quest.



- Morrigan may teach the Shapeshifting specialization with high enough approval

- She is a loner and sits by herself at camp

- Her dialogue is often humorous

- She plays an important role at the beginning and ending of the game



The Black Grimoire and Flemeth's Grimoire will start a conversation upon

giving them to Morrigan. She is into jewelry and things that give her a good




| Gift | Location |


| Black Grimoire | Circle Tower |


| Flemeth's Grimoire | Flemeth's Hut |


| Gold Amulet | Orzammar; Garin |


| Golden Demon Pendant | Urn of Sacred Ashes room |


| Golden Mirror | Orzammar; Garin |


| Golden Rope Necklace | Lothering; Dane's Refuge |


| Locket | Haven; Store |


| Silver Brooch | Dalish Camp; Varathorn |


| Silver Chain | Circle Tower; Second Floor |


| Silver Medallion | Elven Ruins; Upper Level |


| Tribal Necklace | Tower of Ishal; Top Floor |




OGHREN [03.06.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: Berserker

Unlock: Entrance to the Deep Roads. He joins to find Branka.

Oghren is part of the Warrior Caste in Orzammar. As a dwarf, Oghren loves to

fight Darkspawn. He is typically drunk and is searching for his lost wife, the

Paragon Branka. The Two-Handed Weapon school is his specialty and he starts with

a hefty amount of points in it.



If you drop Oghren's approval rating to where he wants to leave you are given

the choices of convincing him to stay or engage him in combat. He will stop the

fight before you kill him and you may choose to finish him off, let him go, or

threaten him back in to the group. This scenario can only happen twice.



Speak with him after doing [PARAGON OF HER KIND] at camp and he will mention

a girl named Felsi. Probe him about this girl to gain the quest [OGHREN'S OLD

FLAME]. Go to the Spoiled Princess at the Lake Calenhad Docks and speak with

Felsi. If you go without Oghren you can gain some insight on the situation

between them. Take Oghren with you and enter the Spoiled Princess. You can

either help him out by making choices that would aid the relationship or you

can make choices that make Oghren seem silly and a drunkard.



- Oghren will teach the Berserker specialization if he warms up to you.

- He is typically humorous to bring around and he is often loquacious.

- If you are a female character you can strike some humorous conversation with

him by flirting.



Oghren is a dwarf and an alcoholic. Feed him the strongest of drinks to gain

some approval.



| Gift | Location |


| Alley King's Flagon | Orzammar; Legnar's Store |


| Chasind Sack Mead | Ruined Temple |


| Garblog's Backcountry | Random chance that Dog will |

| Reserve | fetch this item |


| Golden Scythe 4-90 Black | Lothering |


| Legacy White Shear | Lower Elven Ruins |


| Sun Blonde Vint-1 | Circle Tower; Third Floor |




SHALE [03.07.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: Shale

Unlock: Complete the Village of Honnleath DLC and activate Shale

Shale is one of the few remaining golems and was found in the Deep Roads,

reactivated, and taken to Honnleath. Shale can function as a tank or a damage

dealer depending on which talents and crystals you give Shale. If you match up

Shale's crystals so the colors are the same Shale will gain a bonus.



Shale will leave the party if you side with Branka at the of Paragon of Her

Kind. If Shale is in your party at the time you choose Branka you will have to

fight the golem. If Shale is not in the party then Shale will confront you back

at camp where you have to convince the golem to stay.



See section [06.02.03] for details on Shale's personal quest.



- Shale is only attainable via DLC

- Shale is often witty in conversation

- Shale only has 2 equipment slots. One for offense, one for defense



Shale loves Remarkable Gems. Give the golem a reason to smile by giving it

something to marvel at.



| Gift | Location |


| Remarkable Amethyst | Orzammar; Alimar's Emporium |


| Remarkable Diamond | Orzammar; Garin's Gem Store |


| Remarkable Emerald | Orzammar; Figor's Store |


| Remarkable Garnet | Denerim; Wonders of Thedas |


| Remarkable Greenstone | Village of Honnleath |


| Remarkable Malachite | Circle Tower |


| Remarkable Ruby | Denerim Alienage; Alarith |


| Remarkable Sapphire | Orzammar; Legnar's Store |


| Remarkable Topaz | Frostback Mountains; Faryn |




STEN [03.08.00]


Class: Warrior

Specialization: N/A

Unlock: Release Sten from his cage in Lothering before it's invaded

Sten is a Qunari soldier sent to investigate the Blight. Unfortunately, his

group was ambushed and when he was awoke he panicked and killed the farmers that

had saved him. He waited for the other farmers and surrendered after realizing

what he had done and was caged in Lothering. Sten makes a great Two-Handed

Warrior in combat.



Sten will leave the party during the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest if you take

him along and mouth off to him about the Archdemon. You'll have to fight him

for control of the party and winning the bout causes him to leave.



Speak with him at camp and ask about his past. Eventually he will speak of

his sword, work your way into telling him you will find it for him to obtain

the quest [THE SWORD OF THE BERESAAD]. Head to Lake Calenhad Docks and speak

to the Scavenger at the entrance. He eventually tells you that Faryn was here

and the place he is checking out has already been picked clean for items. With

Sten in your party head to the Frostback Mountains and speak with Faryn. He

will quickly admit selling the sword to Dwyn in Redcliffe.

Head to Redcliffe with Sten in your party and talk to Dwyn, the dwarf at the

back of the village. Ask for the key and he gives it to you, then open the

[CHEST] and loot [STEN'S SWORD]. Gift it to Sten to end the quest and increase

his approval, you also receive [ASALA] which is Sten's two-handed sword.



- Sten has a no-nonsense attitude and is only satisfied with killing Darkspawn

- Sten will die if you fail to free him from his cage before Lothering is

ultimately overrun.



Sten likes paintings, and thought it might seem awkward, it's an extension of

Qunari discipline.



| Gift | Location |


| Painting of a Rebel Queen | Old Tegrin; Random Encounter |


| Portrait of a Goosegirl | Frostback Mountains; Faryn |


| Silver Framed Still-Life | Castle Redcliffe |


| Sten's Sword | Redcliffe Village; Dwyn's Home |


| Totem | Caridin's Cross |


| Water-stained Portrait | Circle Tower; Second Floor |




WYNNE [03.09.00]


Class: Mage

Specialization: Spirit Healer

Unlock: Side with the mages and complete the Broken Circle quest

Wynne volunteers to go to Ostagar and is one of the few survivors. She seems

to always choose the morally correct path and offers a lot of incite. Wynne is

hands down a healer and starts with many points in the Creation school.



Wynne will turn on you if destroy the ashes during the Urn of Sacred Ashes

quest, if she isn't in the party then she will call you out in camp and leave.

If you decide to kill all the mages in the tower Wynne will attack you. Becoming

a Blood Mage also causes Wynne to fight you.



Speak with her at camp at any time and she will talk about how she needs some

rest. Leave and enter camp later, ask her if she is feeling alright today. The

next random encounter should be against a Darkspawn Leader. Upon winning the

battle and heading out, Wynne will collapse and says she will explain things at

camp. When you enter camp she will immediately confront you about the problem.

This will trigger another random encounter where everyone gets badly injured.

Wynne will use Vessel of the Spirit to heal everyone.

Defeat the Hurlock Omega and the other Darkspawn. Speak with Wynne at camp

once more, this time asking about the Circle. She should mention something of

an Aneirin, her apprentice. This will get you the quest [WYNNE'S REGRET], so

head to the Brecilian Forest with Wynne in your party. You will find Aneirin

in the East Brecilian Forest just north of the Mad Hermit Clearing. After some

dialogue you will gain [ANEIRIN'S TOKEN], an amulet that increases Wynne's

Vessel of the Spirit ability, and the quest will end.



- Wynne gains a special ability through her personal quest

- She always makes the admirable choice, so being evil and keeping her on your

good side won't happen too often



Wynne enjoys reading, she is a scholar after all. All-in-all, Wynne just loves

collecting books, scrolls, and things relative to history.



| Gift | Location |


| Discovering Dragon's Blood:| |

| Potions, Tinctures, and | Ruined Temple |

| Spicy Sauces | |


| Fancy Scroll | Lower Elven Ruins |


| Tattered Notebook | Random chance Dog will fetch it |


| The Guerrins of Ferelden: A| Castle Redcliffe |

| Genealogical History | |


| The Rose of Orlais | Circle Tower; Second Floor |


| The Search for the True | Orzammar; Shaperate |

| Prophet | |




ZEVRAN [03.10.00]


Class: Rogue

Specialization: Assassin

Unlock: Spare his life during the random encounter when he ambushes you

Zevran is an Antivan Crow, a hired assassin. Luckily, he sides with the person

that will contribute most to his lifestyle and that would be you since you can

spare his life. He is most effective as a melee rogue with Dual Wielding.



Zevran is bisexual and will hit on you regardless of gender. When it comes

down to it you can just flirt with him to start romance basically as soon as you

want. Throw in some sexual innuendo and be a little bossy to get in his tent.

The Pearl in Denerim offers you a shot at a three-some with Isabela. You can

even get Leliana to join in if she loves you and is hardened for a four-some.

Unfortunately, Zevran will refuse to sleep with you if he falls in love.



It is possible to kill Zevran before you ever talk to him during your first

encounter. He will leave with poor approval rating but like Oghren can be

convinced to stay in the group, this will only happen twice. With a poor rating

Zevran will leave just before the Landsmeet when he meets his friend Taliesin.



- Zevran will teach the Assassin specialization if he warms up to you

- Zevran tells some incredible stories about his life of assassination

- He is basically one big flirt and is by no means bashful



Antivan Leather Boots and the Dalish Gloves will start a specific conversation

with Zevran, they become equippable after giving them to him.



| Gift | Location |


| Antivan Leather Boots | Haven; Village Store |


| Dalish Gloves | West Brecilian Forest |


| Medium Gold Bar | Arl of Denerim's Estate |


| Medium Silver Bar | Anvil of the Void |


| Small Gold Bar | Circle Tower; Third Floor |


| Small Silver Bar | Haven Chantry |





|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Game Basics++++++++++++++++++++++++[04.00.00]|








When you begin the game you choose which gender, race, and class you choose

to be. This ultimately leads to which Origin you will embark upon. All Origins

lead to the same main story line but alter the way characters interact with you

throughout the game. Your base stats are also determined by the race and class

you select.


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|::.. . /alish Elf





| Dalish Leather Belt | Bereskarn |

| Elven Artifact | Genlock |

| Keeper's Ring | Genlock Emissary |

| Scout's Bow | Giant Spider |

| | Skeleton |

| | Wolf |




| 054 Elgar'nan: God of Vengeance | The Lost Mysteries of the Ancients |

| 056 Fen'Harel: the Dread Wolf | |

| 057 Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla | |

| 058 June: God of the Craft | |

| 093 Aravels | |

| 094 The Dales | |

| 107 The Brecilian Forest | |

| 110 The City Elves | |

| 112 Arlathan: Part One | |

| 113 Arlathan: Part Two | |

| 114 The Dalish Elves | |

| 118 History of Ferelden: Chapter 2 | |

| 158 The Grey Wardens | |

| 169 Duncan | |


Requirement: Elf, Warrior/Rogue

You start off where Tamlen, your friend, has three humans cornered. Ask them

why they were around to find out there are ruins nearby, they should give you

an [ELVEN ARTIFACT]. Follow the path and you acquire the quest [THE LOST

MYSTERIES OF THE ANCIENTS]. Kill the Wolves that attack you then check the Halla

for a codex update. Loot the [CHEST] then continue over to the [TREE STUMP] for

[CODEX 107: THE BRECILIAN FOREST]. Further along the path are two [ELFROOT] and

a pile of [RUBBLE]. Enter the cave and check the [COCOON] in front of you. Pass

through the opening and defeat the Giant Spiders that attack. Check the [CHEST]

and the [PILE OF BONES] then head through the door.

Head north and turn the corner, beware the Giant Spiders and Pressure Plate

trap. Check the [PILE OF BONES] to the north and the [COCOON] near the door,

open the door and watch out for the pressure plate. Another [PILE OF BONES] and

pressure plate near the door, continue through. There is a pressure plate in

front of the eastern door, disarm it for experience and check the [COCOON] in

the corner. If you can unlock the door here go for it, else go back to the north

area and go that way. As you approach the middle Temlen will note the statue,

go through the door in the middle after you kill the Skeletons.

Here you will fight a Bereskarn, kill it and check the [RUBBLE]. Open the

[SARCOPHAGUS] to find a [DALISH LEATHER BELT] then observe the [MIRROR]. You

awake at the camp and speak with the Keeper. Agree to go back and once you

regain control of your character check the [PILE OF SACKS] to your right. Head

south to find a [SMALL SCROLL] on [CODEX 110: THE CITY ELVES] the check the two

[CHESTS] you can open, the [SCROLL] for [CODEX 112: ARLATHAN: PART ONE], and

the [LARGE WOODEN CRATE] for some gear. There is a [BOOK] in the bushes on


Go west and examine the [ELDEST OF THE SUN] for [CODEX 054: ELGAR'NAN: GOD OF


OF THE HALLA] then south to find a [NOTE] near Merrill on [CODEX 093: ARAVELS].

Further west is a [SCROLL] for [CODEX 094: THE DALES] and down the nearby stairs

is a [CHEST]. Keep going north to find a [SMALL WOODEN CRATE] and [DUSTY SCROLL]

on [CODEX 113: ARLATHAN: PART TWO]. Look west to see the [GOD OF THE CRAFT] that

gives [CODEX 058: JUNE: GOD OF THE CRAFT]. Go way north to find [FEN'HAREL] for

[CODEX 056: FEN'HAREL: THE DREAD WOLF] then go south to find a [SACK].

Speak with Fenarel nearby and you can have him join you. Speak with Ilen and

Persuade him to give you a [SCOUT'S BOW]. Check his wares if you want and sell

what you don't need. Head south and talk to Merrill to head back to the clearing

where two Genlock are waiting. Head to the camp above and then defeat the three

Genlock that attack you, continue to the cave. Take the north route defeating

the Darkspawn that attack. Disarm the traps and turn the corner to find an

Emissary. Enter the middle area to find Duncan who will eventually destroy the

mirror. Urge him to let you search the ruins then head to the west and open the

[CHEST]. Go all the way west to find another [CHEST] and a [STRANGE STATUE] that

summons numerous Skeletons.

Leave the cave to return to camp. Talk to Paivel to start the ceremony then

return to Duncan. He offers you a chance to cure yourself by becoming a Grey

Warden. The Keeper will give you the [KEEPER'S RING] and you are given a chance

to say your last goodbyes before leaving with Duncan to Ostagar.


| _ \

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|::.. . /warf Commoner





| Aeducan Mace | Adalbo |

| Cell Key | Beraht |

| Drug | Guard |

| Dwarven Warrior's Belt | Lenka |

| Everd's Armor | Mainar |

| Everd's Axe | Oskias |

| Everd's Boots | Thug |

| Everd's Gloves | |

| Everd's Helm | |

| Everd's Mace | |

| Everd's Shield | |

| Everd's Sword | |

| Fight Schedule | |

| Lyrium Nugget | |

| Proving Pass | |




| 134 The Casteless | Beraht's Favor |

| 135 The Castes | Captured |

| 138 The City of Orzammar | Proving Loyalties |

| 144 The Proving | |

| 145 Dwarven Faith | |

| 158 The Grey Wardens | |

| 160 Darkspawn | |

| 161 The Blights | |

| 169 Duncan | |


Requirement: Dwarf, Warrior/Rogue

After the opening scene with Beraht and Rica turn around and check the [CHEST]

and note you have acquired the quest [BERAHTS'S FAVOR]. Leave the house to speak

with Leske, he gives you the job for the day and joins the party. Head through

town and speak with Goilinar. You can Intimidate for information on Oskias if

you put a point into Coercion. It seems Oskias is at Tapsters, so head to the

Commons. You can snoop around and talk with the various people around but

ultimately you need to enter Tapster's Tavern. Talk to Oskias, you can either

kill him, let him go, or take 1/2 nuggets pending a Persuasion check. The best

bet is to take the two [LYRIUM NUGGETS] and sell them to Olinda.

When you're done head over to Beraht's Shop in the commons. Talking with

Beraht will finish [BERAHT'S FAVOR] and start [PROVING LOYALTIES]. Exit the shop

and head to the Proving which is across the bridge in the commons. Check the

[CARVING] for [CODEX 145: DWARVEN FAITH] and speak with Duncan for a few Codex

updates. Head north to find Everd passed out in his quarters. Decide to wear

his armor and fight for him in the Proving. You have a choice of drugging Mainar

still but you can object if you want.

Put on Everd's gear that you get from his chest then speak with the Proving

Guard. You will have to win three straight bouts to proceed, but after the third

the real Everd steps out and you are arrested. [PROVING LOYALTIES] completes and

when you wake in the chamber and finish speaking with Jarvia you gain the quest

[CAPTURED]. There are numerous ways to get out; find a pick in the rubble near

you and give it to Leske, knock the guard out, pick the lock yourself or fake

being sick.

When you get out grab your belongings and follow the path around to a room

where three Thugs will attack. Check the two [BARRELS] and [CHEST] then head

west defeating the two Thugs that attack. Further west, defeat the Thugs and

check the two [BARRELS] then head north to another room. Defeat the six Thugs

and observe the contents of the four [BARRELS] and one [CRATE]. At the four-way

head south to a [CHEST] then return and go east. Here you will find Beraht

talking trash about your sister, teach him a lesson. He drops the [DWARVEN

WARRIOR'S BELT] which should fit nicely.

If you can, open the south east door and check out the two [CHESTS] inside.

Take the north exit to end up in Beraht's Shop. As you leave you are surrounded

by guards but Duncan intervenes and presents to you an invitation to the Grey

Wardens, an offer you can't refuse. He will give you an [AEDUCAN MACE] and you

are on your way to Ostagar.


| _ |

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|::.. . |ity Elf





| Adaia's Boots | Dog Trainer |

| Borrowed Longsword | Guard |

| Crossbow | Guard Captain |

| Elfroot | Lord Braden |

| Gold Ring | Lord Jonaley |

| Heirloom Necklace | Mabari |

| Noble Clothing | Off-Duty Guard |

| Wedding Clothes | Vaughan |

| Wedding Ring | |




| 066 The Chant of Light: The Blight | A Day for Celebration |

| 067 The Commandments of the Maker | |

| 110 The City Elves | |

| 111 Alienage Culture | |

| 114 The Dalish Elves | |

| 117 History of Ferelden: Chapter 1 | |

| 118 History of Ferelden: Chapter 2 | |

| 119 Culture of Ferelden | |

| 157 Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People| |

| 158 The Grey Wardens | |

| 160 Darkspawn | |

| 169 Duncan | |

| 186 Valendrian | |


Requirement: Elf, Warrior/Rogue

After finding out today is your big day you obtain the quest [A DAY FOR

CELEBRATION]. Open your [FOOTLOCKER] and grab the contents, then speak with

Cyrion. He gives you [ADAIA'S BOOTS] and sends you off to find Soris, your long

time friend. Head over and speak to Nessa's Father, he will refuse your help

but Nessa will ask for some charity. 10 Silver is enough to really help her out,

so speak with Dilwyn and accept their offer of 15 Silver! Give Nessa what you

want to update the quest.


then enter Alarith's Store. Check the [BOOKS] nearby for [CODEX 119: CULTURE OF

FERELDEN]., you can speak to Alarith but he tells you to go get married. Outside

in the back is an [ELFROOT], head north to find Soris. Talk with him then head

back south to find Vaughan being a trouble maker. Shianni knocks him and then a

man named Duncan enters the scene. Head over and talk to him to get the scoop.

When Valendrian tells you so, head over to the platform.




Vaughan will interrupt and take the women including you if you are female.

Talk with Shianni and men enter, slaying the woman that resists. Fortunately,

Soris enters and gives you a [BORROWED LONGSWORD] and [CROSSBOW], kill the

Guards and leave the room. Go to the second paragraph in the Male Characters

section and continue from there.




Male characters will speak with Valendrian and Duncan who agree to go after

the women. Duncan will lend you a [BORROWED LONGSWORD] and [CROSSBOW]. Soris

joins the party, so head north and enter the estate. Kill the Guard and then go

east to run into two Mabari. Continue south killing more Mabari then loot the

single [DEATHROOT]. Turn the corner and enter the Palace.

Loot the [BARREL] and kill the Guard. Check the [LIQUOR CABINET] in the next

room and go south to find a [PILE OF SACKS] and a [STORAGE CABINET]. The cook

threatens you but a friend knocks him out, continue north. Kill the Off-Duty

Guards and enter the room at the top right. Loot the [WINE RACK] and [BARREL]

then head west killing another Guard. The room to the left has an [ARMOR STAND],

and two [WEAPONS RACKS], loot them and go north. Defeat the Guard Captain and

loot him for the [FENCER'S CINCH]. Check the [CABINET] and keep going north.

The first room on the left has [BOOKS] on [CODEX 117: HISTORY OF FERELDEN:

CHAPTER 1] and an [IRON FOOTLOCKER]. The right door has some enemies and a

[WOODEN CRATE], second on the left has more Off-duty Guards and a [FOOTLOCKER],

same thing on the right side. Go through the door at the end and continue down

the hall. The south room has an [ORNATE CHEST] if you can unlock the door. It

contains an [HEIRLOOM NECKLACE], go east and loot the three [JARS] and the

[ARMOIRE] in the corner.

East again and you will find a Bodyguard. Kill him and check the northern room


The room on the right has a [WOODEN CRATE] and the northern one a [VASE]. Open

the final door to find Vaughan. If you take his offer up you won't get the money

until much later in the game, if you do kill him Shianni will be grateful and

Soris will get the rest of the women. Check the [ARMOR STAND] then pick Shianni

up and head back to the Alienage. Duncan will invoke the Grey Warden's Right of

Conscription and save you from being thrown in jail, thus taking you to Ostagar.

___ ___

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|::.|:. |agi

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.04.00]--+




| Apprentice's Amulet | Demon |

| Blackened Heartwood Staff | Giant Spider |

| Buckle of the Winds | Poisonous Spider |

| Charm of Still Waters | Robed Sentinel |

| Ephemeralist's Belt | Sentinel |

| Fade Striders | Sentinel Guardian |

| Iced Band | Sloth Demon |

| Laboratory Storage Key | Spirit of Valor |

| Mage Robes | Spirit Wolf |

| Magic Staff | Wisp Wraith |

| Ring of Study | |

| Rod of Fire | |

| Rod of Fire Request Form | |

| Shimmering Orb of Light | |

| Signed Rod of Fire Request Form | |

| Spirit Charm | |

| Valor's Staff | |




| 062 Andraste: Bride of the Maker | A Mage of the Circle |

| 063 The Rite of Annulment | Bound in Blood and Magic |

| 065 The Black City | Infested Storerooms |

| 066 The Chant of Light: The Blight | The Harrowing |

| 068 The Maker | |

| 073 The Founding of the Chantry | |

| 074 The Fraternity of Enchanters | |

| 075 Hierarchy of the Circle | |

| 076 History of the Circle | |

| 077 The Fade | |

| 078 The Harrowing | |

| 079 Lyrium | |

| 080 Maleficarum | |

| 081 Mana and the Use of Magic | |

| 083 The Cardinal Rules of Magic | |

| 084 Blood Magic: The Forbidden School| |

| 085 The Four Schools of Magic: | |

| Creation | |

| 086 The Four Schools of Magic: | |

| Entropy | |

| 087 The Four Schools of Magic: Primal| |

| 088 The Four Schools of Magic: Spirit| |

| 089 Beyond the Veil: Spirits and | |

| Demons | |

| 090 The Tranquil | |

| 154 The Tevinter Imperium | |

| 158 The Grey Wardens | |

| 169 Duncan | |

| 174 Knight-Commander Greagoir | |

| 177 First Enchanter Irving | |


Requirement: Human/Elf, Mage

After the intro and some discussion you are thrust into the Fade to perform

the Harrowing. You gain the quest [THE HARROWING]; check the [VASE OF HEALING]


BEYOND THE VEIL: SPIRITS AND DEMONS]. Head to the south to encounter a Wisp

Wraith that should easily fall. Follow the path and take out mores Wisp Wraiths

until you run into Mouse. He will follow you so turn the corner and go west



Approach the Spirit of Valor to the south. Ask him about his weapons and then

accept his challenge to a duel to obtain the [VALOR'S STAFF]. Go west and kill

the Spirit Wolves that attack you, continue to the Sloth. Ask him for help and

he will agree to teach Mouse to turn into his form under one condition, you

correctly answer three riddles.

Riddle 1: I have seas with no water, coasts with no sand, towns without people,

mountains without land. What am I?

Answer: A map?

Riddle 2: I'm rarely touched, but often held. If you have wit, you'll use me

well. What am I?

Answer: My tongue?

Riddle 3: Often will I spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an

entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?

Answer: A dream?

If you answer a question incorrectly then you must beat the Sloth in which

case he teaches Mouse anyways. Go back east and kill the Spirit Wolves, continue

till you reach the fiery area where the [LYRIUM VEIN] is. The Demon will spawn,

approach it and have a small chit chat before fighting it. Wisp Wraiths are

summoned so take them out first and let Mouse pick up the Demon. Use the Lyrium

Vein when you need to replenish your mana and be sure to use the Shimmering Orb

of Lights that you have to stay alive. Mouse turns out to be the real Demon, a

scene occurs and you wake up in your bed.

Jowan approaches you and tells you that First Enchanter Irving would like to

see you. You gain the quest [A MAGE OF THE CIRCLE]; check the [VANITY] and the

[CHEST] in the room. Leave the room and go left through the metal door to a

[VASE]. Head back east and enter the room next to yours to find a [CHEST] and

a [VANITY] then head to the next area. Check the [CABINET] and continue around

the circle to the [SHELVES]. In the next room check the second row of shelves

for a [BOOK] on [CODEX 077: THE FADE]. Make your way to the center area to find

another [BOOK] this time on [CODEX 081: MANA AND THE USE OF MAGIC], now proceed

to the second floor.

Take the south east exit into the library. Check the seven [BOOKCASES] for



next room over has an [ARMOIRE] and the one after that has an [ARMOIRE] and a

[CHEST]. Head to the next room to find an [ARMOIRE], [SHELVES], and a [BOOK] on

[CODEX 083: THE CARDINAL RULES OF MAGIC]. Continue to the Mage Laboratory and


Go to the Chapel, which is the next room over, to find a [BOOK] on [CODEX 063:



MAKER] then check the two [BOOKCASES] for [CODEX 066: THE CHANT OF LIGHT: THE

BLIGHT] and [CODEX 068: THE MAKER]. Make your way to Irving's Study and speak

with him and Duncan. Afterwards you receive [MAGE ROBES], a [RING OF STUDY], and

a [MAGIC STAFF]. Check the [PILE OF BOOKS] in the back for [CODEX 084: BLOOD


Escort Duncan to his quarters and then speak with Jowan. Agree to help them

out and obtain the quest [BOUND IN BLOOD AND MAGIC]. Speak with Owain and you

will update the quest and receive the [ROD OF FIRE REQUEST FORM]. You can talk

with Irving and tell him of Jowan's plans but he tells you to carry them out so

they may be caught red-handed. Irving can also sign the form you have if you

would like.

Head over to the Mage Laboratory and speak with Senior Enchanter Leorah. Tell

her you will help to get the quest [INFESTED STOREROOMS]. Enter the Storage Room

and open the [WOODEN CRATE] and [CHEST]. Head down to the fork and turn left,

defeating the Giant Spider that attacks. Make your way south and defeat more

spiders. Check the [WOODEN CRATE] and the [BARREL] then continue west. Loot the

[CHEST] for some [FADE STRIDERS] then check the [COCOON] further west. Another

[COCOON] and [WOODEN CRATE] are at the next intersection. Head north and kill

the final spider then leave the Storage Room. Talk to Leorah and ask her for a

reward, which is either numerous potions or the signing of your form.

Head over to Owain to get the [ROD OF FIRE] then return to Jowan. Tell him you

have the rod then return to the first floor. Make your way around the circle and

into the basement. Go through the first door but be stopped at the second. Take

the option to try the other door which can be unlocked. A Sentinel attacks from

behind, kill him and proceed around the corner to find two more. Open the door

and check the [WOODEN CRATE] then head to the next area to find a [CHEST]. Go

through the door at the end of the hall and fight off more Sentinels. Check the

[CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE] then go through the next door.

Defeat more Sentinels and proceed to the next area to find Deep Stalkers and

a Deep Stalker Leader. Check the [STORAGE CABINET] and head through to the south

room to find a [CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE] to obtain an [APPRENTICE'S AMULET] and

the [EPHEMERALIST'S BELT]. Proceed west down the hall defeating the enemies in

your way. Check the [CHEST] and go through the door. Go down the hall into a

large room. Check the [CHEST] for the [BLACKENED HEARTWOOD STAFF] then observe

the [BOOKCASE]. Talk to the [STATUE] to get [CODEX 154: THE TEVINTER IMPERIUM]

then check the [ARTIFACT] to destroy the wall.

Defeat the Sentinel Guardian and open the [CHEST]. Head up the stairs and

destroy Jowan's Phylactery. Head south through the second door and return to the

first floor. Watch the scene enfold and when Irving asks if you took anything

you can Persuade him that you did not in order to keep the staff. Duncan comes

and you are on your way to being a Grey Warden.

___ ___

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|::.|:. |uman Noble

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.05.00]--+




| Lesser Health Poultice | Giant Rat |

| Small Grease Trap | Howe Archer |

| Family Sword | Howe Knight |

| Shield of Highever | Howe Soldier |

| | Mage |




| 062 Andraste: Bride of the Maker | Father's Task |

| 066 The Chant of Light: The Blight | Howe Treachery |

| 067 The Commandments of the Maker | Mischief in the Larder |

| 068 The Maker | Sweet Iona |

| 117 History of Ferelden: Chapter 1 | The Cousland Treasury |

| 118 History of Ferelden: Chapter 2 | |

| 119 Culture of Ferelden | |

| 120 Dogs in Ferelden | |

| 121 Geography of Ferelden | |

| 123 Politics of Ferelden | |

| 126 Highever | |

| 131 The Noble Families of Ferelden | |

| 160 Darkspawn | |

| 169 Duncan | |

| 176 Arl Rendon Howe | |


Requirement: Human, Warrior/Rogue

After the opening scenes you are given the task of finding Fergus. Your Codex

is updated, you gain [LESSER HEALTH POULTICE] x3, and a new quest [FATHER'S

TASK]. Head through the north door and turn left to meet Ser Gilmore. Agree

to find the Mabari War Hound and allow him to follow you to the kitchen, you

gain a new quest [MISCHIEF IN THE LARDER]. Head north and open the door at left

where the screaming is coming from to meet Nan. Enter the larder to meet your

Mabari, name him and encounter the Giant Rats. Open the [WOODEN CRATE] and the

[SACK] to acquire some new items. Upon leaving you should speak with Nan and

complete the quest.



Head north after helping Nan and unlock the door. Open [SACK] x2 and the [PILE

OF SACKS] for some items. Head south and go left making your way to a room in

the top right corner of the map with a [CHEST]. Follow the hall around to the

south-east corner unlocking the door and a [CHEST] in the corner. Proceed

across the courtyard to another locked door and a [CHEST] in the room. South

of the Main Hall is another locked door with an [ARMOR STAND] and another

locked [CHEST].


Head to the west side towards the Atrium to run into your mother. After some

conversation head to the library and examine the books to obtain [CODEX 117:


FERELDEN: CHAPTER 2]. Speak with Aldous to obtain [CODEX 121: GEOGRAPHY OF


study and read the book to obtain [CODEX 119: CULTURE OF FERELDEN]. Speak with

Iona and tell her you wish to get a little personal in your bedroom. She will

agree and say to meet you there tonight, you obtain the quest [SWEET IONA].

Make your way to the eastern side of the castle into the Chapel. Read the book

on the pedestal for [CODEX 062: ANDRASTE: BRIDE OF THE MAKER]. The book on the

bookshelf is [CODEX 066: THE CHANT OF LIGHT: THE BLIGHT]. Speak with Mother

Mallol and receive her blessings to obtain [CODEX 067: THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE

MAKER] and [CODEX 068: THE MAKER]. Make your way back past your mother to reach

Fergus' room. Rogues can unlock the door on the way there to discover and empty


Head south to find Fergus in his room. After some more conversation your

quest is complete and Father suggests you get some rest. Examine the book on

the bookshelf to obtain [CODEX 123: POLITICS OF FERELDEN] then exit Fergus'

room to progress. You awake in the middle of the night to the castle being

under attack. Open the chest to obtain a [LESSER HEALTH POULTICE] and [SMALL

GREASE TRAP], open your inventory and re-equip all your gear before engaging

the Howe Soldier and Howe Archer. Draw them into your room and take them out,

then make your way out battling two more Howe Soldiers.

Your mother comes out and joins the party, but fears for your father; the

quest [HOWE TREACHERY] is updated. You should have leveled up as well as your

Mabari War Hound, place your points accordingly and loot the fallen enemies.

Proceed south and open the trunk to find a [DAGGER](Iron), [GREATSWORD](Iron),

[LONGBOW](Elm), and [SMALL SHIELD](Elm). Equip Eleanor and enter Fergus' room

to find his family murdered. Open the north door to fight 2 Howe Soldiers and 2

Howe Archers; the side rooms each contain a [CHEST]. Continue north for minor

dialogue then enter the room at left to find a Knight Corpse, looting him yields

a [DAGGER](Iron). Continue east to find a frantic man, you can persuade him to

fight with you as you engage the enemy on both sides. Utilize Eleanor's Pinning

Shot to breeze through the fight.

Continue north and through the door at the left battling your way to a chest.

Head out and continue south looting the rubble for a [LESSER HEALTH POULTICE]

and [ELFROOT]. Enter the western room and loot the Pile of Books for a [BLANK

VELLUM]. The room to the south contains another [CHEST]. Continue fighting your

way through the passage way to find more rubble containing a [LESSER HEALTH

POULTICE] and [ELFROOT]. Attempt to enter the Guard Post and Eleanor gives you

the key and a quest [THE COUSLAND TREASURY]. Unlock the doors with the key and

enter the treasury. The Family Chest contains [FAMILY SWORD] and [SHIELD OF

HIGHEVER], two decent items for this point of the game.

The southern room contains a Knight Corpse that can looted. At the end of the

hall is a room with guardsman fighting off some of Howe's men, aid them if you

like. The Main Hall, north of the one with the Knight Corpse is where Ser

Gilmore and his men are battling. Take out the Mage and Archers first to take

control of the fight.

Exit the northern door and make your way up the hall. Going right only leads

to more senseless fighting, so take the door at the top. Open the [WOODEN CRATE]

for an item. Backtrack towards the middle room this time going west and

encountering your first ranked enemy, a Howe Knight. The northern room has a

[SACK] with an item in it. Open the [BARREL] to find another item. Proceed to

the larder to find your father dying. Duncan intervenes and takes you with him

as your mother decides to stand and fight to the death.


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|::.. . /warf Noble





| Aeducan Shield | Adal Hemli |

| Aeducan Signet Ring | Aller Bemot |

| Dwarven Merchant's Belt | Blight Wolf |

| Proving Helm | Deep Stalker |

| Superior Dwarven Guard Armor | Deep Stalker Leader |

| | Frandlin Ivo |

| | Genlock |

| | Genlock Alpha |

| | Giant Spider |

| | Mandar Dace |

| | Mercenary |

| | Mercenary Captain |

| | Prince Trian Aeducan |

| | Royal Guard |

| | Ser Blackstone |




| 135 The Castes | A Noble Expedition |

| 136 Life in Orzammar | The Nobles' Feast |

| 137 Deep Roads | |

| 138 The City of Orzammar | |

| 141 House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar| |

| 143 Orzammar Politics | |

| 144 The Proving | |

| 145 Dwarven Faith | |

| 160 Darkspawn | |

| 171 King Endrin Aeducan | |

| 175 Lord Pyral Harrowmont | |

| 223 Trian's Journal | |

| 233 A Letter from Rica | |


Requirement: Dwarf, Warrior/Rogue

Speak with Gorim and tell you him you would like to have your shield with you.

You may choose to fight in the Proving and check the merchants out in the

Diamond Quarter but first check the [CHEST], [CRYSTAL] for [CODEX 138: THE CITY

OF ORZAMMAR], and the [VANITY] on the right side of the bed. The [BUST OF KING

ENDRIN] adds [CODEX 171: KING ENDRIN AEDUCAN]. Head out and enter Bhelen's room

to find his mistress and a [LETTER] for [CODEX 232: A LETTER FROM RICA]. The


has common items but the [ARMOIRE] has a [DWARVEN MERCHANT'S BELT].

Head to the main area and exit to the Diamond Quarter. Speak with Scholar

Gertek and help end the quarreling. You can make it so one of them is killed

and ask for a reward. You can also run into your two brothers, further down are

three [BARRELS]. Speak to the Royal Escort to go to the Proving and then talk to

the Proving Master to fight. Win four matches in a row to be crowned champion

and receive the [PROVING HELM]. Return to the Royal Palace and enter the Throne


Speak with Lord Dace and either help him or not. Head to the right and read

the [BOOK] for [CODEX 148: ORZAMMAR HISTORY: CHAPTER TWO]. The eastern room has

a [BARREL] as does the western one if you can unlock the door. Unlock the door

at the end to find a [VASE] and a [CHEST]. The final room has a [BARREL] in it

pending you can unlock the door. Speak with Duncan for a few codex updates then

talk to Lady Helmi who fills you in about Lord Dace's plan. You can speak to him

again and call him out then stop him from leaving saying he insulted the house.

This leads to an Honor Proving where you must fight Dace's son.

You can also speak to your father and then choose whichever you want when Dace

asks you about the surfacers. You will find Trian in his room if you were in the

Proving, if not he will be at the Proving. In Trian's room is a [CHEST] and his

journal for [CODEX 223: TRIAN'S JOURNAL]. Speak with Trian and when he leaves

Bhelen will warn you of his plot to assassinate you! This will bring you to a

scene where you enter the Deep Roads. You will gain the quest [A NOBLE

EXPEDITION] and be on your way.

Start off by heading west, kill the spider and disarm the traps near the

intersection. Defeat the Darkspawn and check the [DWARF CORPSE] then continue

west. You should run into Frandlin who will join the party. Take the southern

path until you are ambushed by a pack of Deep Stalkers and it's Leader. Check

the [DWARF CORPSE] and turn around then take the south east path at the cross

roads. Beware the traps as you come upon the Darkspawn; check the [WOODEN CRATE]

and [CHEST]. Head south to meet the Scout who joins your party and warns of the

Darkspawn ahead.

Defeat the Darkspawn led by the Genlock Alpha and disarm the traps. Check the

[CHEST] then enter the Thaig. Cross the bridge to find a band of mercenaries

waiting for you. Kill them and loot the [AEDUCAN SIGNET RING] from the Captain.

Check the [CHEST] and [BARREL] to the left, ahead check the [DWARF CORPSE] and


CORPSE], then fire the Ballista to knock the wall down. Enter the Thaig Chamber

when you are ready.

Allow your party to move freely and position them on the three tiles near

the [SARCOPHAGUS]. Approach the [SARCOPHAGUS] and press the signet on it now to

find the [AEDUCAN SHIELD]. Leave the chamber and defeat the Darkspawn that are

waiting for you. Head back to the crossroads where Trian will be waiting for you

if you ordered him killed. If not the King will be there and Trian will already

be dead. You are forced to fight Trian if he is still alive. Regardless of the

outcome, Bhelen betrays you and the Scout and Frandlin lie about what happened.

You are hereby exiled, Gorim comes to tell you the sentence. Head down the

path on the Deep Roads and fight the Giant Spider. Loot the [CORPSE] and be sure

to equip whatever you find. Disarm the traps and kill the Darkspawn, loot the

[DEAD DWARF] and loop around to find a [WOODEN CRATE] and a [CHEST]. Head south

and go west at the crossing, kill the Deep Stalkers and loot the [SKELETON]. Go

to the east side and defeat the Giant Spider then loot the [DARKSPAWN CORPSE].

Continue south defeating more Darkspawn and dodging more traps, loot the [DEAD

DWARF] for [SUPERIOR DWARVEN GUARD ARMOR] then go east. Defeat the Deep Stalkers

and their Leader. Check the [DWARF CORPSE] and [DEAD DWARF] then head back west

to find Duncan and be on your way to Ostagar.


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|::.. . |stagar





| Beef Bone | |

| Ser Garlen's Sword | |

| Key to the Mages' Chest | |




| 061 The Aeonar | Joining the Grey Wardens |

| 066 The Chant of Light: The Blight | Tainted Blood |

| 077 The Fade | The Grey Wardens' Cache |

| 090 The Tranquil | The Hungry Deserter |

| 129 King Maric Theirin | The Mabari Hound |

| 158 The Grey Wardens | |

| 159 The Korcari Wilds | |

| 162 Alistair | |

| 165 King Cailan Theirin | |

| 180 Loghain Mac Tir | |

| 187 Wynne | |

| 218 Legend of Luthias Dwarfson | |


After entering Ostagar you receive the quest [JOINING THE GREY WARDENS] and

are free to explore camp. Do so by turning around and heading into the woods to

find [ELFROOT] x3, 2 [SACKS] containing [DEEP MUSHROOM], [BEEF BONE], and [20C].

A chest on the far side contains.

Cross the bridge into the main camp. Speak with Wynne to learn about the

darkspawn and then turn the corner and speak with the Tranquil to learn about

enchantments. Across the way is Daveth, speak with him if you like then talk

with the Quartermaster to browse his wares. The chest to the left of him

contains [LONGSWORD](Grey Iron). Head up the ramp and open the scroll to obtain

[CODEX 066: THE CHANT OF LIGHT: THE BLIGHT]. Speak with Ser Jory if you wish

then speak with the prisoner in the cage. Work your way into helping him out

to obtain the quest [THE HUNGRY DESERTER].



| Ostagar Quartermaster (Before the Joining) |


| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 10s 50c |

| Acid Flask Recipe............................................... 1g 06s 95c |

| Concentrated Venom Recipe.......................................... 79s 34c |

| Lesser Injury Kit Recipe........................................... 75s 89c |

| Health Poultice Recipe............................................. 75s 89c |

| Large Claw Trap Plans.............................................. 13s 80c |

| Backpack........................................................... 57s 50c |



| Ostagar Quartermaster - "Other" Goods |


| Fire Bomb Recipe................................................ 1g 86c 00c |

| Concentrated Deathroot Extract Recipe........................... 1g 38s 00c |

| Mild Sleeping Gas Trap Plans.................................... 1g 38s 00c |

| Rock Salve Recipe............................................... 1g 32s 00c |

| Mild Lure Plans................................................. 1g 20s 00c |

| Double-Baked Mabari Crunch Recipe.................................. 12s 00c |


| Note: If you buy anything make sure it is the Backpack. Another one will be |

| available after the Joining and they are the cheapest ones you will |

| find. |


Speak to the guard near the cage and tell him you spoke with the prisoner.

You can either pay him 10 silver or persuade him to give you the food and water

for the prisoner. Give him the food and water to receive the [KEY TO THE MAGE'S

CHEST] which is accessible at night time when the Tranquil is not around. The

chest near the prisoner contains [SPLINTMAIL BOOTS](Iron). Head down the ramp

and to the western area to find a [ELFROOT]. Head east through the camp to find

an Elven Messenger. Speak with him and lie about needing something, tell him

you are the person he is supposed to give [SER GARLEN'S SWORD](Grey Iron) to.

Speaking with the guards outside of Loghain's and the King's tent gives you the

option to persuade the guards and pick up some information about them.



If you are not a Human Noble speak with the Kennel Master. Offer to help him

to obtain the quest [THE MABARI HOUND]


At the southern end up of camp is a chest containing [SMALL SHIELD](Elm).

Head east to find two Sacks containing [DAGGER](Iron) and [LARGE WOODEN ROUND

SHIELD](Elm). With most of the exploring done, head back towards the

Quartermaster and up the ramp to his right. At the far left is a chest

containing [SMALL SHIELD](Ash) while at the opposite end is Alistair. After

some dialogue Alistair joins the party. At the left is a chest containing


Return to Duncan around the camp fire to complete one quest and begin [TAINTED

BLOOD] and [THE GREY WARDENS' CACHE]. Ser Jory and Daveth join the party so

make sure they are properly equipped then exit at the western side of camp into

the Korcari Wilds.

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|::.| . )orcari Wilds

'--- ---'---------------------------------------------------------[05.08.00]--+




| Barbarian Mace | Alpha Wolf |

| Chasind Crusher | Gazarath |

| Chasind Flatblade | Genlock |

| Chasind Robes | Genlock Archer |

| Mud Idol | Genlock Rogue |

| Pouch of Ashes | Hurlock |

| Rigby's Field Journal | Hurlock Alpha |

| Rigby's Last Will and Testament | Hurlock Emissary |

| Sealed Lockbox | Wolf |

| Thane Helmet | |

| Wilds Bow | |

| Wilds Flower | |

| Vial of Darkspawn Blood | |




| 181 Morrigan | Chasind Trail Signs |

| 312 A Pinch of Ashes | Last Will and Testament |

| 313 Letter to Jogby | The Missionary |

| 314 Farewell Letter to Jogby | |

| 315 Rigby's Last Will and Testament | |

| 316 Signs of the Chasind | |


Head straight into the woods and immediately encounter a pack of wolves. When

you are done disposing of them head over to Missionary Jogby and take his letter

to begin the quest [THE MISSIONARY] and [CODEX 313: LETTER TO JOGBY]. From there

turn left and find the Dying Soldier. Head north-east to an [ELFROOT] then make

your way through the camp to a [WILDS FLOWER]. Daveth will inform you that the

Kennel Master was offering a reward for one of those and you obtain the quest

[THE MABARI HOUND] if you hadn't picked it up already.

Proceed further south and defeat the Darkspawn and move to the west side of

camp to find another [ELFROOT]. Continue west to a camp swarming with Darkspawn

and when you are done dispatching of them loot the chest to acquire [A LETTER]

and [CODEX 316: SIGNS OF THE CHASIND]. Follow the Chasind Trail Signs to find

the treasure described in the letter. Starting with the one north of the camp

on the hill and the one south around the camp. Follow the trail south and defeat

the Darkspawn that attack to find another sign. Loot the [ELFROOT] nearby and

proceed further south to find another Chasind Trail Sign that when touched

spawns 4 Genlock Rogues. Head across the water on the stones to find an Alpha

Wolf and a pack of Wolves guarding a chest. Defeat them and loot the chest to



Proceed north towards a tree bridging two hills and loot the [ELFROOT]. Make

your way around the corner and up the hill, defeating any Darkspawn that dare

challenge you. Head over to where the Darkspawn are fighting off some Wolves to

find Missionary Rigby. Loot him for [CODEX 315: RIGBY'S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT]

which starts a quest [LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT]. There is also a [CHEST] which a

rogue can unlock nearby. Across the way on the hill is a [CHEST] and three

[WOODEN CRATES], on the opposite hill is a [DEATHROOT].

Make your way back to the Chasind Trail Camp and examine the [HIDDEN CACHE]

under the firepit. Choose to take the lockbox to Jetta. Make your way south-east

until only a single path is present. To the east of it is an [ELFROOT] guarded

by a Genlock Rogue. Proceed down the single path south and the game auto-saves

for you. A Hurlock Emissary sits on the bridge, allow the enemy to come to you

and defeat them. Examine the last Chasind Trail Sign to obtain a new quest

[CHASIND TRAIL SIGNS]. across the bridge are several traps, be wary of them as

you defeat the Darkspawn. Loot the [DEAD SOLDIER] for [EXCERPT FROM LOCAL MYTHS


Proceed south to a campfire being wary of the Genlock Rogues that spawn as

you get too close. Loot the [ELFROOT] and the [CHASIND CACHE] which contains

numerous handy weapons and armor and completes the quest [CHASIND TRAIL SIGNS].

Head north over to a [DEATHROOT] and [PILE OF ROCKS], pour some ash on them to

summon Gazarath. Defeat him and loot the [ENCHANTER'S FOOTING] from the [PILE OF

RAGS]. Continue north looting the [ELFROOT] and defeating the attacking

Darkspawn. There is a Hurlock Alpha which will rally the other Darkspawn,

defeating him first should make the battle easier. At the side of the ruins is a

[DEATHROOT] and the [WARDEN'S CACHE] lies in pieces in the ruins. A cutscene and

dialogue ensues that eventually takes you to Morrigan's home in the Wilds.


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|::.. . |stagar Part 2





| Enchanter's Arming Cap | Genlock |

| Warden's Oath | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Alpha |




| | After the Joining |

| | The Tower of Ishal |




| Ostagar Quartermaster (After the Joining) |


| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 10s 40c |

| Acid Flask Recipe............................................... 1g 06s 95c |

| Concentrated Venom Recipe.......................................... 79s 34c |

| Lesser Injury Kit Recipe........................................... 75s 89c |

| Health Poultice Recipe............................................. 75s 89c |

| Large Claw Trap Plans.............................................. 13s 80c |

| Backpack........................................................... 57s 50c |



| Ostagar Quartermaster - "Other" Goods |


| Fire Bomb Recipe................................................ 1g 86c 00c |

| Concentrated Deathroot Extract Recipe........................... 1g 38s 00c |

| Mild Sleeping Gas Trap Plans.................................... 1g 38s 00c |

| Rock Salve Recipe............................................... 1g 32s 00c |

| Mild Lure Plans................................................. 1g 20s 00c |

| Double-Baked Mabari Crunch Recipe.................................. 12s 00c |


| Note: Stop by again to find another Backpack for cheap. |




If you have the Return to Ostagar DLC save the Key you get from [THE HUNGRY

DESERTER], it will be used later to obtain much better loot.


After more dialogue you receive the treaties and Morrigan escorts you back to

camp. Now is the only time for you to turn in several quests, starting with

[THE MABARI HOUND] which you can bargain for a reward of 20 silver. Open the

gate and check the [NOTE] for [CODEX 120: DOGS IN FERELDEN]. The other quest is

[THE HUNGRY DESERTER] where you open the chest near where the Tranquil was

standing during the day time. The chest contains many helpful items for mages.

Return to Duncan around the campfire to complete [THE TAINTED BLOOD] and [THE

GREY WARDENS' CACHE]. A cutscene and dialogue ensues and when you awake you

receive all the gear Daveth and Ser Jory were wearing. You also receive a new

quest [AFTER THE JOINING]. Your Mabari also rejoins your party if you are a

Human Noble.

Move down towards Duncan, Loghain, and the King to initiate a cutscene and

more dialogue. Afterwards you receive a new quest [THE TOWER OF ISHAL]. Make

your way back towards the bridge to start a cutscene. Cross the bridge to find

out that the tower has been taken. Guards will fill out the remainder of your

party. Head up the stairs and take out the Darkspawn. Two [WOODEN CRATES] sit

to the left and against the tower is a [DEATHROOT]. Two more [WOODEN CRATES]

and two [BARRELS] sit on the south-eastern part of the upper layer. Continue

past the camp fires to find more Darkspawn. Up the ramp defeat the Hurlock

Alpha and loot the [DEATHROOT] in the corner. A locked [CHEST] sits to the

right of the ramp before entering the Tower of Ishal.


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|::.|he Tower of Ishal





| Havard's Aegis | Genlock |

| Tribal Necklace | Genlock Alpha |

| Warden Recruit Shield | Genlock Emissary |

| | Hurlock |

| | Ogre |




| 036 Havard's Aegis | A Paragon of Her Kind |

| 166 Ser Cauthrien | Broken Circle |

| 170 Arl Eamon Guerrin | Nature of the Beast |

| 172 Flemeth | The Arl of Redcliffe |

| 201 The History of the Chantry: | |

| Chapter 1 | |


The bottom floor of the Tower of Ishal is very open and filled with traps.

Keep your eye out for the traps as you make your way past the barricades,

killing all Darkspawn in your path. The Genlock emissary in the back can be

annoying so utilize stuns on him. There is a [CHEST] to the right of the exit.

In the next room, regardless of which door you open, you get attacked from both

sides. Work one side at a time to overcome this. In this room are a [CHEST],

[WOODEN CHEST], and two [WOODEN CRATES]. Continue into the next room battling

more Darkspawn as you go. Loot the [CHEST] against the back wall then proceed

to the 2nd floor.

The 2nd floor starts off a circular area with a [CHEST] to the left and a

[WOODEN CRATE] to the right side. Exit the circle and enter the right door;

kill the Darkspawn. There is a [WOODEN CRATE] at the end; open the door. Read

the discarded book to obtain [CODEX 201: THE HISTORY OF THE CHANTRY: CHAPTER 1].

Just a bit further is a locked [CHEST]. Utilize the Ballista to get a jump start

on the enemy. Defeat them and enter the door at the right where two [WOODEN

CRATES] lie. Open the Metal Door and dispose of the Darkspawn; loot the [CHEST]

and [WOODEN CRATE] then proceed to the 3rd floor.

Loot the [PILE OF BONES] and continue forward to find more Darkspawn and a

[WEAPON STAND]. In the next room is another swarm of Darkspawn, but note the

Cage Release which will release the Mabari War Hounds that are caged and fight

on your side. Defeat the Genlock Alpha and loot the [WOODEN CHEST] in the corner

if possible. Open the first door on the left and run into it to avoid fighting

extra enemies. There are two [CRATES] in this room, one in the middle room, and

another two in the third room. Past the metal door lie more Darkspawn but also

a [CHEST] and [WEAPON STAND], when ready proceed to the top floor to encounter

the first boss of the game.



| Ogre |


| Drops: Havard's Aegis (Yew) |


| The tactic here is let your characters beat on the Ogre and whichever one |

| he attacks control and use to kite (run away from) the Ogre. If the Ogre |

| switches targets then simply switch to that character and kite again. If |

| the Ogre gets a hold of a character use Alistair's Shield Bash to force it |

| to let go. |



There are two [BARRELS] in the back, one always contains a gift. Light the

beacon and watch the cutscene. When you awake at Morrigan's home feel free to

ask questions. There are two [CHESTS] that can be opened and once completed

exit the room. Here dialogue with Flemeth ensues and Morrigan eventually joins

the party as you begin your journey to unite the nations against the blight.

You obtain [CODEX 170: Arl Eamon Guerrin], [CODEX 172: FLEMETH], and the four


and [BROKEN CIRCLE]. Exit the area and head for Lothering.


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|::.. . |othering





| Ancient Elven Boots | Bandit |

| Bronze Symbol of Andraste | Bandit Leader |

| Golden Scythe 4:90 Black | Black Bear |

| Knight's Locket | Commander |

| Knight's Note | Genlock |

| Oathkeeper | Genlock Archer |

| Sarha's Keepsake | Giant Spider |

| Small Carved Statuette | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Alpha |

| | Rebel |

| | Soldier |

| | Wolf |




| 049 Thorn of the Dead Gods | A Fallen Templar |

| 070 The Imperial Chantry | A Last Keepsake |

| 091 The Sacred Ashes of Andraste | A Poisonous Proposition |

| 109 The Chasind | Dereliction of Duty |

| 128 Lothering | Lothering and the Imperial Highway |

| 163 Queen Anora | More Than Just Plants |

| 179 Leliana | Scraping the Barrel |

| 184 Sten | The Qunari Prisoner |

| 185 Bann Teagan Guerrin | Traps are a Girl's Best Friend |

| 195 Adventures of the Black Fox | When Bears Attack |

| 211 The First Blight: Chapter 1 | |

| 231 A Note From Ser Henric | |

| 309 Letter from the Blackstone | |

| Irregulars | |

| 310 Blackstone Letter of Conscription| |

| 326 Maleficarum Regrets | |


After a cutscene the group runs into some Bandits. You can persuade them if

you wish and earn yourself 20 silver or take them out. Either way you gain two


you choose to fight them you are left with the choice of letting them go or

slaying them for their crimes. Loot the [DEAD TEMPLAR] to begin a new quest

[A FALLEN TEMPLAR] and obtain [CODEX 231: A NOTE FROM SER HENRIC]. There are two

[CRATES] to be opened on the other side of the wagons. Head down the ramp for

some dialogue and when you regain control of your character head towards the

camp area. Loot the [ELFROOT] and 3 [BROKEN CRATES] in this area full of

refugees. Head north past the Farmer to find another [ELFROOT] then head into

the main part of town. Here you will find a [CRATE], [RUBBLE], a [BARREL],




| Merchant |


| Freeze Bomb Recipe.............................................. 1g 48s 80c |

| Fire Bomb Recipe................................................ 1g 48s 80c |

| Concentrated Venom Recipe....................................... 1g 10s 40c |

| Concentrated Deathroot Extract Recipe........................... 1g 10s 40c |

| Enchanter's Staff............................................... 4g 64s 00c |

| Wine............................................................ 0g 00s 24c |



If you speak with the robbed family and tell them you took care of the Bandits

they leave. The merchant at the wagon is squabbling with a lady over prices. If

you have some points in Coercion you can persuade him to lower prices, otherwise

he leaves the town. Approach the Chanter's Board and accept the quest [BANDITS,

BANDITS, EVERYWHERE]. Head towards the Chantry to find a Doomsayer and a crowd.

Persuade him and the crowd that there is hope and they will go to Denerim. Enter

the Chantry and observe the book on the right side of the hall to obtain [CODEX

211: THE FIRST BLIGHT: CHAPTER 1]. Speak with Ser Bryant and mention the Bandits

that you disposed of to receive a reward. Probe him until you can ask if he can

give any more help in which he gives you the [CHANTRY CABINET KEY]. Speak with

Ser Donall and eventually mention Ser Henric's death. You can ask for a reward

which yields 1 Sovereign.

To the left is a book yielding [CODEX 195: ADVENTURES OF THE BLACK FOX], a

bookshelf, and a [CHEST]. At the other end open the [CABINET] for some [HEALTH

POULTICES] and then enter the smaller room to find another book [CODEX 70: THE

IMPERIAL CHANTRY]. You can speak with the Revered Mother but at current she is

of no use; leave the Chantry. Cross over to the other side of town where 2


FILTH] can be found. Enter Dane's Refuge for a scene where you meet some of

Loghain's men. Defeat them and then either slay them or send them running back

to Loghain with a message. Afterwards Leliana can be added to the party through




| Darlin |


| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 24s 80c |

| Lyrium Potion Recipe............................................ 0g 97s 50c |

| Incense of Awareness Recipe..................................... 0g 91s 65c |

| Lesser Injury Kit Recipe........................................ 0g 85s 80c |

| Mild Lure Plans................................................. 0g 78s 00c |

| Large Shrapnel Trap Plans....................................... 0g 15s 60c |

| Large Claw Trap Plans........................................... 0g 15s 60c |

| Thorn of the Dead Gods.......................................... 2g 41s 80c |

| Sailor's Crossbow............................................... 2g 92s 50c |

| Lightning Rod................................................... 3g 12s 00c |

| Warpaint of the Vanguard........................................ 4g 94s 00c |

| Kaddis of the Courser........................................... 3g 56s 20c |

| Amulet of Accord................................................ 1g 62s 50c |

| Golden Rope Necklace............................................ 0g 14s 30c |

| Ale............................................................. 0g 00s 02c |

| Shiny Gold Ring................................................. 0g 13s 00c |



Speak with Sten who is locked in a cage just outside town. Tell him you are a

Grey Warden and could use his help, asking if the Revered Mother would free him

to acquire the quest [THE QUNARI PRISONER]. Return to the Revered Mother in the

Chantry and have her release Sten in to your custody. Talk to Sten again and he

will join your party if you desire.



As far as acquiring characters and turning in the quests you've already

completed, Lothering is done. Everything else is a side quest and provides

extra. You may skip to the bottom portion of this section if you choose to

continue without doing side quests.


Speak with the Blackstone Liaison to gain access to new quests via the box -

[SCRAPING THE BARREL] and [DERELICTION OF DUTY]. Speak with Darlin to check his

wares and acquire a new quest [A POISONOUS PROPOSITION]. The spare room contains

a [CHEST], [PILE OF SACKS], and a [BARREL] for looting; exit the building. Elder

Miriam has a quest [MORE THAN JUST PLANTS] available pending a character has

some points in Herbalism. Looting the [ELFROOT] and creating 3 [LESSER HEALTH

POULTICES] allows you to complete the quest. Speak with Allison if any of your

characters has a point in Trap-making to acquire the quest [TRAPS ARE A GIRL'S

BEST FRIEND]. Make three Spring Traps to finish the quest.



If you persuaded the Merchant to stay you can steal from him an [IMPERIUM

CROSSBOW](Dragonthorn) - a very good crossbow if you have an Archer with the

equivalent of 30 strength.


Patter Gritch can be found outside the Revered Mother's room, this satisfies

one of three requirements for [SCRAPING THE BARREL] and this is your only chance

to give him the letter. Leave town via the north exit and head west to find an

[ELFROOT] and [CHEST]. The refugees nearby decide to foolishly attack you, so

dispose of them. There is some [RUBBLE] off to the left and further north is a

ramp. Head up the ramp and dispatch of the Hurlock Alpha led Darkspawn. Speak

with the dwarves who, at the moment, choose not to follow you. Loot the Blood

Mage to obtain [CODEX 326: MALEFICARUM REGRETS] and also the [CRATE] nearby.

Head down the ramp and loot the two [ELFROOT] then approach and defeat the

group of bandits in the field. Head south from there to find an [ELFROOT] and

another group of bandits directly east. Head north to find a [LANDMARK TREE] and

a [DEATHROOT], the tree is used for your Mabari to gain a buff. Continue north

to another [ELFROOT] then follow the eastern coast south to a group of spiders.

Go north-west past the Landmark Tree to another [ELFROOT] and the final group of

bandits led by the Bandit Leader; a [CHEST] and a [SACK] lay behind the bandits.

Return to town and turn in your completed quests and use the Chanter's Board

to acquire [WHEN BEARS ATTACK] and [A LAST KEEPSAKE]. Head towards the Landmark

Tree and defeat the attacking Wolves. Loot the nearby Corpse to find the

keepsake for the quest. Head north-east to find the pack of black bears. When

you turn in these quests you will receive a decent main-hand sword called


When you are ready to leave head to the north-west corner outside of town,

where you saved the dwarves from the Darkspawn, to leave.


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| 039 Bard's Dancing Shoes | Enchantment |

| 098 The History of the Drydens | Soldier's Peak |

| 191 Sophia Dryden | |


After waking from the dream and entering dialogue with Alistair you are free

to roam camp. You gain a new quest [ENCHANTMENT] that you can turn in to Sandal,

one of the dwarves you saved earlier. Bodahn has a plethora of things that you

may purchase but at this time you probably don't have the money to afford most

of them. One item you should look for is the Backpack usually found at the

bottom of the item list. Levi Dryden has a quest that you may take apart in if

you have the Warden's Keep DLC called [SOLDIER'S PEAK]. You can speak with any

party members and change their affection based on your choices in dialogue.



| Bodahn's Wares |


| Tome of Physical Technique..................................... 22g 50s 00c |

| Tome of Arcane Technique....................................... 22g 50s 00c |

| The Veshialle................................................. 133g 55s 00c |

| Sylvan's Mercy.................................................. 8g 92s 50c |

| Conspirator's Foil.............................................. 5g 55s 00c |

| Proving Helm.................................................... 1g 95s 00c |

| Spirit Hands.................................................... 2g 85s 00c |

| Angled Strikers................................................. 0g 52s 50c |

| Bard's Dancing Shoes........................................... 10g 35s 00c |

| Imperial Weavers................................................ 1g 95s 00c |

| Silverhammer's Tackmasters...................................... 1g 95s 00c |

| Earthheart's Portable Bulwark................................... 9g 45s 00c |

| Collective Arming Cowl.......................................... 1g 72s 50c |

| Enchanter's Arming Cap.......................................... 1g 50s 00c |

| Blackmetal Torque............................................... 5g 62s 50c |

| The Spellward.................................................. 87g 57s 50c |

| Par Vollen Willstone............................................ 2g 17s 50c |

| Dalish Pendant.................................................. 1g 42s 50c |

| Dalish Hunter's Belt............................................ 2g 41s 50c |

| Dwarven Merchant's Belt......................................... 0g 93s 75c |

| Longbowman's Belt............................................... 0g 75s 00c |

| Hailstone....................................................... 1g 03s 50c |

| Ember........................................................... 1g 03s 50c |

| Golden Rope Necklace............................................ 0g 16s 50c |

| Backpack........................................................ 7g 50s 00c |


| Note: Bodahn also sells various runes and has an unlimited supply of certain|

| reagents. He resets his items when you leave so the next time you come|

| by his inventory will be replenished and anything you sold to him is |

| gone. |


You now have many choices when entering the World Map. Any of them will

progress the story line for the most part, but the guide will assume you have

gone to Circle Tower and assisted the Magi first. You gain a healer and many

numerous stat upgrades for free not to mention that Redcliffe calls on the

assistance of the Circle Magi as a "good" option. Choose Lake Calenhad Docks.



As you travel Ferelden you may enter The Crater which has a [PILE OF ORE] that

has a [METEOR METAL ORE] in it. This is given to the smith at the Warden's Keep,

an area accessible only via DLC.



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| Guild Supplies | Sammael the Deserter |

| Love Letter | Shady Thug |




| 242 Correspondence Interruptus | Careless Accusations |

| 317 The Mages' Collective | Herbal Magic |

| 329 Letter of Termination | Notice of Termination |

| | Places of Power |

| | Thy Brother's Killer |


There are three [DEATHROOTS] at the beginning here - left, right, and down the

ramp. Heading left you can loot two [SACKS], an [ELFROOT], and two [BARRELS]

whilst taking out Sammael the Deserter satisfying a quest requirement for

[DERELICTION OF DUTY]. Speak with the Mages' Collective Liaison to gain access



that you currently cannot cross the lake. Enter the Spoiled Princess and unlock

the [CHEST], if your skill is high enough, to obtain [LOVE LETTER](1).



There is a quest later in the game that requires you to turn in a multitude of

these items. Don't throw them away! From here on out they will be labeled so you

may go back if you missed any.




| Innkeeper |


| Fire Trap Plans................................................. 1g 53s 60c |

| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 15s 20c |

| Mild Choking Powder Trap Plans.................................. 0g 82s 80c |

| Kaddis of the Siege-Breaker..................................... 3g 85s 20c |

| Wine............................................................ 0g 00s 18c |



Leave the Spoiled Princess and speak to Carroll on the docks. Persuade or

intimidate him so you can gain access to the Circle Tower.


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| Apprentice's Amulet | Abomination |

| Archon Robes | Bewitched Templar |

| Black Grimoire | Blood Mage |

| Buckle of the Winds | Charmed Templar |

| Chantry Amulet | Desire Abomination |

| Charged Mitts | Desire Demon |

| Love Letter | Devouring Corpse |

| Sailor's Charm | Enraged Corpse |

| Scroll of Banastor x2 | Greater Rage Demon |

| Shiver | Hunger Abomination |

| Silver Chain | Keili |

| Small Gold Bar | Kinnon |

| Sun Blonde Vint-1 | Lesser Rage Demon |

| The Rose of Orlais | Petra |

| Water-Stained Portrait | Possessed Templar |

| White Runestone | Rage Abomination |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Skeleton Archer |

| | Wynne |




| 241 The Black Vials | Five Pages, Four Mages |

| 243 Circles Within Circles | Summoning Sciences |

| 244 Desire and Need | Watchguard of the Reaching |

| 245 The Notes of Arl Foreshadow | |

| 246 Irving's Mistake | |

| 247 Promises of Pride | |

| 248 Extracurricular Studies | |

| 301 Summoning Sciences | |

| 322 The Scrolls of Banastor | |

| 324 Five Pages, Four Mages | |

| 325 Watchguard of the Reaching | |

| 328 The Spot | |




| Quartermaster |


| Flaming Coating Recipe.......................................... 5g 32s 80c |

| Injury Kit Recipe............................................... 4g 46s 40c |

| Lesser Spirit Balm Recipe....................................... 3g 40s 80c |

| Fire Bomb Recipe................................................ 1g 11s 60c |

| Lyrium Potion Recipe............................................ 0g 90s 00c |

| Incense of Awareness Recipe..................................... 0g 84s 60c |

| Tome of Arcane Technique....................................... 18g 00s 00c |

| Liberator's Mace................................................ 2g 61s 60c |

| Staff of the Magister Lord.................................... 128g 88s 00c |

| Pocketed Searing Gloves......................................... 2g 28s 00c |

| Polar Gauntlets................................................. 2g 28s 00c |

| Reinforced Magus Cowl........................................... 2g 34s 00c |

| Andruil's Blessing............................................ 106g 02s 00c |

| Spiral Band..................................................... 0g 82s 80c |

| Thorn........................................................... 0g 82s 80c |

| Remarkable Malachite............................................ 1g 44s 00c |

| Backpack........................................................ 6g 00s 00c |



Agree to aid the Magi with their crisis or help the Templars destroy all the

mages that remain. The Quartermaster sells decent gear if you can afford it.

There is a [VASE] in the corner and the door at the opposite end is the goal.

In the first room on the right there is a [CHEST], [APPRENTICE'S FOOTLOCKER]

(which gives you a quest [WATCHGUARD OF THE REACHING] and [CODEX 325: WATCHGUARD

OF THE REACHING]), a [PILE OF FILTH], and a [VANITY]. The second room contains

two [APPRENTICE'S FOOTLOCKERS], one of which gives you [CODEX 328: THE SPOT], a

[CHEST] and [PILE OF FILTH] can also be found in the room. Head back to the

previous room and check [DENRI'S BED] for a few items.

Through the door at the end of the hall is another cutscene. Choose to aid

Wynne and she will join the party and be mandatory for the rest of this section

or kill her and continue onward. There is a [CHEST] in the back corner of the

room, but where you want to go is through the barrier that Wynne has set up.

Make your way into the library to find a Desire, Hunger, and Rage Abomination

waiting for you. Loot the [PILE OF BOOKS] in front of you, a [SOLDIER'S CORPSE]

and the [TORN BOOK] which yields [CODEX 301: SUMMONING SCIENCES] and the quest

[SUMMONING SCIENCES]. Around the corner is another [SOLDIER CORPSE], [PILE OF


The third area of the library holds a few enemies that are best kited back a

little bit. Loot the [PILE OF RAGS] to obtain [CODEX 247: PROMISES OF PRIDE].



Exercise One

- Address the summoning font.

- Select the second passage from the Tome of Spirit Personages, second shelf.

- Pass open hands through the first summoning flames (select first flames).

The first exercise results in a Spirit Hog which holds gems.

Exercise Two

- Address the summoning font.

- Recite the Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, first column support shelves.

- Place one silver coin at the feet of the statue of Magus Gorvish

- Pass open hands through the second summoning flames.

The second exercise results in summoning a Trickster Whim which can be stolen


Exercise Three

- Alert senior magi of lesson commencement (You don't do this)

- Address the summoning font.

- Recite the second passage of Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, sealed texts, third


- Trace the chosen sigil on the first area common table.

- Place a lock of hair between the pages of the Spiritorum Etherialis, right

of the sealed texts.

- Perform Callum's Gesture (two fingers) at the statue of Magus Gorvish.

- Breathe on the dried hemlock in the Novice Phylactery, second column

support shelves.

- Pass open hands through the third summoning flames.

The third exercise summons a Fade Rifter which you must battle and defeat. It

will always dropped [CHARGED MITTS], decent gloves for a mage.

Summoning the Fourth

- Repeat all exercises one through three without returning to the summoning

font then pass open hands through the fourth summoning flames in the Apprentice


While not in the codex, this exercise summons Arl Foreshadow who you can



Open the door at the end of the library and defeat the Greater Rage Demon.

Loot the [TORN BOOK], [SOLDIER CORPSE], [CHARRED CORPSE], and observe the

[MYSTICAL SITE OF POWER] to fulfill a quest requirement for [PLACES OF POWER].

Exit through the door at the top of the stairs to enter the second floor.


SECOND FLOOR [05.13.01]


Approach Owain and speak with him to advance the quest line and discover that

Blood Mages are at work; loot the [PILE OF FILTH] and [CHARRED CORPSE]. The

eastern door is the only one you can pass through at the moment. The Senior Mage

Quarters is sealed off with a barrier, defeat the three Blood Mages to release

the barrier. You can kill the Blood Mage that begs for her life or kill her,

either way a mage named Uldred has gone crazy. Loot the [PILE OF BOOKS] then

check the rest of the room to find [BEL'S CACHE], a [CHEST], [ANCIENT TEXT] that

yields a [SCROLL OF BANASTOR](1), and another [APPRENTICE NOTE].



Much like the Love Letters, Scrolls of Banastor are turned in for a quest you

will obtain later in the game. They too will be marked and numbered through out

the guide.


Head into the hall and open the first door, defeating the enemies that appear.

In this room is a [CHARRED CORPSE], a [CHEST] containing a [LOVE LETTER](2), and

a [PILE OF BOOKS]. Make your way to the next room which is filled with Shambling

Corpses. To the right is a [CHEST], turn around to find an [ARMOIRE]. More

enemies lurk further in the room, dispose of them and check the [VANITY] for

another gift. Search the [CLOSET] to find Godwin hiding inside, he thanks you

for saving him. Head to the third room where two Blood Mages are battling an

Abomination. Help them destroy the abomination then kill them, one holds a

[CREATIONIST CORD], a decent belt. Acquire the [APPRENTICE NOTE], loot the [PILE

OF BOOKS], and the [CHEST].

Continue down the hall into the next room and defeat the enemies. There is an

[ARMOIRE] and [SCROLLS] that can be looted. In the adjacent room loot the


BAND]. Prepare yourself for a tough battle and observe the [TOPPLED STATUE] to

summon a Revenant. Loot it once defeated to obtain [CODEX 241: THE BLACK VIALS].

The last room is Irving's office, check the [BOOKCASE] for [CODEX 074: THE

FRATERNITY OF ENCHANTERS], [IRVING'S CHEST] which contains a story gift [BLACK

GRIMOIRE] (give it to Morrigan to start [FLEMETH'S GRIMOIRE], the [ENCHANTER'S

DESK], and the [ENCHANTER'S SCROLL] which yields [CODEX 246: IRVING'S MISTAKE].

The [CABINET], [CHEST], and [SCRAP PAPER] are also worth noting in the corner;

the scrap paper yields [CODEX 243: CIRCLES WITHIN CIRCLES]. Make your way to the

third floor.


THIRD FLOOR [05.13.02]


There is a [CHEST] on the other side of the statue. Open the door near the

stairs to enter the Great Hall. Check the [ANCIENT TEXTS] to find another

[SCROLL OF BANASTOR](2) then the [CHARRED CORPSE] which will spawn a few enemy.

An Arcane Horror will enter from the far side, be sure to take it out with your

ranged character because it can inflict some damage. Loot the [CHARRED CORPSE]

at the far end as well as the [PILE OF BOOKS] and the [APPRENTICE NOTE] which

should update the quest [WATCHGUARD OF THE REACHING]. Enter the next room where

a [CHARRED CORPSE] and [CHEST] can be looted.

Open the door to the next room but don't enter it without disarming the

Leghold Trap immediately in front of it. Let the Abominations come to you as you

can easily pick them off this way. Looting them should update a codex. March

further into the room to spawn demons that are easily dispatched of. There is a

[SOLDIER CORPSE] to be looted in the middle of the room. Check the first room on

the right that has a trap immediately inside the door. Kill the Possessed

Templar and loot the [CLOSET], [TORN PAGE] which yields [CODEX 324: FIVE PAGES,


The next room on the right has a [CABINET] and another [TORN PAGE]. The next

room has many Charmed Templar being controlled by a Desire Demon. There are two

more [TORN PAGES] and an [ARMOIRE] in this room. The final room yields the last

[TORN PAGE] and a [CHEST]. You should acquire the quest [FIVE PAGES, FOUR MAGES]

which you will complete later. Approach the door leading to the middle area, the

game will auto-save. Enter and defeat the Abomination-led enemies. Be sure to

loot everything as the Abomination has a [WHITE RUNESTONE].

Leave this room for now and enter the large room with the statues along the

back wall. Observe them in this order; left-most holding a bowl, right-most with

a sword pointed upward, middle with a sword pointed downward, and then the

statue in the middle room with the shield. This will update a quest but we'll

get to it later. Head to the fourth floor.


FOURTH FLOOR [05.13.03]


There is a [PILE OF RUBBLE] to the left which yields [CODEX 248: EXTRA-

CURRICULAR STUDIES] and a [CHEST] off to the right. Head around the circle and

enter the first door on the left. Here a Desire Demon has a Templar bewitched.

Interestingly enough if you choose to let them go Leliana approves. However, if

you kill the demon the Bewitched Templar drops [TEMPLAR ARMOR] and [CODEX 244:


[VANITY] and [CLOSET] contain a gift. The other room on the left has more

enemies and a Blood Mage, a Leghold Trap sits in the doorway. The Blood Mage

drops [ARCHON ROBES], there is a [PILE OF BOOKS], [CHEST], and [CLOSET] to be

looted though the chest requires high cunning to unlock.

Enter the middle room to meet a demon that throws you into the fade. You gain

a new quest [LOST IN DREAMS].


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| Beastman's Dagger | Arcane Horror |

| Beef Bone | Burning Demon |

| Cinderfel Gauntlets | Burning Hound |

| Kaddis of the Lady of the Skies | Burning Templar |

| Litany of Adralla | Chantry Priest |

| Mabari War Harness | Crazy Mage |

| The Libertarian's Cowl | Darkspawn Emissary |

| Yusaris | Darkspawn Spirit |

| | Desire Abomination |

| | Dragonling |

| | Duncan |

| | Flaming Darkspawn |

| | Genlock |

| | Genlock Alpha |

| | Greater Rage Demon |

| | Greater Shade |

| | Hunger Abomination |

| | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Lesser Rage Demon |

| | Lesser Shade |

| | Mage |

| | Mage Instructor |

| | Mage Pupil |

| | Ogre |

| | Priest |

| | Rage Demon |

| | Rhagos |

| | Servant |

| | Shade |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Slavren |

| | Sloth Abomination |

| | Stone Golem |

| | Templar Dreamer |

| | Uthkiel the Crusher |

| | Warden |

| | Wisp Wraith |

| | Yevena |




| 011 Dragon | |

| 013 Ghoul | |

| 014 Golem | |

| 027 Sloth Demon | |

| 031 Wisp | |

| 051 Yusaris: The Dragonslayer | |

| 079 Lyrium | |

| 089 Beyond the Veil: Spirits and | |

| Demons | |

| 092 The Veil | |

| 198 The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 2|

| 292 Shapeshifting: Burning Man Form | |

| 293 Shapeshifting: Golem Form | |

| 294 Fade Shapeshifting | |

| 295 Shapeshifting: Spirit Form | |




You can increase your stats permanently by finding the 21 different items that

do so. Below is the total number of stat increases for each stat:

Cunning - 5

Strength - 4

Willpower - 4

Dexterity - 4

Constitution - 2

Magic - 2


Move forward and speak with Duncan, whom you eventually determine is fake.

Defeat him and the two Wardens and use the [LYRIUM] to heal. Then touch the Fade

Pedestal and choose The Raw Fade.


THE RAW FADE [05.14.01]


Here you meet Niall who tells you of the trap the Sloth Demon has you in. Go

through the Fade Portal and defeat the demon. A spirit in the form of a mouse

grants you the power to shapeshift into it's form. Turn into a Mouse and use the

Mouse Hole. Defeat the demon then observe the [DISTURBING STATUE] to obtain

[CODEX 089: BEYOND THE VEIL: SPIRITS AND DEMONS]. Proceed through the Fade

Portal and defeat the enemies as you make your way to another one, it takes you

back to Niall. Use the Fade Pedestal and choose The Burning Tower.




When you enter turn into a Mouse and enter the Mouse Hole. Click the [ESSENCE

OF CUNNING] to gain +1 to that stat. Head back through the Mouse Hole and open

the door to the hall, then go to the first room on the right. Defeat the Burning

Templar and move to the next room. Open the door here to find more Burning

Templars. The Massive Door cannot be opened and the other door has fire behind

it so use the door at the top of the stairs. Follow the path avoiding the flames

until you find a Mouse Hole, use it. Defeat the Templar Dreamer to obtain the

Burning Man shapeshift ability. Use the Fade Pedestal and choose Mages Asunder.


MAGES ASUNDER [05.14.03]


Take the northern mouse hole and click the [FONT OF STRENGTH] to gain +1 to

that stat. The [BOOKCASE] contains [CODEX 075: HIERARCHY OF THE CIRCLE]. Return

to the entrance room and exit through the door to the next room. Defeat the

Mages and move to the next room, observe the [BOOKCASE] to obtain [CODEX 076:

HISTORY OF THE CIRCLE]. Defeat the Crazy Mages in the fourth room and open the

door at the end of the hall. Kill the Servants then turn into the burning man,

open the door and pass through the inferno.

Continue to defeat your enemies until you reach the final room with a [BOOK]

and some Mage Instructors, the book grants [CODEX 083: THE CARDINAL RULES OF

MAGIC]. Proceed up the stairs to a new room where the Cursed Dreamer is under

attack. He grants you his power to turn into a Golem with massive strength.

Continue up the stairs where more enemies await. The [SCHOOL OF SPIRIT] yields



Turn into a Golem and destroy the Massive Door. Defeat the Priests and make

you way to the north-eastern room where a [SCHOOL OF CREATION] adds [CODEX 085:

THE FOUR SCHOOLS MAGIC: CREATION]. The south-western room has an [ESSENCE OF

WILLPOWER] which gives +1 to Willpower and a [SCHOOL OF PRIMAL] which gives

[CODEX 087: THE FOUR SCHOOLS OF MAGIC: PRIMAL]. In the south-eastern room Stone

Golems defend the [FONT OF STRENGTH] yielding +1 to Strength and a [SCHOOL OF


Destroy the southernmost door with the Golem form and defeat the Arcane

Horror. Open the door to find a mini-boss named Slavren, a hunger demon. Defeat

it and use the Fade Pedestal, choose The Darkspawn Invasion.




Use the mouse hole and move to the eastern path leading to an [ESSENCE OF

CUNNING] which grants +1 to Cunning. Return to the entrance room and enter the

hall defeating the attacking Hurlock. Break down the Massive Door at left to

find a [FONT OF STRENGTH] granting +1 to Strength. Follow the path down the hall

till you need to use the Burning Man to pass the inferno. Enter the new room

and defeat the Flaming Darkspawn. Continue making your way north until you can

either use the mouse hole or the burning man to progress. Either way grants a

means to an end as the Templar Spirit resides in the northern-most room and is

under attack.

The Templar Spirit grants you the Spirit form which you should immediately use

and the acquire the [ESSENCE OF WILLPOWER] in the corner. Turn into a Golem and

destroy the Massive Door. The numerous enemies are best taken out with the

Burning Man's Fireball, the door at the end of the hall leads to a miniboss,

Uthkiel the Crusher. Use the Fade Pedestal and choose The Templar's Nightmare.




Observe the [BOOK] for [CODEX 063: THE RITE OF ANNULMENT] then use the door

moving to the next room. Defeat the Sloth Demons and check out the [BOOKS] to

acquire [CODEX 080: MALEFICARUM]. Use the mouse hole and defeat the Wolf, the

[ESSENCE OF DEXTERITY] is your reward. Return to the previous room and enter

the last room on the left, defeat the Arcane Horror and use the right mouse hole

to be ported to a room with an Ogre. Take it out and enter the second room by

using the Burning Man then use the Mouse Hole. Turn into a Spirit and use the

Spirit Door.

Fight your way to another Fade Portal at the end of the hall and then quickly

turn into the Burning Man so you don't die. Pass through the door and defeat the

Abominations. In the next room is an Arcane Horror, defeat it and open the door

where Vereveel turns into a mouse. Follow her and kill her, then use the

[ESSENCE OF CUNNING]. Use the Fade Pedestal and choose Weisshaupt Fortress, it's

time to get all the stat bonuses.




Just before the ramp is an [ESSENCE OF WILLPOWER] viewable only by the Spirit

form. Grab it and head to Raw Fade once more.


THE RAW FADE PART 2 [05.14.07]


Turn Spirit Form and use the Spirit Door. Kill Yevena and observe the [TWISTED

STRUCTURE] for [CODEX 065: THE BLACK CITY]. Use Spirit Form again and grab the

[ESSENCE OF WILLPOWER] then return to the area with Niall. Use the Fade Portal

then Mouse Hole, then another Fade Portal. Use Spirit Form to access a Hidden

Room with an [ESSENCE OF DEXTERITY] guarded by two Wisps. Make your way to the

Fade Pedestal and choose The Burning Tower.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Head south and then west to a Spirit Door leading to a room with an [ESSENCE

OF CONSTITUTION] and an [ESSENCE OF CUNNING]. Return to the previous room and

use the door at the southern end. Destroy the Massive Door to the west to find

an [ESSENCE OF MAGIC]. Return to the room you originally started in and destroy

the Massive Door and pass through the inferno with the Burning Man. Defeat the

swarm of enemies and proceed through the door. Defeat the miniboss Rhagos and

use the [FONT OF STRENGTH] to obtain +1 to Strength. Use the Fade Pedestal and

choose Mages Asunder.




Take the northern stairs, destroy the Massive Door and enter the third room.

Go Spirit Form to find an [ESSENCE OF MAGIC]. Return to the starting point and

take the other stairs. Go all the way south and use Spirit Door to find a Spirit

Door leading to an [ESSENCE OF DEXTERITY]. Use the mouse hole to find more Stone

Golems guarding an [ESSENCE OF CUNNING]. Destroy the Massive Door to find an


head to the three Nightmares.




In each of the three nightmares you must convince your ally that they are

trapped in the Fade. Upon doing so you will fight the demon off and the ally

will freed. Once you have freed all of your allies head to the Inner Sanctum.


INNER SANCTUM [05.14.11]


Approach the Sloth Demon to enter dialogue. The allies you freed join you for

this fight.



| Sloth |


| Drops: None |


| Sloth takes the form of an Ogre first. Use your tank to face the Sloth in |

| the opposite direction of your ranged as it charges and knocks down your |

| party members. Defeating the Ogre forces a knock back effect and Sloth will |

| morph into a Rage Demon. This form has a low physical resistance check and |

| should be able to easily get knocked down from a Shield Bash. Sloth morphs |

| into a Hunger Demon next which is just as easily dispatched. A Shriek is the|

| next form, also easily tanked. The Arcane Horror that Sloth turns into is |

| the deadliest form as it does an area of effect attack that can prove to be |

| devastating. Make sure everyone takes a health poultice and your healer |

| tops everyone off. |




CIRCLE OF MAGI PART 2 [05.14.12]


Loot Niall's Corpse for the [LITANY OF ADRALLA] and check the [SOLDIER'S

CORPSE] nearby. In the other room is a [CABINET], [CHARRED CORPSE] which has


CALENHAD: CHAPTER 2], and a [PILE OF BOOKS]. In the next room are Dragonling and

a [CHEST] with Mabari items inside. Open the door and defeat the abominations in

the hallway. Loot the [PILE OF RAGS] left behind and the [SOLDIER CORPSE]. Go

in the first room to find a locked [CHEST]. The second room has a [VASE] and

[CHEST] prime for looting, the chest contains the [BEASTMAN'S DAGGER] which is

an excellent weapon for a Rogue.

The next room has a [SOLDIER CORPSE] and [CHEST] at the bottom end of it but

moving that way will summon demons. Open the metal door to find a crazed templar

named Cullen. Agree to defeat Uldred but save what mages you can else Wynne

will leave the party and attack you for wanting to kill possible innocents.

Enter the Harrowing Chamber to initiate a cutscene with Uldred. After some

dialogue the boss fight commences.



| Uldred |


| Drops: Cinderfel Gauntlets |


| Start off by moving between the three abominations and using the Litany of |

| Adralla. This should stun them and give you plenty of time to kill them. |

| Have your tank pick up Uldred and move him away from the abominations. Move |

| one of your ranged near the First Enchanter and the other mages. Use the |

| Litany of Adralla when the spell to change them is cast (you'll see it). |

| From here it becomes a process of damaging Uldred, keeping your tank alive, |

| and stopping the mages from turning. |



Speak with Irving when you are ready to leave. Dialogue follows and afterward

you may ask Irving for assistance. You can also make Wynne a permanent party

member which is highly suggested. Head the area where you first met Wynne and

attempt to open the basement door, this will summon a demon if you touched the

statues on the third floor in the correct order. Shah Wyrd isn't that difficult

with the help of the nearby mages. His defeat ends the quest [WATCHGUARD OF THE

REACHING] and he drops a unique Greatsword [YUSARIS] along with multiple gems.

Open the World Map and head for Redcliffe Village.


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|::.|:. |edcliffe Village

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.15.00]--+




| Andraste's Grace | Walking Corpse |

| Bevin's Key | |

| Helm of the Red | |

| Lloyd's Magic Ring | |

| Love Letter | |

| Signet Ring | |

| The Green Blade | |




| 073 The Founding of the Chantry | A Missing Child |

| 082 Demonic Possession | A Village Under Siege |

| 108 Thedas Calendar | Brothers and Sons |

| 127 Lake Calenhad | Caravan Down |

| 193 Ballad of Ayesleigh | Desperate Haven |

| 197 The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 1| Grease the Wheels |

| 225 Cautionary Tales for the | Lost in the Castle |

| Adventurous | Skin Deep |

| 227 Berwick's Letter | The Attack at Nightfall |

| 234 A Tattered Shopping List | Unintended Consequences |

| 235 Graffiti in Redcliffe's Tavern | |


On your way to the village a cutscene should occur showing Zevran of the

Antivan Crows, an assassin hired by Loghain. You might also run into Beyha Joam

whom you need to kill to complete [FIVE PAGES, FOUR MAGES]. Once you enter

Redcliffe you should notice the [DEATHROOT] near the house. Move across the

bridge to find Tomas who speaks of monsters attacking in the middle of the night

through dawn. He takes you to speak with Bann Teagan who asks for your aid in

the coming battle.

The [PILE OF BOOKS] near the Old Woman yields [CODEX 073: THE FOUNDING OF THE


grants [CODEX 108: THEDAS CALENDAR]. Jetta stands near the book, speak with her

to complete [LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT]. On your way out of the Chantry speak with

Kaitlyn and agree to find her brother, Bevin and start the quest [A MISSING

CHILD]. Leave the Chantry and head all the way up the hill and loot the [WOODEN

CRATE] and [ANDRASTE'S GRACE]. Enter the Windmill and loot the [CRATE] which

holds a [LOVE LETTER](3) then head back outside and speak with Ser Perth. He

asks that you speak with the Revered Mother Hannah in order to seek help from a

higher power.

Head down the hill across a small bridge and turn left entering the house.

Dernal Garrison is here, a quest requirement for [SCRAPING THE BARREL]. The

[BOOKSHELF] has [CODEX 193: BALLAD OF AYESLEIGH] and in the back room is a

[CHEST]. Leave the house and head down the hill to the right where a [DEATHROOT]

can be spotted. Make your way around the unfinished boat up the hill to find a

[CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE]. Head over to the Tavern which is to the left of the

unfinished boat.



| Lloyd's Tavern |


| Lesser Injury Kit Recipe........................................ 0g 72s 60c |

| Health Poultice Recipe.......................................... 0g 72s 60c |

| Double-Baked Mabari Crunch Recipe............................... 0g 06s 60c |

| Ale............................................................. 0g 00s 02c |



There is some [GRAFFITI] on the tavern table yielding [CODEX 235: GRAFFITI IN

REDCLIFFE'S TAVERN]. Speak with the Militia Men in the corner who are upset over

not getting free ale in such a time. Talk to the barkeep who you can convince to

make you co-owner of the bar thus satisfying the militia and allowing all his

goods to be free or you can persuade him that it's generous to do so for the

same result. If anything you should force him to defend the village so you can

obtain a rare item later. Talk to Bella and ask about the Elf in the corner. You

can also work around a scenario where she agrees to give everyone a kiss if they

make it through the night. Speak with Berwick and convince him to help out the

militia, you also gain [CODEX 227: BERWICK'S LETTER].

Leave the Tavern and head down to the main part of the village; speak with

Murdock. He is happy about the free drinks so morale is high, but they lack

weapons and could use more men. Go to the Blacksmithy and find a way inside by

either persuading or intimidating Owen. Speak with him and agree to find his

daughter in exchange for him making repairs, you gain the quest [LOST IN THE

CASTLE]. Move the [CRATE] in the corner and observe the [HIDDEN TRAPDOOR] where

either choice lets you loot the average gear inside. Leave the Blacksmithy and

head around the corner to find a [CHEST] and [DEATHROOT] then head into the




| Owen |


| Large Shrapnel Trap Plans....................................... 0g 15s 60c |

| Large Caltrop Trap Plans........................................ 0g 07s 80c |


| Note: If you save his daughter he will have new wares when you return. |


Speak to Revered Mother Hannah and persuade/intimidate her to help you out

concerning Ser Perth. Take the amulets to the knights even though they aren't

magic they should help the knights' morale. Head to the opposite side of town

to Kaitlyn's Home. The [BOOK] inside grants [CODEX 197: THE LEGEND OF CALENHAD:

CHAPTER 1]. Head into the room to start a dialogue, convince Bevin to tell you

the secret about his father's sword. Persuade/intimidate him to get the key then

head to the second floor. Open the [CHEST] to get [THE GREEN BLADE] then use the


house and head right to the General Store.

Check out the [CHEST] that's in the corner and the [NOTE] yields [CODEX 234:

A TATTERED SHOPPING LIST]. Observe the [BARREL] then leave the store. Do a

u-turn to the docks where you can find a [BARREL] and a sign giving [CODEX 127:

LAKE CALENHAD]. Continue around the docks to a [WOODEN CRATE] and further west

to a [DEATHROOT]. Head north from here then east from the blacksmithy to another

[DEATHROOT]. Make your way around the corner from the General Store to Dwyn's

Home. Pick the lock or break it in, then enter the building. Convince Dwyn and

his men to help out by either persuasion, intimidation, or paying him off.

Speak with Ser Perth concerning the barrels of oil in the General Store. Head

to the Chantry once more and speak with Kaitlyn to finish the quest [A MISSING

CHILD]. Head outside and speak with Murdock, tell him you are ready. You gain a

new quest [THE ATTACK AT NIGHTFALL] which entails you defending Redcliffe. The

oil will be burned and torch the enemies as they attack, position your tank at

the front and have him pick up everything possible as the enemies will be taken

out quickly making healing easy. One of the keys to this battle is that you can

heal your allies. Simply hit tab and check on them every time you are micro-

manage your characters. Once the top path is secured a militia man will run up

and inform you that the town is under siege from the other end.

This part is much harder than the top path, but with Wynne and some Group

Healing coupled with stuns and Taunt you should be able to keep most of the

militia alive which will prove vital as the fight carries on. If you manage to

keep Lloyd alive he will give you [LLOYD'S MAGIC RING], if you save everyone you

are rewarded with the [HELM OF THE RED]. A Blackstone Irregular Liaison has set

up as well as a Chanter's Board. Now you can acquire the following six quests;


CONSEQUENCES], and [GREASE THE WHEELS]. You can either do some of the side

quests now or move on to the Redcliffe Castle.


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|::.. . |ide Questing Part 1





| Magus War Boots | Adventurer Leader |

| Robes of the Gifted | Adventuring Mage |

| Seal of Rat Red | Adventuring Rogue |

| | Adventuring Warrior |

| | Genlock |

| | Genlock Alpha |

| | Genlock Emissary |

| | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Trickster Whim |





The items you obtain will be broken down between the World Map encounters and

the ones you encounter in Denerim.


THE LONG ROAD [05.16.01]


Head over to the Caravan marked on the World Map. On your way Zevran will

most likely ambush you. Defeat him and his men and if you so choose add him as

an ally. Be sure to loot everything as one of the [TRAVELERS] has a [LETTER]

that adds [CODEX 323: FRIENDS OF RED JENNY] and the quest [FRIENDS OF RED JENNY]

which can be turned in at Denerim.


FOREST MEADOW [05.16.02]


Here Darkspawn have taken out the caravan. Kill them to complete the quest.

There is a [BROKEN CRATE], [DEATHROOT], and a [CHEST] that can be looted. An

[ELFROOT] on the way out and off to the Refugees on the World Map.


WOODEN GLEN [05.16.03]


On your way to the Refugee area you may enter the Wooden Glen where an

Adventure Leader waits. Persuade, intimidate, or kill them to complete [CARELESS

ACCUSATIONS]. Killing them lets you loot the [SEAL OF RAT RED] and [ROBES OF THE

GIFTED] however. Loot the [ELFROOT] and two [DEATHROOTS] and be on your way.




Here the refugees are under attack by Darkspawn. A Hurlock emissary leads

them on the far end and should be stunned/slept in order to keep as many alive

as possible. Defeating the Darkspawn completes the quest [DESPERATE HAVEN].

There are two [ELFROOT] and two [WOODEN CRATES] for looting. Head for Denerim to



ROADSIDE STOP [05.16.05]


On your way to Denerim you might stop here to meet a Trickster Whim. Loot the

two [DEATHROOT] and three [BLOODY CORPSES]. Kill the creature, that if you

recall summoned in the Circle of Magi's tower, to finish the quest [UNINTENDED

CONSEQUENCES]. The Trickster Whim has [MAGUS WAR BOOTS], decent for a mage.


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|::.. . /enerim Market District Part 1





| Anonymous Letter | Blood Mage |

| Aodh | Blood Mage Leader |

| Bedroom Key | Cristof |

| Contract for Paeden | Gang Leader |

| Coarse Cut Gauntlets | Howe Crossbowman |

| Dalish Battery | Howe Thug |

| Entry Door Key | Howe Thug Leader |

| Guild Supplies | Layson the Deserter |

| Letter of Condolence | Mabari |

| Love Letter x2 | Mercenary |

| Magister's Shield | Mercenary Archer |

| Paeden's Orders | Mercenary Captain |

| Pouch of Gems | Paeden |

| Ser Nancine's Ornamental Sword | Qunari Mercenary |

| Silver Bar | Rogue |

| Silversmith's Key | Ser Landry |

| | Ser Landry's Second |

| | Shady Thug |

| | Shaevra |

| | Thug |

| | Thug Minion |

| | White Falcon Archer |

| | White Falcon Mercenary |

| | White Falcon Veteran |




| 038 Aodh | A Gift of Silence |

| 046 The Magister's Shield | Back Alley Justice |

| 061 The Aeonar | Blood of Warning |

| 103 The Anderfels | Correspondence Interruptus |

| 115 Denerim | Crime Wave |

| 119 Culture of Ferelden | Fazzil's Request |

| 123 Politics of Ferelden | Have You Seen Me? |

| 130 Nevarra | Honor Bound |

| 151 The Qunari | Loghain's Push |

| 153 Rivain | Missing in Action |

| 156 Geography of Thedas | Negotiation Aids |

| 199 The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 3| Notices of Death |

| 204 The History of the Chantry: | Restocking the Guild |

| Chapter 4 | Solving Problems |

| 206 Dane and the Werewolf | The Last Request |

| 209 The Noladar Anthology of Dwarven | The Scrolls of Banastor |

| Poetry | The Trial of Crows |

| 311 Blackstone Letter of Condolences | |


Speak with Chanter Rosamund to turn in the quests you've finished then check

the Chanter's Board to acquire [BACK ALLEY JUSTICE], [MISSING IN ACTION],

[FAZZIL'S REQUEST], and [LOGHAIN'S PUSH]. Head to the Mages' Collective Liaison

to turn in [CARELESS ACCUSATIONS]. Check the bag to acquire [BLOOD OF WARNING],


east and open the [WOODEN CRATE] and speak with the Hooded Courier as a quest

requirement. Speak with Sergeant Kylon to acquire [PEARLS BEFORE SWINE].


N O T E !

If you have a point in Stealing or Stealth a man named Slim Couldry sits just

south of the Chantry. Ask to know about it all and you gain access to [CRIME

WAVE]. The first is to "Rob the maid in the market", do so by stealthing and

stealing from the Lady's Maid. The next is "Acquire Ser Nancine's Sword" by

stealthing and stealing from her in the Wonders of Thedas. The final theft

quest is "Steal Master Tilver's Key", completed by stealing the [SILVERSMITH'S

KEY] from Master Tilver near the Mages' Collective then opening the [CHESTS] in

the middle of the Market.

The first of the break-ins is "The Absent Mistress" in which you can break

into the far eastern room of the Gnawed Tavern. The second is "A Fistful of

Silver" where you steal as much silver as possible from the Warehouse. The

remaining quests cannot be accessed until later in the game.


Check out the [BOOK] in the middle tent area for [CODEX 209: THE NOLADAR

ANTHOLOGY OF DWARVEN POETRY]. There is also two [CHESTS] for unlocking here.

Speak with Fayd the Apprentice to satisfy a quest requirement. Be sure to speak

to Master Ignacio as he triggers an event in the near future. To the west is a

Door of a Blood Mage's Relative satisfying a quest requirement along with a

[WOODEN CRATE] that is against the building. Running near Ser Landry starts

dialogue. You can persuade or intimidate him but if that fails you will have to

kill him and do the quest [HONOR BOUND], he drops an [ENGRAVED MACE]. Head

around into the back alley to find a [BARREL]. Approach the Mysterious Door and

present the box to finish [FRIENDS OF RED JENNY].

The other parts of Denerim are accessed by pretending to make your way out.

Observe the Door of a Blood Mage's Relative on your "way out." As you attempt to

leave a boy gives you a message and you gain the quest [THE TRIAL OF THE CROWS].

Head over to the Gnawed Noble Tavern observing the [BOOK] for [CODEX 130:

NEVARRA]. There is a [CHEST] behind the bartender whom gives you the quests


the east side and observe the [BOOK] for [CODEX 199: THE LEGEND OF CALENHAD:

CHAPTER 3] then speak with Master Ignacio.

You can unlock the other room in the eastern wing to find a [BOOK] on

[CODEX 153: RIVAIN]. In the room is a [CABINET], [CHEST], and [VASE] that have

decent items. Head to the western room and check the Blackstone Irregular Box

for new quests, [NOTICES OF DEATH] and [RESTOCKING THE GUILD]. You might be able

to turn in the latter immediately. Turn the corner and head into the Wonders of

Thedas and speak with Sheth the Apprentice satisfying a quest. There are three

[BOOKS] and two [SCROLLS] to be read giving [CODEX 115: DENERIM], [CODEX 156:


151: THE QUNARI], and [CODEX 061: THE AEONAR]. The Tranquil sells many rare

items if you can afford them.



| Merchant |


| Potent Lyrium Potion Recipe.................................... 11g 17s 50c |

| Greater Ice Salve Recipe....................................... 10g 57s 50c |

| Greater Warmth Balm Recipe..................................... 10g 57s 50c |

| Shock Coating Recipe............................................ 6g 66s 00c |

| Greater Lyrium Potion Recipe.................................... 5g 82s 00c |

| Overpowering Lure Trap Plans.................................... 4g 50s 00c |

| Swift Salve Recipe.............................................. 3g 36s 00c |

| Shock Bomb Recipe............................................... 1g 39s 50c |

| Tome of Arcane Technique....................................... 22g 50s 00c |

| Wintersbreath.................................................. 31g 27s 50c |

| Torch of Embers................................................. 7g 65s 00c |

| Lightning Rod................................................... 3g 60s 00c |

| Lend of the Lion................................................ 2g 85s 00c |

| Reaper's Vestments............................................. 92g 70s 00c |

| Tevinter Mage Robes............................................. 6g 15s 00c |

| Robe of the Witch............................................... 3g 78s 00c |

| Tevinter Robe................................................... 3g 07s 50c |

| Hearthstone Pendant............................................. 1g 20s 00c |

| Archivist's Sash................................................ 0g 67s 50c |

| Ring of Ages................................................... 78g 30s 00c |

| Ancient Map of the Imperium..................................... 0g 15s 00c |


| Note: He also sells various runes. |


Leave the shop and head to the Warehouse. Open the three [CHESTS] and grab the

Body Bag. Head to the dump spot outside the Chantry then move around the corner

to another body bag, dump it as well. Head a bit south to find Sara, deliver the

letter to her. At the far eastern end is a Grey Warden Poster, observe it. Go to

Wade's Emporium and open the [CHEST] to find a [LOVE LETTER](4). Enter the City

Map and choose The Pearl.


THE PEARL [05.16.07]


Check out the [BOOK] on the counter for [CODEX 103: THE ANDERFELS] and speak

with the Hooded Courier. In the other room speak with Sanga and ask about a

meeting of friends. Some ruffians foolishly attack Isabella in the corner, check

out the [BOOKS] nearby for [CODEX 119: CULTURE OF FERELDEN] and [CODEX 206: DANE

AND THE WEREWOLF]. Speak with her and request to be trained as a Duelist. As you

play the game choose the option to catch her hand or steal several good cards

and you will unlock the Duelist Specialization. Speak with the White Falcon

Veteran next and either persuade, intimidate, or kill the crew to complete

[PEARLS BEFORE SWINE]. Killing them will have you miss a unique item shortly


Head to the eastern side of the Pearl to find a [WOODEN CRATE]. In one of the

rooms is a [CHEST] with a [LOVE LETTER](5) and the final Body Bag. The door on

the right across the hall can be accessed with the code "The griffons will rise

again." Regardless of your actions Howe's Elite will attack you, kill them to

finish the first part of [THE TRIAL OF CROWS]. The door should now be open to

access the [CHEST] behind the counter in the first area. Exit the Pearl and go

to the Dirty Back Alley.


BACK ALLEY [05.16.08]


On your way there you should run into the White Falcons again. Sergeant Kylon

should be here to aid you and you will automatically turn the quest in as he

returns to the Market District. Cristof drops the unique [AODH], be sure to

acquire it from his dead body.




In the Dirty Back Alley is a Gang Leader and his thugs, defeat them and speak

with Tania, give her the letter. At the top of the stairs is another Door of a

Blood Mage's Relative. The door to the Quaint Hovel can't be opened now so head

to the Dark Alley.


DARK ALLEY [05.16.10]


Another Gang Leader and his thugs await you in the Dark Alley. Defeat them and

open the [WOODEN CRATE] and [CHEST] then observe the last Door of Blood Mage's

Relative. Speak to the Hooded Courier and leave to the Rundown Back Street.




The last Gang Leader and thugs are here, defeat them to finish the quest.

There are two [WOODEN CRATES] and a [CHEST] nearby, be sure to loot Ser Friden

as well to acquire the quest [THE LAST REQUEST]. Speak with the Hooded Courier

in the corner then enter the Dirty Hovel.


DIRTY HOVEL [05.16.12]


Speak with Layson the Deserter and defeat him and his band of thugs. There is

a [CHEST] on the other side of the wall. Head to the Deserted Building on the

City Map.




Observed the Concealed Door and proceed down the stairs, there is a trap at

the bottom so be wary. Loot the Entry Door Key from the Blood Mage and check out

the [ARMOR STAND]. Open the metal door and proceed through the building to find

a [BARREL]. Kill off the Mercenaries in the next room and disarm the tripwire

trap before heading to the next area. At the top of the stairs open the metal

door and then the door at left which contains a [CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE]. This

should draw more enemies out from another room, kill them.

In the room to the right are more enemies as well as a [CHEST]. Disarm the

Pressure Plate and enter the top room which has two [CHESTS]. Continue through

the eastern door following the hall and disarming the pressure plate. The grease

on the ground can slow you down so avoid it. Take down the barricade and defeat

the enemies and move to the next room where a higher level Blood Mage resides.

Loot the [WEAPON STAND] and move to another room with a barricade, grease trap,

and higher level Blood Mage.

The next room is empty so unlock the right door and check out the [CABINET]

and [CHEST] which contains the [MAGISTER'S SHIELD], a grande amulet. Beyond the

other door is the Blood Mage Leader. Retreat to the previous room and pick off

the melee one at a time then focus on stunning the Blood Mage Leader for an easy

victory. If you couldn't unlock the other door loot the Blood Mage Leader for

the Bedroom Key. Return to the Market District.


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|::.. . /enerim Market District Part 2





| Feldspar Ring | Abomination |

| Flemeth's Grimoire | Bear |

| Robes of Possession | Crimson Oars Leader |

| | Crimson Oars Mercenary |

| | Flemeth the Shapeshifter |

| | Kadan-Fe Mercenary |

| | Loghain Sergeant |

| | Loghain Soldier |

| | Wolf |




| 327 Renold's Plea | Sign of Safe Passage |

| | The Crimson Oars |


Talk to Chanter Rosamund to turn in [BACK ALLEY JUSTICE] and then dump the

final body. Turn in [BLOOD OF WARNING] at the Mages' Collector then speak with

Sergeant Kylon to acquire [THE CRIMSON OARS]. Head to the Gnawed Noble Tavern

and turn in [SOLVING PROBLEMS] to the bartender. You can persuade or kill the

Crimson Oars in the west room to finish that quest and speak with Master Ignacio

in the eastern room. Check the [CHEST] to update [THE TRIAL OF CROWS]. On your

way out speak with the bartender again and pick up [SIGN OF SAFE PASSAGE].

Return to Sergeant Kylon and speak with him twice to gain a little extra gold.

It's finally time to leave Denerim, head to the Kadan-Fe Hideout on the World





Simply defeat the mercenaries and loot the two [CHESTS] at their camp, nothing

more to do here. Head to the Battlefield on the World Map.


OUT OF THE WAY [05.16.16]


Going this path should put you here first where an Abomination has killed the

man Renold. Kill the Abomination and loot Renold for his journal [CODEX 327:

RENOLD'S PLEA]. There is a [FELDSPAR RING] of value on the Abomination and an

[ELFROOT] in the corner.


BATTLEFIELD [05.16.17]


Directly in front of you is a [BLOODY CORPSE] and off the left is a [SACK] and

[DEATHROOT], looting the corpse updates the quest. Four more [SACKS], a [BLOODY

CORPSE], and a [DEATHROOT] are further ahead but a large pack of Wolves attack

you from every end first. As you approach the final [SACK] a bear attacks you

with vigor. Head to the Civil War location on the World Map


CIVIL WAR [05.16.18]


Here Loghain's men are trying to take over some land and the Bannorn will have

nothing of it. Defeat Loghain's men and loot the [ELFROOT] to the left. Head to

Lake Calenhad for a short stop.




Enter the Spoiled Princess and deliver the letter to Larana. Outside turn in

[HAVE YOU SEEN ME?] and go to Flemeth's Hut. Leave and go to Camp, speak with

Morrigan to discover the truth about Flemeth then re-enter the hut without

Morrigan in the party.


FLEMETH'S HUT [05.16.20]


Speak with Flemeth to start a dialogue, the ultimate choice is to deny her any

right to live and engage in battle.



| Flemeth the Shapeshifter |


| Drops: Flemeth's Key |


| If you have a mage immediately cast Cone of Cold to freeze her up. Keep |

| everyone at range except for the tank who should flip Flemeth around. Make |

| sure the others are far back enough to not take tail swipes. Your tank will |

| want some fire resistance on and use any warmth balms you have to reduce the|

| damage he is taking. Paralyze and petrify work and Wynne should have at |

| least one of those. Keep the tank up and nip away from range to take out |

| your first dragon. |



Enter her hut and loot the [CHEST] containing the [ROBES OF POSSESSION] and

[FLEMETH'S GRIMOIRE]. Return to camp and give the Grimoire to Morrigan to finish

the quest. The other side quests can be completed in Redcliffe, some others will

be done as you progress through the main story. Head to Redcliffe to continue

the story.




Speak with Knight-Commander Harrith and turn in both quests to him pending you

have that many Lyrium Potions, if not you can always buy the supplies to make a

few more which are readily available at the Circle Tower. Turn in [BROTHERS AND

SONS] and [LOGHAIN'S PUSH] to the Chantry. You can speak with Bella in the

Tavern and give her 5 gold to send her to Denerim. Irenia in the Chantry is the

last person to serve the Notice of Death to, you can turn the quest in just

outside. Speak with Bann Teagan and enter the Windmill to progress the story.


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|::.|:. |edcliffe Castle

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.17.00]--+




| Alistair's Mother's Amulet | Bann Teagan |

| Chevalier's Mace | Chamberlain |

| Eamon's Shield | Demon |

| Kaddis of Hakkon Wintersbreath | Devouring Corpse |

| Lamb Bone | Enraged Corpse |

| Love Letter | Greater Shade |

| Redcliffe Vault Key | Guard |

| Silver-Framed Still Life | Lesser Rage Demon |

| Small Silver Ring | Lesser Shade |

| Steel Bracers | Mabari |

| Stone Dragon Statuette | Revenant |

| The Fox's Bow | Shambling Corpse |

| The Guerrin's of Ferelden: A | Skeleton Archer |

| Genealogical History | Suit of Armor |

| Warpaint of the Tempest | |




| 064 Apostates | |

| 084 Blood Magic: The Forbidden School| |

| 117 History of Ferelden: Chapter 1 | |

| 121 Geography of Ferelden | |

| 133 The Orlesian Empire | |

| 192 Aveline, Knight of Orlais | |

| 202 The History of the Chantry: | |

| Chapter 2 | |

| 212 The First Blight: Chapter 2 | |

| 222 Journal of the Tranquil | |

| 300 A Rolled-Up Note | |


You start off in the basement, open the door and kill the corpses. Here you

will meet Jowan, a Blood Mage, someone you might recognize if you are a mage.

Ultimately the choice you want to make is to let Jowan go for the time being,

this will give you the most story line options in the future though it will

damage your reputation with Leliana a little bit. Venture forth and loot the

[PILE OF FILTH], a [NOTE] which is [CODEX 300: A ROLLED-UP NOTE], and a [PILE OF

BONES]. Defeat the corpses and be sure to loot them for [CORPSE GALLS]. Proceed

to the Main Floor.

Open the door and go across the hall defeating the Shades. Read the [BOOK] for

[CODEX 202: THE HISTORY OF THE CHANTRY: CHAPTER 2] then head back to the hall.

If you can unlock the armory door there are three [WEAPON STANDS], two [CHESTS],

and an [ARMOR STAND] that could be helpful. Pass through the eastern room to

find a horde of corpses. The connecting northern room has a group of Mabari

and a [CHARRED CORPSE] and [CHEST] to be looted. As you progress east disarm the

tripwire trap. Enter the first room in the hall to find two [CABINETS]. The

second room has a few corpses and an [ARMOIRE]. The final room has Valena, the

smith's daughter, and a [WOODEN CRATE] in it.

Take the southern door and defeat more corpses then take the eastern door

doing the same. In the next room are two [WOODEN CRATES] and a path to the

Basement Cellar. Two [CHESTS], a [VASE], and a [PILE OF JUNK] are here for the

looting, one of the chests contains a [LOVE LETTER](6) and [STEEL BRACERS]. Head

to the Courtyard now where Ser Perth and his men await. If you have a rogue that

can stealth have him/her do so over to the Gate Lever, else head into battle and

send a ranged to the deed. Ser Perth and his men should burst through and

provide healthy assistance.

The Revenant is what will give you the most trouble, so do your best to

neutralize it until the rest of the enemies are taken care of. Loot the two

[BARRELS] and then speak with Ser Perth to enter the Main Hall together. Connor

is obviously possessed and demands more "fun" in such terms he means a fight.

Bann Teagan was being mind controlled and Isolde doesn't know what to do. Jowan

will enter if you let him go as suggested. You are given three choices; 1. You

can kill Connor 2. Sacrifice Isolde to enter the Fade in attempt to defeat the

demon or 3. Ask the Circle of Magi to aid in the ritual instead of sacrificing

Isolde. Choice 3 is best but for now we'll explore the rest of the castle.

In the western room Suits of Armor come to life. The southern door holds many

corpses as well as a [CHEST], [VANITY], and [CABINET]. The Chamberlain holds the

[REDCLIFFE VAULT KEY] so be sure to loot him. The western-most room holds a


MOTHER'S AMULET], a key gift for Alistair. In the previous room take the stairs

to the second floor. The room to the right yields a [VANITY] and [BOOKSHELF]

with a gift for Wynne. Back in the hall a horde of corpses spawns all around.

Go into the eastern door and fight off more corpses then unlock the Vault door

to find three [CHESTS], two [WEAPON STANDS], and an [ARMOR STAND] which contain

many unique items like the [CHEVALIER'S MACE], [THE FOX'S BOX], and [EAMON'S

SHIELD]. Head back to the original hallway and go through the bottom door. Upon

approaching the southern door you are attacked by more corpses. The room holds a

[CHEST] with a gift for Alistair inside. The other room has a [CHEST] and [BOOK]


Head past the vault into a room where Connor is. Go into the west room to find

a [BOOK] which is [CODEX 192: AVELINE, KNIGHT OF ORLAIS]. Should you try to

approach Arl Eamon the Desire Demon takes over Connor and you are forced to kill

it along with Connor. This path eliminates the option of unlocking the Blood

Mage specialization so it is best to turn back after acquiring the book and go

to the Circle Tower. Speak with First Enchanter Irving who is concerned and

agrees to aid you. Return to Isolde as soon as possible.

You can only send a mage into the Fade, Jowan is rather weak so if you have

Morrigan that is probably your best choice unless of course you are a mage. Run

around and find Arl Eamon then take the Portal. Approach Connor, call the demon

out, and defeat it. Take the next portal and repeat the process. Another portal

and another useless conversation with Connor leading to another fight. This time

when you take the portal you meet the Demon head on. If you are a mage and went

in yourself you have the option of bargaining to learn the Blood Mage skill,

gain a talent point, or receive pleasure from the Demon. If you want the Blood

Mage Specialization but also want the good path, get the specialization and save

a new file. Reload your old file and it will be unlocked so you can defeat the

Demon and still have acquired Blood Mage.

Regardless of your choice Arl Eamon is still sick. Jowan's fate can be decided

if you so choose, but for now leave that to Teagan. Agree to find the Urn of

Sacred Ashes and be on your way. Check the [BOOK] on the table for [CODEX 212:


FERELDEN: CHAPTER 1] then head to Redcliffe to turn in [LOST IN THE CASTLE],

then proceed to Denerim.

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|::.. . |rn of Sacred Ashes





| Antivan Leather Boots | Cultist |

| Cultist Medallion | Cultist Archer |

| Genitivi's Research | Cultist Leader |

| Locket | Cultist Mage |

| Love Letter | Cultist Reaver |

| Mage's Eye | Eirik |

| Ring of Faith | Guard |

| Small Silver Bar | Shopkeeper |

| Steel Symbol of Andraste | Weylon |




| 071 Chantry Hierarchy | |

| 105 The Avvars | |

| 116 Dragon Cults | |

| 203 The History of the Chantry: | |

| Chapter 3 | |

| 207 Death of a Templar | |


Head to Genitivi's Home across from the Tavern. The [BOOK] on the table is

[CODEX 203: THE HISTORY OF THE CHANTRY: CHAPTER 3] and the one in the room is

[CODEX 116: DRAGON CULTS]. Speak with Weylon and be persistent, he gets very

defensive and attacks. If you choose not to attack him then listen to his advice

and head to the Lake Calenhad Docks. Speak to the Innkeeper in the Spoiled

Princess to get the scoop then leave. Some Cultists should attack you, loot the

Leader for the [CEREMONIAL ARMOR]. Go back and kill Weylon for his treachery.

Enter the back room and check the [BOOK] for [CODEX 071: CHANTRY HIERARCHY], the

[CHEST] for two important items, and the [CORPSE] which is the body of the real

Weylon. Open the World Map and head to the Village of Haven.




You are approached by a guard as you make you way into town. Ignore him and

enter to the left looting the [DEATHROOT]. The east side provides a [BOOK] for

[CODEX 207: DEATH OF A TEMPLAR] and another [DEATHROOT]. The Villager House

has two [CHESTS], one of which contains [LOVE LETTER](7). Leave the house and

head west to find an [ELFROOT] and [CHEST] on the docks. You can speak with the

child twice to find out more about Haven, then proceed up the hill grabbing the

[ELFROOT] on your way. To the east are two [DEATHROOTS] and to the west is a

[BOOK] of [CODEX 105: THE AVVARS] and a [SACK]. There is a [WOODEN CRATE] just

outside the Merchants, loot it and enter the store.



| Shop Keeper |


| Acidic Coating Recipe........................................... 5g 32s 80c |

| Lesser Elixir of Grounding Recipe............................... 2g 92s 80c |

| Acid Flask Recipe............................................... 1g 11s 60c |

| Lyrium Potion Recipe............................................ 0g 90s 00c |

| Mild Choking Powder Trap Plans.................................. 0g 82s 80c |

| Mild Lure Plans................................................. 0g 72s 00c |



Pick the [IRON CHEST] for some rare items; [MAGE'S EYE], [ANTIVAN LEATHER

BOOTS], and a [LOCKET]. Speak with the Shopkeeper and check his goods, he might

not have much but you can always dump off your un-needed items. Attempt to enter

the backroom. When the shopkeeper stops you ask what he's hiding then take him

out. There are two [CHESTS] and a corpse denoting one of Arl Eamon's men. Leave

the store but be prepared for a fight as a band of cultists strike. Head up the

hill looting the [DEATHROOT] and killing more cultist. Two more [DEATHROOT] and

an [ELFROOT] are at the top of the hill, loot them and enter the Chantry.

Speak with Eirik but regardless of your choices you are forced to fight. Loot

Eirik for the [CULTIST MEDALLION] and check the left room for an [INSCRIBED

CHEST] with a [SMALL SILVER BAR] inside and a locked [CHEST]. Observe the brick

wall on the opposite end to find a [CHEST] behind the bookshelves and Brother

Genitivi. Help Genitivi and tell him Arl Eamon is sick and you need the ashes.

Present the medallion you looted off Eirik and take Genitivi with you to the

mountain side.


| _ \

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|::.|:. |uined Temple

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.19.00]--+




| Ancient Elven Gloves | Ash Wraith |

| Ancient Encrypted Scrolls | Bronto |

| Armor of Diligence | Cultist |

| Belt of the Magister Lords | Cultist Archer |

| Black Pearl | Cultist Assassin |

| Chasind Sack Mead | Cultist Mage |

| Discovering Dragon's Blood: Potions, | Cultist Overseer |

| Tinctures, and Spicy Sauces | Dragonling |

| Dragon Scale | Drake |

| Drake Scale | High Dragon |

| Faith's Edge | Kolgrim |

| Golden Demon Pendant | The Guardian |

| Kolgrim's Horn | |

| Lifedrinker | |

| Main Hall Key | |

| Pinch of Sacred Ash | |

| Scroll of Banastor x2 | |

| Sealed Letter | |

| South-East Chamber Key | |

| Spellweaver | |

| Stone Warrior Statuette | |

| Taper | |




| 045 The Life Drinker | A Test of Faith |

| 124 The Frostback Mountains | Dragon Scale Armor |

| 132 The Old Gods | Drake Scale Armor |

| 196 The Holy Brazier | Forgotten Verses |

| 213 The First Blight: Chapter 3 | |

| 215 The Maker's First Children | |

| 221 The Sermons of Divine Renata I | |

| 319 Unbound | |


After Genitivi opens the door head up and through the passage way to the left.

Loot the Adventurer for [CODEX 319: UNBOUND] then enter the room. Kill the

Cultist and observe the [CABINET] for a [TAPER] and the [BOOKSHELF] for a rare

gift. Head to the far eastern room to find a [SCROLL PILE] that starts the quest


adds another [SCROLL OF BANASTOR](3), and there is a locked [CHEST] around the

bookshelves. Return to the main area and head up the stairs, fighting off the

attacking Cultist Archers and Reavers. Head through the left door at the top.

Here you meet a Bronto, that while large in appearance, is actually a big

stunnable baby. Continue down the hall and disarm the Tripwire before engaging

the Cultists. The first room yields two [WOODEN CRATES] and an [ANCIENT TEXTS]

for [SCROLL OF BANASTOR](4). Down and to the left are more Cultists and a [BOOK]


have a rare gift. Beyond the door is an [ORNATE CHEST] holding the [BLACK PEARL]

and more importantly the [SOUTH-EAST CHAMBER KEY]. In the southern quarters you

will find another locked [CHEST], loot it and return the main hall.

Enter the eastern door and loot the [FALLEN KNIGHT] for a rare armor set,

[ARMOR OF DILIGENCE]. Return to the south-eastern area where you can now open

the door and find three [CHESTS], one of which contains the [MAIN HALL KEY].

Open the middle door at the top of the stairs and prepare for an ambush. Defeat

the attackers and light the brazier to open the next door. This room is loaded

with traps so be sure to dismiss them as you destroy your enemies. In the next

room you can be sandwiched, but fortunately you can shut the doors and take out

one side at a time. Loot the [IRON CHEST] and head down the east path first.

Continue down this path defeating the Cultists until you reach the corner room

with a [VASE]. At the top of the stairs are three more Cultist with a tripwire

place before them. Turn around and head to the middle area again this time going

the opposite way. Fight your way to a room where four [CHESTS] reside, the one

that is locked is the only safe one to open as the others spawn Ash Wraiths.

Continue until you reach the Wyrmling Lair.


WYRMLING LAIR [05.19.01]


Head through the middle area to meet a Cultist Overseer, kill him and continue

your trek. In the next room dispatch the enemies and check out the [WOODEN

CRATE] at the back end. Enter the caverns to be ambushed by Dragonling, be sure

to disarm the traps. Further up the ramp you should encounter more Cultists and

a few Dragonling. Along the eastern wall are two [CHESTS] and a [BOOK] on [CODEX

124: THE FROSTBACK MOUNTAINS]. Continue north up another ramp with more Cultists

and more Dragonling. Take the eastern path to be ambushed by Drakes, loot them

to start the quest [DRAKE SCALE ARMOR]. The [PILE OF DRAGON FILTH] has the

[STONE WARRIOR STATUETTE] rare gift for Alistair.

Return to the previous room and head down the other path this time. As you

reach the fork you are ambushed by Cultist Assassins, be sure to stun them. Once

they are dispatched continue the path north to an open room with Cultists and a

few Dragonling. As you approach the top area where the Cultist Overseer was a

few Drakes attack. The Cultist Overseer can drop the [SPELLWEAVER], a great

weapon for an Arcane Warrior. Keep on rolling east and kill the Cultists and the

Drake. The [DRAGON EGG] grants the [LIFEDRINKER] whilst the [BOOK] gives [CODEX



N O T E !

If you want to unlock both specializations you might want to make a save file

before heading down the western path. Here you have a choice to make, and though

you can unlock both in one play through it is the "bad" choice.


Return to the fork and choose to go west this time. Follow the path until you

reach a room with Cultists waiting with traps abound. There is a single [CHEST]

and three [WOODEN CRATES] in this room. Continue along the path until you reach

a man named Kolgrim. Here you can make an interesting choice, you can either

accept his quest to destroy the ashes to kill Kolgrim for this treachery. You

can however take a pinch of the ashes first and then defile the urn which will

ultimately grant the Reaver Specialization and later the Champion Specialization

for saving Arl Eamon.

Regardless of your decision head to the mountaintop. Head to the eastern side

of the mountaintop to find two [CHESTS] and a [BROKEN CHEST]. If you didn't kill

Kolgrim he will quell the High Dragon and you can make your way to the Gauntlet.


THE GAUNTLET [05.19.02]


Around the corner you enter a room with a [VASE], [RUBBLE], and a [BOOK] for

[CODEX 215: THE MAKER'S FIRST CHILDREN]. The Guardian has much to say, in the

end he leaves the trials of the Gauntlet for you to overcome and the quest [A

TEST OF FAITH]. The first room is a room of riddles, below is a list of the

people giving the riddles and the correct answers. Failing to answer correctly

will summon an Ash Wraith.




Riddle: Echoes from the shadow realm, whispers of things yet to come. Thought's

strange sister dwells in the night, is swept away by dawning light. Of

what do I speak?

Answer: Dreams


Thane Shartan


Riddle: I'd neither a guest nor a trespasser be; in this place I belong, that

belongs also to me. Of what do I speak?

Answer: Home


General Maferath


Riddle: A poison of the soul, passion's cruel counterpart; from love she grows

till love lies slain. Of what do I speak?

Answer: Jealousy


Archon Hessarian


Riddle: She wields the broken sword, and separate true kings from tyrants. Of

what do I speak?

Answer: Mercy


Disciple Cathaire


Riddle: No man has seen it but all men know it. lighter than air, sharper than

any sword. Comes from nothing, but will fell the strongest armies. Of

what do I speak?

Answer: Hunger


Disciple Havard


Riddle: The bones of the world stretch towards the sky's embrace. Veiled in

white, like a bride greeting her groom. Of what do I speak?

Answer: The mountains


Lady Vasilia


Riddle: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The debt of blood must be paid

in full. Of what do I speak?

Answer: Vengeance




Riddle: The smallest lark could carry it, while a strong man might not. Of what

do I speak?

Answer: A tune

With all the riddles solved the door at the other end unlocks. Here you should

meet someone whom you are familiar with, they will give you [REFLECTION]. Turn

the corner to do battle with is a mimic of your party. The next room is a tricky

one and requires you to move your characters individually. Follow the diagram

and directions below to pass this test of wit.

L6 R6 Directions:

L5 S4 R5 1. Move characters to R1, R2, L3.

L4 S3 R4 2. Move one character to S1.

L3 S2 R3 3. Move character on R1 to L6.

L2 S1 R2 4. Move character on S1 to S2.

L1 R1 5. Move character on L3 to R4, then R2 to L1.

6. Move character on S2 to S3.

7. Move character on L6 to R5, then R4 to L5.

8. Cross the bridge.

On the other side of the bridge approach the altar and take your gear off to

pass through the flames and complete the quest. Loot the Unfortunate Adventurer


[CHESTS] on the side, one requires high cunning. Now is the time to make your

choice; take a pinch and defile the ashes, defile the ashes, or just take a

pinch. If you defile the ashes Leliana and Wynne will turn on you, so if you

choose this path place your Mabari, Morrigan, and Zevran in your group so you

don't lose any party members. The Guardian will attack you regardless of your

group make up.

If you defile the ashes Kolgrim will be waiting outside for you. Drink from

the chalice to unlock the Reaver Specialization. You can then betray him and

loot [KOLGRIM'S HORN] which will summon the High Dragon and unique [FAITH'S

EDGE] which is a mighty Two-handed battleaxe. Head to the middle of the Mountain

Top and kill the Drake and Cultists being sure to loot the [DRAKE SCALE]. If you

so dare, blow Kolgrim's Horn and fight the High Dragon.



| High Dragon |


| Drops: Maetashear War Axe, Crow Dagger, Antivan Longbow, The Long Sight, |

| Storm Talons, Qunari Siege Gauntlets, Pure Bitch Braid, Deadhead |

| Charge, Grandmaster Flame Rune, Dragon Scale |


| This battle will be fought much like Flemeth was. Have your tank pick up |

| the High Dragon and move all other characters behind her out of range of a |

| tail swipe. When the tank gets chomped either stun, bash, or freeze the High|

| Dragon to force it to release. Hexes work nicely here as well as fire resist|

| gear and warmth balms. Winter's Grasp and Cone of Cold work wonders since |

| they will cause a temporary freeze. You cannot shatter the High Dragon but |

| a freeze plus Stone Fist combo still does decent damage. Tough it out and |

| keep everyone topped off by using Health Poultices if need be and keep your |

| mages chugging Lyrium Potions so they can provide much needed aid. |



Looting the Dragon Scale will start a new quest [DRAGON SCALE ARMOR]. Take the

shortcut to the west leading back to the Ruined Temple. Speak with Genitivi and

show him the pouch of Ashes. With the ashes in hand return to Redcliffe Castle.

Approach Bann Teagan and use the ashes to heal Arl Eamon. Accept his reward to

get the Champion Specialization and receive the [REDCLIFFE ELITE SHIELD]. Be

merciful to Jowan to let him live.

Head to Denerim and turn in [FORGOTTEN VERSES] to Sister Justine. In Wade's

Emporium turn in the quests [DRAKE SCALE ARMOR] and [DRAGON SCALE ARMOR]. Turn

in the Drake Scales first and pay the 10 and 20 sovereign to have better quality

made, choose Dragon Scale last and pay the 30 sovereign to receive a superior

quality. Enter Genitivi's abode and speak with him about a reward. The shops now

have some decent items in them so be sure to take a look. When you are ready

head to the Brecilian Outskirts.



| Cesar |


| Magebane Poison Recipe.......................................... 4g 65s 60c |

| Soldier's Bane Recipe........................................... 4g 44s 00c |

| Demonic Poison Recipe........................................... 3g 40s 80c |

| Concentrated Crow Poison Recipe................................. 2g 73s 60c |





| Gorim |


| Meteor Sword.................................................... 3g 74s 00c |

| Chasind Great Maul............................................ 151g 19s 50c |

| Thorval's Luck................................................. 12g 70s 50c |

| Camenae's Barbute.............................................. 13g 25s 50c |

| Rock-Knocker.................................................... 6g 24s 25c |

| Katriel's Grasp................................................. 4g 62s 00c |

| Sword Belt...................................................... 0g 66s 00c |

| Grandmaster Silverite Rune..................................... 10g 45s 00c |

| Backpack........................................................ 5g 50s 00c |





| Wade's Armor |


| The Felon's Coat............................................... 88g 95s 25c |

| Evon the Great's Mail......................................... 107g 64s 00c |

| Kaddis of the Mountain-Father................................... 5g 03s 11c |





You can return to Haven and see a graveyard full of comical messages.



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|::.. . /recilian Outskirts





| Ancient Elven Helm | Black Bear |

| Andraste's Grace | Blight Wolf |

| Athras's Pendant | Danyla |

| Black Hand Gauntlets | Denerim Mercenary |

| Dalish Gloves | Fanged Skeleton |

| Deygan's Boots | Grand Oak |

| Deygan's Dal'Thanu | Great Bear |

| Dreamsever | Greater Rage Demon |

| Dusk Ring | Greater Shade |

| Figurine | Hermit |

| Folded Missive | Hurlock |

| Grand Oak Acorn | Maleficar |

| Halla Antlers | Ogre |

| Halla Horn | Rabid Werewolf |

| Ironbark | Skeleton Archer |

| Juggernaut Helm | Skeleton Mage |

| Juggernaut Plate Boots | Swiftrunner |

| Juggernaut Plate Gloves | Werewolf |

| Love Letter | Wild Sylvan |

| Magister's Cinch | Wolf |

| Mythal's Blessing | |

| Oak Branch | |

| Onyx Demon Statuette | |

| Ox Bone | |

| Painted Skyball | |

| Scarf | |

| Silver Cord | |

| Steel Spiked Collar | |

| The Tale of Iloren | |

| Varathorn's Armor | |

| Wolf-Killer | |




| 052 Andruil: Goddess of the Hunt | Cammen's Lament |

| 053 Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets | Elora's Halla |

| 054 Elgar'nan: God of Vengeance | Lost to the Curse |

| 056 Fen'Harel: the Dread Wolf | Rare Ironbark |

| 057 Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla | The Mage's Treasure |

| 058 June: God of the Craft | Wounded in the Forest |

| 059 Mythal: the Great Protector | |

| 060 Sylaise: the Hearthkeeper | |

| 093 Aravels | |

| 095 The Long Walk | |

| 097 Vallaslin: Blood Writing | |

| 155 Legend of the Juggernaut | |

| 205 The Tale of Iloren | |

| 321 By Order of Emer Thorogood | |


After the opening with Zathrian you will notice that you are in the middle

of the camp surrounded by numerous things. Start by going west and observing


060: SYLAISE: THE HEARTHKEEPER]. Speak with Varathorn to get the quest [RARE

IRONBARK] then check the [PILE OF SCROLLS] for [CODEX 095: THE LONG WALK] and


[BARREL], and a [CHEST]. Slightly north is a locked [CHEST] containing another

[LOVE LETTER](8). South from there is the [ELDEST OF THE SUN] for [CODEX 054:


Head out west to the [DEATHROOT] and then back east to find two [ELFROOT].

Examine the [COLORED INK] neared Athras for [CODEX 097: VALLASLIN: BLOOD

WRITING] then speak with Athras. He should give you the quest [LOST TO THE

CURSE]; check the [WOODEN CRATE] then [GOD OF THE CRAFT] for [CODEX 058: JUNE:

GOD OF THE CRAFT]. More to the north you can find Cammen who gives the quest

[CAMMEN'S LAMENT], head over and talk with Gheyna. Persuade her twice to finish

the quest and receive [CODEX 205: THE TALE OF ILOREN] and the actual book


Head east and observe [FEN'HAREL] for [CODEX 056: FEN'HAREL: THE DREAD WOLF],

then loot the two [ELFROOT]. Head back west and loot the [PILE OF SACKS] then

go north from there to find a [CHEST]. Continue west and observe [GHILAN'NAIN]

for [CODEX 057: GHILAN'NAIN: MOTHER OF THE HALLA} then speak with Elora. You can

lie to her if you have high persuasion and she will kill the Halla and give you

the [HALLA ANTLERS] which you can take to Varathorn and he'll make you a [HALLA

HORN] pendant. If your Survival skill is at Improved or higher than you can

complete the quest [ELORA'S HALLA] by calming the Halla. Around the fence line

are an [ELFROOT] and [DEATHROOT]. If you speak with Lanaya you can gain [CODEX

112: ARLATHAN: PART ONE]. When you are ready enter the Brecilian Forest to the




| Varathorn's Goods |


| Acidic Grease Trap Plans....................................... 10g 32s 00c |

| Greater Spirit Balm Recipe...................................... 9g 66s 00c |

| Potent Health Poultice Recipe................................... 8g 58s 00c |

| Greater Nature Salve Recipe..................................... 8g 46s 00c |

| Soulrot Coating Recipe.......................................... 6g 28s 80c |

| Large Grease Trap Plans......................................... 5g 37s 60c |

| Acidic Coating Recipe........................................... 5g 32s 80c |

| Greater Health Poultice Recipe.................................. 4g 44s 00c |

| Lesser Spirit Balm Recipe....................................... 3g 40s 80c |

| Lesser Nature Salve Recipe...................................... 2g 92s 80c |

| Soulrot Trap Plans.............................................. 2g 01s 60c |

| Acidic Trap Plans............................................... 1g 53s 60c |

| Soulrot Bomb Recipe............................................. 1g 47s 60c |

| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 15s 20c |

| Acid Flask Recipe............................................... 1g 11s 60c |

| Health Poultice Recipe.......................................... 0g 79s 20c |

| Tome of Skill and Sundry....................................... 12g 00s 00c |

| Tome of the Mortal Vessel...................................... 12g 00s 00c |

| The Dark Moon.................................................. 14g 14s 80c |

| Armsman's Tensioner............................................. 6g 12s 00c |

| Backpack........................................................ 6g 00s 00c |






Grab the [ELFROOT] ahead continue north to find two more. Return to the fork

and go east fighting off Blight Wolves and Werewolves for another one. Turn

the corner the Firing Point and equip a bow to use the point. Defeat the Denerim

Mercenaries and loot them for [CODEX 321: BY ORDER OF EMER THOROGOOD], it should

also update the quest. Go beneath the firing point for an [ELFROOT] and a

[SKELETON]. Go north and loot the two [DEATHROOT] then look west to find another

in the open.

Make your way to the north-west corner to find a Great Bear lurking over a

[CORPSE]. Behind you is an [ANDRASTE'S GRACE] and to the east you will meet

Swiftrunner. Just past the bridge are two [ELFROOT] and some Werewolf that need

killing. Head south to find a [CORPSE] with the [MAGISTER'S CINCH] on it, keep

going to find Deygan who needs your help. Take his equipment and then take him

back to the Dalish Camp to finish the quest [WOUNDED IN THE FOREST]. You receive

[DEYGAN'S BOOTS] and [DEYGAN'S DAL'THANU] if you take his equipment.

Head back across the bridged area this time sticking to the path going east.

A group of Darkspawn will ambush you here but they are easily dispatched. Take

from the [FALLEN TREE] the [IRONBARK] needed for your quest. Head north, killing

the Wild Sylvan and looting the [DEATHROOT]. Turn around and head south staying

on the high road to find [RUBBLE] which has two gifts in it. Observe the

Mystical Site of Power and then take the underpass this time.

Loot the [ELFROOT] on your way and turn left at the fork to find Werewolves

and another [ELFROOT]. Choose the other direction at the fork this time. Off to

the west is an [ELFROOT] but you'll be fighting through more Sylvan on the way.

Head past the Landmark Tree to a camp and observe the [BEDROLL], [FIREPIT], and

[TENT] to summon a Greater Shade. This route leaves only the person with the

highest Willpower alive, if you leave immediately everyone is alive. The shade

loots for some gold, the [CHEST] has the [DALISH GLOVES] and [DUSK RING] inside,

but the [PILES OF BONES] don't hold much.

Speak with the Grand Oak and agree to acquire the acorn that was stolen from

him. Head to the East Brecilian Forest when you've accomplished everything here.




Amongst the Halla is an [ELFROOT]. Continue east and fight off the Wild Sylvan

until you come to a crossing with an [ELFROOT]. Take the top left path first and

defeat the Werewolves surrounding Danyla. You can persuade her to give you some

information but in the end she loses control and has to be killed. Take her

scarf to Athras later to complete the quest. Amidst the Halla to the north is a

[DEATHROOT]. Return to the circle and take the northern path.

A Great Bear and it's friends will attack you on the way, kill them and take

the [ELFROOT] as your prize. Further along is a [DEATHROOT] and an expansive

area of ruins guarded by two Ogre. There are two piles of [RUBBLE], two [PILES

OF BONES], a [DEATHROOT], a locked [CHEST], and a [CHARRED CORPSE] to loot.

Prepare yourself and observe the gravestone, disturb the wards for [CODEX 155:


some skeletons appear, kill the skeletons, let your tank keep the Revenant far

away from your other characters so you can kill it from range. It drops the

[JUGGERNAUT PLATE BOOTS] amongst other things.

Proceed east to an [ELFROOT] and down the hill into a camp site for another

along with a [CHEST]. Out of the [TREE STUMP] emerges a Hermit, the one the

Grand Oak spoke about. You can trade him for the acorn, the [ANCIENT ELVEN HELM]

and a book for [CODEX 035: ARCHONS OF THE IMPERIUM]. To trade you must have any

of the following:

- The Scarf from Danyla

- Athras's Pendant (In turn not having the Scarf)

- The Tales of Ilmoren (From Cammen)

- Deygan's Boots (By looting his equipment)

- Halla Horn (By killing Elora's Halla and giving the horn to Varathorn)

- Dusk Ring (Greater Shade Camp in a Chest)

- Lanaya's Songbook

Trade for what you want, all three if you can. Just know that you can obtain

the acorn by checking the [TREE STUMP] to pull out the [GRAND OAK ACORN]. This

provokes the Hermit, kill him and his summoned minions. If you do trade for

everything then you can just let him be or side with him and kill the Grand Oak.

Head south to find more Halla and an [ELFROOT].

Defeat the Sylvan and check the [SKELETON] for [MYTHAL'S BLESSING]. Return to

the Grand Oak to receive your reward, an [OAK BRANCH]. You can now interact with

the Gravestone up the cliff to summon another Revenant which drops another piece

of gear, the [JUGGERNAUT HELM]. Head back to where you fought the first Revenant

at in the East Brecilian Forest to find maleficar. Kill them to satisfy the

quest [THY BROTHER'S KILLER] then head to the clouded area at the southern end.

Here you'll have to fight Swiftrunner but you can't kill him.

Proceed to the ruins where a [PILE OF BONES] and two [CHESTS] lay. Disturb the

Gravestone for another fight with a Revenant who drops the [JUGGERNAUT PLATE

GLOVES]. Follow the road to enter the Ruins.


| _ \

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|::.|:. |uins Upper Level

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.20.03]--+




| Ancient Elven Armor | Cured Werewolf |

| Ashen Gloves | Dalish Apprentice |

| Falon'Din's Reach | Devouring Skeleton |

| Fancy Scroll | Dragon |

| Heart of Witherfang | Elf Woman |

| Juggernaut Plate Armor | Fanged Skeleton |

| Legacy White Shear | Gatekeeper |

| Love Letter | Giant Spider |

| Scroll of Banastor | Greater Shade |

| Silver Medallion | Hunter |

| Song Book | Lanaya |

| Swiftrunner's Shield | Mithra |

| Tablet | Poisonous Spider |

| | Rabid Werewolf |

| | Revenant |

| | Shade |

| | Shadow Wolf |

| | Shambling Skeleton |

| | Skeleton |

| | Skeleton Archer |

| | Swiftrunner |

| | Varathorn |

| | Werewolf |

| | Witherfang |

| | Zathrian |




| 037 Ancient Elven Armor | The Arcane Warrior |

| 055 Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, | The Elven Ritual |

| the Guide | |

| 096 Uthenera | |

| 217 In Uthenera | |

| 233 A Carved Elven Tablet | |


Head down the steps and loot the [PILE OF BONES]. Approach the wall to the

north to discover a secret passageway with skeletons inside. The northern secret

area will open up and it contains a [CHEST] with a [LOVE LETTER](9). Down the

steps some Werewolf attack you; loot the [PILE OF FILTH] and [RUBBLE]. Check the

southern area for another secret door, two [PILE OF BONES] are inside. Open the

door and turn right to find more [RUBBLE] and then head back up to discover

spiders are here too. Go straight in to the next room to find a [PILE OF BONES],

a [COCOON], and a [CHEST]. The northern room has three [COCOONS], two [PILES OF

BONES] and another [CHEST]. The southern area is layered with traps, disarm all

of them for a hefty increase to experience, but beware the Dragon.

Slay the Dragon then loot the [KNIGHT CORPSE], [DWARF CORPSE], and [SOLDIER

CORPSE]. The next part of the room holds two [CHESTS] and a [DRAGON HOARD] that

comes filled with weapons, gems, and a healthy amount of gold. Proceed to the

lower levels.


LOWER RUINS [05.20.04]


Loot the [PILE OF BONES] and begin chasing the spirit to encounter some

skeletons. Down the hall you are attacked from both sides, so back up and funnel

them in to make things easier on yourself. The east room has a [PILE OF BONES]

while the west one has a [PILE OF BONES] and a [CHEST]. As you turn the corner

down the hall more spiders attack, take them out. Proceed forward to find the

Ghostly Boy shouting "Mamae" and regardless of your dialogue choices a swarm

of skeletons attack you. Turn to the groups and Cone of Cold them to make it a

little less grueling, back track a bit and funnel them if need be.

Loot the [BROKEN CRATE] and enter the southern room where a [SARCOPHAGUS]


the quest [THE ELVEN RITUAL]. The northern room holds a [CHARRED CORPSE] and a

[CHEST]. Go through the east door and turn north at the fork. In this room do

the following to open the metal door.

1. Take the earthen jug from the fountain.

2. Fill the earthen jug with water.

3. Leave the pool alone.

4. Place the filled earthen jug on top of the altar.

5. Kneel before the altar and pray.

6. Examine the earthen jug on the altar.

7. Take a single sip from the water in the jug.

8. Take the earthen jug.

9. Leave the altar alone.

10. Dump the water in the jug back into the pool.

If you mess up at any point then demons are summoned. Messing up again after

that bears no ill consequences other than the door still being locked. Enter

the room and loot the three [SARCOPHAGUSES]. Engaging with the Shade in dialogue

results in it attacking with two Greater Shades. Loot the [PILE OF BONES] then


UTHENERA] not to mention that should complete your set and finish the quest [THE


Make your way south now and turn into the room where the skeletons are coming

from to find a [BROKEN CRATE]. Approach the [PHYLACTERY] and touch the gem, tell

it you are sorry and didn't mean to frighten it. Request to help it and then

approach the stone altar with the gem. Accept the memories and place the gem on

the stone altar. This completes [THE ARCANE WARRIOR] quest as well as unlocks

the Arcane Warrior Specialization. Go across the hall to check a [PILE OF

BONES] then continue down the path.

At the three way fork quickly duck into the eastern room and kill the enemies

here to give yourself a place to fight. Then loot the [BROKEN CRATE] and [CHEST]

and make your way to the southern room looting the [PILE OF SACKS] to the right.

Disturb the [GLASS PHYLACTERY] to summon a Revenant; loot it for a codex update

as it was the Fourth Corpse Walker giving you two total. Head back up the steps

and open the door to the left. Draw the enemies attention then shut the door.

Kill them as they come through then proceed.

There are several traps in the room just waiting to decimate your party, be

sure to disarm them for a bundle of experience. Loot the [CHEST], the [KNIGHT


for [UNBOUND]. Keep going west through the metal door, defeating all enemies in

your path. At the bottom of the steps an Arcane Horror appears, the trick to

getting to it is to place your ranged on the right two squares and your melee

on the left two so you are always attacking it and making it move before it

casts. Loot it for some gems and [ASHEN GLOVES] once disposed of.

The southern end holds two [SARCOPHAGUSES] and two [CHESTS], yielding you

the [ANCIENT ELVEN ARMOR] and [LEGACY WHITE SHEAR]. The northern room has two

more [SARCOPHAGUSES] and a [SOLDIER CORPSE], gather your party and venture forth

into the Lair of the Werewolves.




Loot the corpses on the ground and open the door to provoke the Werewolves.

Let them funnel through a few at a time and then proceed right to find a [PILE

OF FILTH] and to the left for some [RUBBLE]. Watch out for the trap as you go

further back to a locked [CHEST]. To the left is a [PILE OF SACKS] and to the

right is a [PILE OF JUNK]. Head south down the stairs and open the door to find

the Gatekeeper, agree to speak with the Lady of the Forest. During the dialogue

you have a few options, but agree to get Zathrian.

To the west is a [SARCOPHAGUS] and some [RUBBLE], in the previous room is

another [SARCOPHAGUS], go north. Open two more [SARCOPHAGUSES] and go east, the

northern chamber has a [CHEST] and the southern a [CHEST], [PILE OF RAGS] and

the last [ANCIENT TEXTS] for [SCROLL OF BANASTOR](5). Head to the western area,

the southern chamber has a [CHEST] and [PILE OF SACKS] while the northern has

a [PILE OF FILTH], a [CHEST] and [GLASS PHYLACTERY] which summons another

Revenant. Loot it for an update, it was the Fifth Corpse Walker and your third

total if you've been following the guide.



You can persuade the Lady of the Forest to attack the elves. Doing so sends

you to the camp where you must slay Zathrian. He drops the [KEEPER'S RING], you

can loot Varathorn for [VARATHORN'S DAR'MISU] and an [ELFROPE]. Note that this

disables the chest that Lanaya was guarding so you can't loot it now. This will

let the Werewolves aid you in the Final Battle.

It is also possible to simply kill Witherfang by making the Lady of the Forest

turn into him. Kill the Werewolves and loot the [HEART OF WITHERFANG] then head

up the steps.


Return to the area with the Lady of the Forest and go left. At the top of the

stairs is a [TREASURE PILE]; return to the top level and go up the steps to find

Zathrian already here. It will take some time but keep plugging away till you

get him to speak with the Lady. Work your way into telling Zathrian you will not

pick sides, in which case he turns on you. Beat some sense into him to make him

break the curse. Ask the humans for a reward to receive [SWIFTRUNNER'S SHIELD]

then return to the Dalish camp.

You should be able to the open the [CHEST] behind Lanaya now, it has a [SONG

BOOK] for [CODEX 217: IN UTHENERA]. Speak with Varathorn and convince him to

make you both the [WOLF-KILLER] bow and [VARATHORN'S ARMOR] - [RARE IRONBARK] is

now complete. Speak with Athras and give him his wife's scarf to finish [LOST

TO THE CURSE] and receive [ATHRAS'S PENDANT]. Make sure you pick up enough

Toxin Extract for [NEGOTIATION AIDS] here then head to the Frostback Mountains.


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|: 1 |

|::.. . |rzammar





| Aeducan Thaig Map | Arcane Warrior |

| Ageless | Bhelen Fanatic |

| Bag of Limbs | Blood Mage |

| Baizyl's Love Letters | Bodyguard |

| Black Runestone | Bounty Hunter |

| Blood Ring | Champion |

| Box o' Nugs | Deep Stalker |

| Champion's Shield | Deep Stalker Leader |

| Dace Signet Ring | Dragon |

| Frostshear | Dust Town Thug |

| Gloves of Diligence | Elven Healer |

| Guild Supplies | Genlock |

| Love Letter | Genlock Alpha |

| Myaja's Key | Genlock Emissary |

| The Search for the True Prophet | Hanashan |

| Thorn of the Dead Gods | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Imrek |

| | Lord Darvianak Volney |

| | Lucjan |

| | Myaja |

| | Olaniv |

| | Piotin |

| | Piotin's Henchman |

| | Piotin's Right Hand |

| | Proving Fighter |

| | Roshen |

| | Seweryn |

| | Shady Thug |

| | Tornas the Deserter |

| | Tunneling Thief |

| | Vartag |

| | Velanz |

| | Wojech |




| 040 Blood Ring | A Lord's Trust: The First Task |

| 135 The Castes | A Lord's Trust: The Second Task |

| 136 Life in Orzammar | A Lost Nug |

| 137 Deep Roads | A Mother's Hope |

| 138 The City of Orzammar | A Prince's Favor: The First Task |

| 139 Cut to Kal Sharok | A Prince's Favor: The Second Task |

| 140 Legion of the Dead | An Unlikely Scholar |

| 141 House Aeducan, Shield of Orzammar| Betrayed from Within |

| 142 The Paragons | Dulin Forender |

| 143 Orzammar Politics | Entering Jarvia's Hideout |

| 144 The Proving | Lost to the Memories |

| 145 Dwarven Faith | Seek out Steward Bandelor |

| 171 King Endrin Aeducan | The Chant in the Deeps |

| 216 The Legion of Steel | Thief in the House of Learning |

| 219 In Praise of the Humble Nug | Unbound |

| 220 Traditional Dwarven Folk Songs | Vartag Gavorn |

| 229 A Letter from King Endrin | |

| 305 The Key to the City | |

| 306 The Shaper's Life | |

| 318 Asunder | |

| 320 Caged in Stone | |


You should get taken back to camp where you are ambushed by a group of Shriek.

Kill them and leave camp going to Frostback Mountains. Run up the path looting

the [DEATHROOT] to the right as you go. Kill the Bounty Hunters that attack you

and make your way into the camp. Head to west side first and speak with Starrick

the Apprentice to complete [NOTICE OF TERMINATION]. On the east side is a

[BARREL] and Tornas the Deserter who upon killing and looting, completes the

quest [DERELICTION OF DUTY]. Approach the large door at the north and help

settle the quarrel.



| Faryn |


| Large Grease Trap Plans......................................... 5g 37s 60c |

| Greater Lyrium Potion Recipe.................................... 4g 65s 60c |

| Fleshrot........................................................ 4g 51s 20c |

| Lesser Ice Salve Recipe......................................... 2g 92s 80c |

| Swift Salve Recipe.............................................. 2g 68s 80c |

| Soulrot Trap Plans.............................................. 2g 01s 60c |

| Small Grease Trap Plans......................................... 1g 15s 20c |

| Concentrated Deathroot Extract Recipe........................... 0g 82s 80c |

| Chevalier's Gloves.............................................. 5g 40s 00c |

| Knight Commander's Plate....................................... 27g 42s 00c |

| Lord's Hunting Jabot............................................ 3g 03s 60c |

| Throwback Harness............................................... 1g 68s 00c |

| Dwarven Smith's Belt............................................ 0g 63s 00c |

| Grandmaster Silverite Rune..................................... 11g 40s 00c |

| Remarkable Topaz................................................ 2g 40s 00c |

| Portrait of a Goosegirl......................................... 0g 13s 20c |



Once inside examine any of the paragons for [CODEX 142: THE PARAGONS]. The

[COMMISSION REPORT] at the end of the hall gives [CODEX 305: THE KEY TO THE

CITY]. Enter Orzammar and a cutscene ensues, observe the [FLOOR CARVING] after

for [CODEX 138: THE CITY OF ORZAMMAR] then speak with the Captain of the Guard

to gain two quests, [VARTAG GAVORN] and [DULIN FORENDER]. Head east and enter

Janar Armorers, check the [WALL CARVING] to the left for [CODEX 136: LIFE IN

ORZAMMAR]. Speak with Janar if you want to check his inventory then leave the




| Janar |


| Large Shrapnel Trap Plans....................................... 0g 24s 00c |

| Large Claw Trap Plans........................................... 0g 24s 00c |

| Large Caltrop Trap Plans........................................ 0g 12s 00c |

| Rock-Knocker................................................... 11g 35s 00c |



Speak to Filda about her son, ask for a reward, and accept [A MOTHER'S HOPE].

Continue down and speak with Brother Burkel, tell him you'll help him to acquire

[THE CHANT IN THE DEEPS]. Enter the Tapster's Tavern and speak with the Nervous

Adventurer to gain the quest [UNBOUND]. Here you can also speak with Oghren who

can more than inform you of Branka, the last living Paragon. Head back outside

once you are done with Tapsters.



| Legnar |


| Interesting Lure Trap Plans..................................... 2g 40s 00c |

| Mild Lure Plans................................................. 0g 90s 00c |

| Tome of the Mortal Vessel...................................... 15g 00s 00c |

| Silverhammer's Evaders.......................................... 2g 94s 00c |

| Shadow of the Empire.........................................., 20g 85s 00c |

| Remarkable Sapphire............................................. 3g 60s 00c |

| Golden Symbol of Andraste....................................... 0g 18s 00c |

| Alley King's Flagon............................................. 0g 16s 50c |

| Silver Demon Head Ring.......................................... 0g 25s 50c |

| Gold Earrings................................................... 0g 11s 25c |



Observe the [WALL CARVING] nearby for [CODEX 135: THE CASTES]. Legnar sells

a few choice pieces of gear typically, but head to the west side of the commons.

Speak with Nug Wrangler Boermor to acquire [A LOST NUG] quest. Dagna should call

you over and request help on studying at the Circle of Magi, say yes and acquire

the quest [AN UNLIKELY SCHOLAR]. Garin usually sells some good items as well so

if you have the gold be sure to pick some up. Head down the steps and grab the

[NUG] and observe the [RUNESTONE] for [CODEX 306: THE SHAPER'S LIFE]. Make your

way back the center area and grab another [NUG].



| Garin |


| Tome of Physical Technique..................................... 19g 50s 00c |

| The Rose's Thorn.............................................. 148g 52s 50c |

| Lifegiver...................................................... 87g 88s 00c |

| Golden Mirror................................................... 0g 13s 00c |

| Gold Amulet..................................................... 0g 13s 00c |

| Gemmed Bracelet................................................. 0g 19s 50c |



Head down the middle path for a [NUG] and a [DOCUMENT]. Enter the Proving and

head through the southern door, observe the [WALL CARVING] for [CODEX 144: THE

PROVING]. Further down is a [WRIT OF CENSURE], nothing more. Head to the north

area where you can speak with a Proving Armsman. Accept his offer until he says

you have done well. He will give you the [BLOOD RING], good for any Blood Mage

you might have in your party. Head back to the Commons. There is another [NUG]

behind Brother Burkel and one on the backside of Janar's. Turn them in to Nug

Wrangler Boermor to finish [A LOST NUG]. Enter the Diamond Quarter nearby.



When you return from the Diamond Quarter you will see some thugs messing with

a poor old man named Figor. Listen to them and then follow them into the store.

If you can intimidate the thugs or pay them, they leave peacefully. However, if

you kill them Figor leaves the store in fear for his life.




| Figor |


| Greater Health Poultice Recipe.................................. 3g 70s 00c |

| Health Poultice Recipe.......................................... 0g 66s 00c |

| Lesser Injury Kit Recipe........................................ 0g 66s 00c |

| Remarkable Emerald.............................................. 4g 00s 00c |



Above you is a [COUNCIL WRIT] and down the path is a [WEAPON RACK], observe

the [WALL CARVING] above the house door for [CODEX 141: HOUSE AEDUCAN, SHIELD OF

ORZAMMAR] as you continue. Enter Harrowmont's Estate and go the far west area to

find two [CHESTS] and a [SCROLL] for [CODEX 229: A LETTER FROM KING ENDRIN].

Leave and enter the Royal Palace and go through the right door, here some

Thieves end up in the wrong place. Kill them and head north opening the door to

the left, open the [CHEST] for a [LOVE LETTER}(10) then head across the hall.

Open the two [WOODEN CRATES] then check the [GLASS PHYLACTERY] to summon

a Revenant. Loot it to find it was the Second Corpse Walker, an update on the

Black vials. Enter the throne room and observe the throne for [CODEX 320: CAGED

IN STONE]. Choose move freely so you can move your characters individually,

then place one on the middle square in the entrance room and two to the south-

west on spots that look like arrows pointing outward. If you stood on the spot

correctly you will hear a noise like something sliding. With those three in

position, use your last character to approach the throne once more. This will

summon a Dragon that is fairly easy to defeat, but it drops [AGELESS], a beast

of a two-hand sword.

Leave the palace and run to the very end and enter the Shaperate. Speak to

Shaper Assistant Milldrate to acquire the quest [THIEF IN THE HOUSE OF LEARNING]

Read the [BOOK] to your left for [CODEX 216: THE LEGION OF STEEL] then speak

with Orta. Listen to her story to gain the quest [LOST TO THE MEMORIES]. Speak

with the Shaper and get him to accept Brother Burkel's plea either through

Cunning, Persuasion, or Intimidation and ask him a few more questions to gain

some background knowledge on dwarven history.

The [BOOK] to your left is [CODEX 137: DEEP ROADS], the first one on the left

in library area is [CODEX 143: ORZAMMAR POLITICS]. To the right is a [BOOK] for

[CODEX 219: IN PRIASE OF THE HUMBLE NUG] and the one on the other side of the

bookshelf is [CODEX 140: LEGION OF THE DEAD]. The middle [BOOK] is [CODEX 145:

DWARVEN FAITH] and the [WALL OF MEMORIES] updates another codex. The last [BOOK]

is [CODEX 220: TRADITIONAL DWARVEN FOLK SONGS], where as the [CHEST] holds the


Burkel with the good news to finish his quest.



You must choose either Prince Bhelen or Harrowmont. The guide will temporarily

split, the continuance is for Prince Bhelen so skip to section [05.21.03] for

Harrowmont. You can finish both sides initial quests, doing the Proving first

causes Vartag to approach you as you leave. Persuade him and you can gain a new

quest called [BETRAYED FROM WITHIN] where you gain information for Vartag

directly from Harrowmont.




Speak with Vartag in the Chamber of the Assembly and acquire the quest [A

PRINCE'S FAVOR: THE FIRST TASK]. Speak with Lady Dace who says that she cannot

change her vote because her father made the deal with Harrowmont. This updates

the quest, head back to the commons and enter Tapsters. Lord Helmi is in the

back, show him the promissory notes to update the quest. Head passed the Diamond

Quarter entrance in the commons and speak with the Mines Commander to get passed

him. The [RUNE] is [CODEX 139: CUT TO KAL SHAROK]; enter the Deep Roads and go

to Aeducan Thaig.


AEDUCAN THAIG [05.21.02]


Follow the long path until you meet some Darkspawn. At the fork go right

and loot the [FRACTURED STONE] then head west. Further along more Darkspawn will

undoubtedly attack, there are two [CHESTS] and a [FRACTURED STONE] for looting.

At the west side is a [SMALL BLOODY SACK] which contains a [BAG OF LIMBS] and

adds [CODEX 318: ASUNDER]. Head south this time and loot the [FRACTURED STONE]

tucked away to left as you defeat the Darkspawn. Further down the path you will

encounter Deep Stalkers. Kill them and again loot the [FRACTURED STONE]. Enter

the expansive ruins to find two more [FRACTURED STONES] and a [BROKEN CHEST].

Kill the attacking Deep Stalkers and speak with Lord Dace. Show him the

promissory note and choose not to travel back with him at this time. Loot the

two [CHESTS] and [WOODEN CRATE] as you continue south-east. Kill more Deep

Stalkers then loot the [CHEST]. Continue following the path and loot the

[FRACTURED STONE] when you spot it. Further are more Deep Stalkers, battle them

grabbing a [FRACTURED STONE] to the south. Battle on until you go far enough

east to reach a [FRACTURED STONE], go south from it.

In this area are two [CHESTS] and a [FRACTURED STONE], Deep Stalkers will

ambush you here. Finally, return to the middle fork and head all the way north

to fight some Darkspawn. Loot the [FRACTURED STONE], [CHEST], and [BROKEN

CRATE]. Aeducan Thaig is now completely done, so return to Orzammar and speak

with Vartag in the Chamber of the Assembly. He will take you to see Bhelen when

you are ready. After some dialogue agree to help to acquire quests [A PRINCE'S


here so head to section [05.22.00] to continue.




Speak with Dulin in Harrowmont's Chamber and acquire the quest [A LORD'S

TRUST: THE FIRST TAKE]. Enter the commons and head down the middle bridge to

the Proving. Speak with Baizyl and either Persuade or Intimidate him to find out

Bhelen knows about his relationship. Agree to get the love letters back, then

head down the southern area and speak with Myaja. She won't give you the letters

but you can pick the lock to her door and take them from her [CHEST]. Return to

Baizyl with the news and he will agree to fight for Harrowmont in the Proving.

You can convince him to give you up to 15 gold to keep it a secret.

Go through the northern door and speak with Gwiddon. You'll have to Intimidate

or Persuade him that Harrowmont isn't giving up the Throne to get him back into

the Proving. Speak with the Proving Master and tell him you are fighting for

Harrowmont. None of the battles are too tough just make you regain your health

and stamina/mana in between each fight. The last fight you may call Baizyl and

Gwiddon to your side. As you leave the Proving, Vartag awaits you and you cannot

choose Bhelen anymore unless you persuade Vartag that you have gained the trust

of Harrowmont and can now get more information for him, you gain the quest

[BETRAYED FROM WITHIN] by taking this route.

Seek out Dulin at Tapsters who will take you to see Lord Harrowmont. He will


HIDEOUT]. The story line converges here so head to the section [05.22.00] to



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|::.. . /ust Town





| A Volume of Shaper History | Alimar |

| Carta Key | Carta Assassin |

| Emerald Costume Ring | Carta Jailor |

| Fluorspar Trinket | Carta Thug |

| Garnet Trinket | Carta Doorman |

| Jail Key | Dust Town Thug |

| Iron Letter Opener | Dust Town Thug Leader |

| Longrunner's Cap | Elven Mercenary |

| Love Letter | Fixer Gredin |

| Malachite Trinket | Giant Spider |

| Proving Receipt | Jarvia |

| Pushback Strikers | Jarvia Supporter |

| Red Steel Letter Opener | Qunari Mercenary |

| Silver Costume Ring | Shady Corebit |

| Smuggled Lyrium | Thug |

| Steel Letter Opener | Thug Leader |




| 134 The Casteless | A Paragon of Her Kind |

| 308 Jammer's Stash | Anvil of the Void |

| | Jammer's Stash |

| | Precious Metals |

| | The Key to the City |

| | Zerlinda's Woe |


Head to Dust Town which can be accessed at the east side of the commons. As

you enter some Dust Town Thugs and their leader should attack you. The [RUBBLE]

gives [CODEX 134: THE CASTELESS], then bargain with Rogek for 40g on the Lyrium

he is selling and acquire the quest [PRECIOUS METALS]. You can sell this to

Godwin at the Circle of Magi, but first let's continue here. You can speak with

Alimar in his emporium and pay him to find out about Jarvia. Do not go back on

your word or you won't be able to trade with him.



| Alimar |


| Freezing Coating Recipe......................................... 6g 21s 59c |

| Adder's Kiss Recipe............................................. 5g 26s 40c |

| Sleeping Gas Trap Plans......................................... 5g 26s 40c |

| Choking Powder Trap Plans....................................... 5g 26s 40c |

| Freeze Trap Plans............................................... 1g 79s 20c |

| Freeze Bomb Recipe.............................................. 1g 30s 20c |

| Crow Poison Recipe.............................................. 1g 05s 00c |

| Mild Choking Gas Trap Plans..................................... 0g 96s 60c |

| Mild Sleeping Gas Trap Plans.................................... 0g 96s 60c |

| Concentrated Venom Recipe....................................... 0g 96s 60c |

| Backhands....................................................... 3g 85s 00c |

| Effort's Boots.................................................. 8g 68s 00c |

| Senior Enchanter's Robes........................................ 4g 20s 00c |

| Kaddis of the Trickster......................................... 3g 29s 49c |

| Remarkable Amethyst............................................. 2g 24s 00c |



Around the corner is an [ASSEMBLY DIRECTIVE], it should be the last update to

the codex and give you the quest [KEY TO THE CITY]. Speak to Shady Corebit who

says he already passed the tome he stole from the Shaperate along, kill him

when he attacks you. Loot him to update the quest then speak with Zerlinda. Tell

her about the Chantry and she will ask you to talk with Brother Burkel about it.

Talk to Nadezda to find out more information about Jarvia's hideout. Enter the

Slum's House at the end of the alley.


CARTA HIDEOUT [05.22.01]


The thugs inside will attack you, beat the Thug Leader into submission to

begin negotiations. Persuade or Intimidate him to simply receive the Finger Bone

Token, or you can just kill him and loot it off his dead body. The other room

has two [CHESTS], leave the house and turn right going through the Suspicious

Door. Head through the door and take out the Doorman and his lackeys.

In the next area head right and take out the Carta that attack you. Loot the

[WOODEN CRATE] and [CHEST] then check Jammer's Journal to get [CODEX 308:

JAMMER'S STASH] and the quest [JAMMER'S STASH]. The room across the hall has a

[CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE]. Go south again and take the right room which has

two [CHESTS] and a [WOODEN CRATE], head across the hall. Defeat the enemies

and loot the [CHEST]. From [KANKY'S COMMON BOX] take ONLY the [SILVER COSTUME


Leave and go all the way into the southern room, in it is a [CHEST], [ARMOR

STAND], and [WEAPON STAND]. Leave the room and go right, continue into the cave-

like area and disarm the trap as you go. Loot the two [BARRELS] and continue

north, at the fork go left. Loot the Jailor for his key and then open Leske's

cell. Take the other way at the split this time and some Carta Assassin's will

strike. Loot the three [BARRELS] on the other side of the room and continue west

to find two more.

Three more [BARRELS] and a [CRATE], take ONLY the [IRON LETTER OPENER] from

[JAMMER'S COMMON STASH]. Continue north dispatching more Carta, loot the four


through the door go left, kill the Carta and loot the [WOODEN CRATE] and [CRATE]

on the left side. The north area has a [WOODEN CRATE] and the east is another



Return to the previous room and go south. Approach the [CHEST] and some Giant

Spiders ambush you. Back to the last room and go right this time. Here you meet

Jarvia who wants nothing more than to kill you. Sleep/stun the Archers and deal

with the melee first. That should make the battle a little easier. Jarvia has

some good loot, most importantly the [CARTA KEY]. Loot the [CHEST] and [WEAPON

RACK] at the back and enter the southern room. Loot these two [CHESTS] for a

[LOVE LETTER](11) then use the key on the southern door to reach the Carta Shop.

Leave the shop and go to the Chantry and tell Brother Burkel about Zerlinda.

Return to Dust Town and kill the Jarvia Supporters, then tell Zerlinda that

Brother Burkel will take her in. Head to the Proving and go north, kill Fixer

Gredin and take [A VOLUME OF SHAPER HISTORY]. Return to the Shaperate and turn

in [THIEF IN THE HOUSE OF LEARNING] then go back to your respective candidate.

You should gain the quests [ANVIL OF THE VOID] and [A PARAGON OF HER KIND], now

make your towards the Deep Roads. Oghren will join the party on the basis that

he is Branka's husband, now go to Caridin's Cross.



If you did not side with Bhelen then you may want to explore the Aeducan

Thaig for experience and a few items. Siding with Harrowmont will not lead you

to anything significant in this area except the [BAG OF LIMBS] which you will

want to acquire. Also, the [RUNESTONE] just before the Deep Roads in Orzammar

is [CODEX 139: CUT TO KAL SHAROK]. Refer to section [05.21.02] for this area.



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|::.|he Deep Roads





| Armor of the Legion | Ancient Darkspawn |

| Bloodline | Branka |

| Boots of the Legion | Bronto |

| Branka's Shield | Broodmother |

| Caridin's Cage | Broodmother Tentacle |

| Caridin's Shield | Caridin |

| Dead Caste Insignia | Corrupted Spider |

| Effort | Corrupted Spider Queen |

| Effort's Gloves | Deep Stalker |

| Forge Master's Hammer | Deep Stalker Leader |

| Gloves of the Legion | Deep Stalker Matriarch |

| Golem Registry Tracing | Devouring Skeleton |

| Head in a Bag | Enraged Spirit |

| Helm of the Legion | Fade Beast |

| Legionnaire Key | Forgotten Spirit |

| Medium Silver Bar | Gangue Shade |

| Ortan Records | Genlock |

| Paragon-Forged Crown | Genlock Alpha |

| Ring of Selection | Genlock Emissary |

| Ring of the Warrior | Genlock Forge Master |

| Silk Weave Gloves | Genlock Runner |

| Smith's Heart | Giant Poisonous Spider |

| Spear-Thrower | Giant Spider |

| Thorn of the Dead Gods | Hurlock |

| Topsider's Blade | Hurlock Alpha |

| Topsider's Hilt | Hurlock Emissary |

| Topsider's Honor | Indignant Spirit |

| Topsider's Pommel | Legion Spirit |

| Torso in a Bag | Ogre |

| Totem | Ogre Alpha |

| Vanguard | Poisonous Spider |

| | Revenant |

| | Shriek |

| | Shriek Alpha |

| | Spirit Apparatus |

| | Stone Golem |

| | Thaig Crawler |




| 146 Stalata Negat | An Admirable Topsider |

| 147 Orzammar History: Chapter One | Asunder |

| 148 Orzammar History: Chapter Two | The Dead Caste |

| 161 The Blights | The Drifters' Cache |

| 200 Caridin's Journal | The Golem Registry |

| 302 The Dead Caste | |

| 303 The Crosscut Drifters | |

| 304 The Gangue Shade | |

| 307 Topsider's Honor | |


At any time have Dog search for items and he will bring back [DUTY], the helm

that completes the Effort Set.


CARIDIN'S CROSS [05.23.01]


Defeat the hired goons and turn the corner taking the first right until you

reach a [FRACTURED STONE]. Enter the expansive area defeating the Darkspawn

that attack. Check the [FIREPIT] to the right for [CODEX 161: THE BLIGHTS] and

progress to a [FRACTURED STONE] before the camp of Darkspawn. Take the camp and

the two [CHESTS] it holds then make your way to the bridge where a Hurlock

Alpha and numerous traps await. Once across the bridge, button hook left to

find [RUBBLE] and a [FRACTURED STONE]. Take out the camp and loot two more

[CHESTS] then check the [RUBBLE] for [CODEX 303: THE CROSSCUT DRIFTERS].

There is a passage way to the east that heads south, follow it to a [STATUE]

for [CODEX 147: ORZAMMAR HISTORY: CHAPTER ONE] and the [RUBBLE] to it's right.

Head east and defeat the Bronto then continue on taking out the Genlock Runners

that will bring more Darkspawn. Keep going east to a large camp in the middle

of a three-way intersection, the [BARREL] is empty. Once the camp is yours loot

the [CHEST], [FRACTURED STONE], and [RUBBLE] then go north.

Take the path to the right and kill the Deep Stalkers. Check the [RUNESTONE]

and [FRACTURED STONE] then go north through the passage killing more Deep

Stalkers. Grab the [SMALL BLOODY SACK] and loot the [HEAD IN A BAG]. There is

a [CHEST] and [FRACTURED STONE] to the right but more Deep Stalkers will strike

before you can get to it. Return the camp at the three-way intersection and go


Loot the [BROKEN CRATE] and [GLASS PHYLACTERY] to summon a Revenant. Loot it

to find it was the Third Corpse Walker. Head south and enter the area to the

the east. Loot the [SMALL BLOODY SACK] for the [TORSO IN A BAG], which should

then give you the quest [ASUNDER] if you went through Aeducan Thaig, then

dispatch of the Darkspawn. In the next room are numerous Deep Stalkers, killing

them all spawns more and the Deep Stalker Leader. Killing these spawns the Deep

Stalker Matriarch, kill away and loot the two [FRACTURED STONES] and the

[SARCOPHAGUS]. Check the [RUBBLE] near the second stone to finish the codex and

gain the quest [THE DRIFTER'S CACHE].

Return to the road and head south again but don't leave yet, take the path to

the right. Follow the path killing the Shriek's then turn right and kill the

Ogre Alpha. Check the [FRACTURED STONE] and [DRIFTER'S CACHE] for some good

items to include [THORN OF THE DEAD GODS](Silverite), [EFFORT'S GLOVES], and a

[RING OF THE WARRIOR]. To the south is another [FRACTURED STONE], follow the

path north and kill the Darkspawn then loot the [BROKEN CHEST] and [CHEST] they

were guarding. The Genlock Emissary has the [TOPSIDER'S HILT] which starts

[CODEX 307: TOPSIDER'S HONOR]. You may now leave Caridin's Cross and head to

Ortan Thaig.


ORTAN THAIG [05.23.02]


Turn the corner to find some dead Darkspawn, loot the corpse to the right and

continue along the path. You'll find another [DARKSPAWN CORPSE] and [FRACTURED

STONE] along with a new enemy, the Thaig Crawler. Further along are more creepy

crawlers attacking an Ogre, slap an AoE spell over them so when they die you

get credit and experience. To the left are more Darkspawn battling the spiders,

again tag them all so you get the experience then pick them off. There is a

[DARKSPAWN CORPSE] and [FRACTURED STONE] nearby, it will summon more spiders.

A Shriek Alpha protects a locked [CHEST] in the south west of the room. The

cubby at the south east of the room has the [WARRIOR'S GRAVE] and a [FRACTURED

STONE]. You must examine the grave to update the codex for Topsider's Honor.

Take the northern exit but don't follow the spider into it's trap, instead

continue on defeating the Stone Golem and Indignant Spirits. You can now double

back around on the spider and make the fight there easier. Loot the [CHEST]

behind the spider web then turn the corner for a [FRACTURED STONE].

Approach Ruck then check the [DARKSPAWN CORPSE], then speak with Ruck. He

will warn you and leave; more spiders spawn behind you. Head after Ruck and

check the [VASE], [DARKSPAWN CORPSE], and [FRACTURED STONE], the vase holds the

[TOPSIDER'S POMMEL] and the quest [AN ADMIRABLE TOPSIDER] should start. Talk

to Ruck, if you Persuade or Intimidate him you can trade with him and he has

some things of value not to mention you are probably overstocked on useless

things to sell.



| Ruck |


| Armor of the Divine Will....................................... 57g 00s 00c |

| Shield of the Legion............................................ 5g 10s 00c |

| Destructionist's Belt........................................... 5g 10s 00c |

| Grandmaster Cold Iron Rune..................................... 27g 00s 00c |

| Etched Silver Symbol............................................ 0g 39s 00c |



Leave Ruck and approach the [ORTAN THAIG CHEST] near the center of the room,

take it's contents the [ORTAN RECORDS]. To the south you can spot a [BROKEN

CHEST], turn the corner east and dispatch another Stone Golem and group of

Indignant Spirits. The [BOOK] is [CODEX 200: CARIDIN'S JOURNAL], there is a

[BROKEN CHEST] nearby, and the another [MYSTICAL SITE OF POWER]. Place the

pieces of body on the Altar of Sundering to summon a Fade Beast. You can cut a

deal with it for [25 GOLD 50 SILVER] or fight it for some experience and bad


To the south is a [FRACTURED STONE], cross the bridge then loot the [BROKEN

CHEST] after you dispose of the enemies. Near the other bridge is a [CHEST] and

[FRACTURED STONE], loot them and proceed west. Chase the Corrupted Spiders to

a [CHEST] then prepare yourself and cross the bridge. Kill the spiders and the

Genlock Emissary and stay left looting the [FRACTURED STONE]. Approach the

[CHESTS] but be denied as the Corrupted Spider Queen emerges. It will quickly

leave and summon a few Corrupted Spider, kill them quickly to bring the Queen

back. Stun her and chip away 25% of her health, she then spins the party in a

web and drops more spiders. This process repeats till she dies.

Loot the Queen for [BLOODLINE] and [SILK WEAVE GLOVES], then the [COCOON] for

[SMITH'S HEART]. If you turn the corner you will find more Corrupted Spiders

and another Genlock Emissary. Open the two [CHESTS] and observe [BRANKA'S

JOURNAL] then head to the Dead Trenches.




Enjoy the cutscene then join the Legionnaires in battle. Be sure to heal them

as they lose health since they prove helpful. You will eventually make your way

forward defeating the Archers and the Ogre. Return to the Legionnaires and

check the [STATUE] for [CODEX 148: ORZAMMAR HISTORY: CHAPTER TWO] then speak

with Kardol for some information. On the other side of the bridge is a


CHEST] are also found in the nearby area.

To the north is a [FRACTURED STONE] and a way inside. The path leads to yet

another [FRACTURED STONE] and more Darkspawn. The archers will fall back to the

group inside, fall back and let them come to you once you gain their attention.

Open the metal door to the north and kill the enemies inside. Loot the five

[SARCOPHAGUSES], one of which holds the [BOOTS OF THE LEGION], and the

[RUNESTONE] is a codex update. Back in the previous area is a [FRACTURED STONE]

to the left. Head south through the metal door but beware of the Pressure Plate

trap that the Darkspawn have set up.

Two [SARCOPHAGUSES] to the left, one holds the [GLOVES OF THE LEGION], turn

the corner to find two more. Enter the cave area and turn right to find a

[FRACTURED STONE]. Go south, killing the Darkspawn and Corrupted Spiders, till

you face the Ancient Darkspawn. Loot it for the [TOPSIDER'S BLADE] then check

the [FRACTURED STONE] in the corner. Follow the path till you reach an open

area, then head south destroying all the Darkspawn led by the Genlock Forge

Master. The Forge Master drops the [FORGE MASTER'S HAMMER] and [SPEAR-THROWER],

both are decent weapons. Loot the [CHEST], [BROKEN CRATE], and [FRACTURED STONE]

behind the corpses.

The room to the right holds three [SARCOPHAGUSES] with nothing of great

importance. Head north and cross the bridge, Shriek ambush you from both sides.

Proceed through the metal door, the [RUNESTONE] to the right is another codex

update. The next large room is home to several Skeletons and a Hurlock

emissary. The lone [SARCOPHAGUS] contains the [ARMOR OF THE LEGION]. Exit at

the north east and grab the [FRACTURED STONE] and two [SARCOPHAGUSES]. Follow

the path to a fork, go north at it.

Defeat the Genlock Emissaries and Corrupted Spiders then loot the [FRACTURED

STONE] and two [CHESTS]. Take the other path and loot the [FLESHY SACK] as you

pass. Check the [FRACTURED STONE] then speak with Hespith. After her creepy

tales of Branka leave the room and check the [FRACTURED STONE] in the corner.

Further ahead are two Ogres, along the bridge is [RUBBLE] for [CODEX 240: LOAD

LIMIT REACHED]. Check the [FRACTURED STONE] in the corner and open the door.

Approach the Legionnaire Altar and take the [HELM OF THE LEGION] and the

[LEGIONNAIRE KEY]. The quest [THE DEAD CASTE] should now be started.

Defeat the Legion Spirits and have someone equip all pieces of the Legion

to include the Helm and Shield. Touch the Legion of the Dead Relic to summon

the Gangue Shade. You can now open the Ominous Door in the previous area. Loot

the [FLESHY SACK] and check the [RUNESTONE] for another codex update. Continue


STONE] and two more [FLESHY SACKS] are down the path. Continue till a cutscene




| Broodmother |


| Drops: Effort (Silverite) |

| Ring of Selection |


| This battle is dependent on you staying back and attacking the Broodmother |

| tentacles. When she summons the Darkspawn switch to them immediately as |

| they can and will build up. It becomes quite a simple battle once you take |

| down some tentacles and get lots of time to just wail on Broodmother. Her |

| Spit can be dangerous but other than that not too much to worry about. The |

| tentacles can be frozen and stunned so take advantage of that, Blizzard |

| works wonders! |



With that out of the way, head to the Anvil of the Void.




Move forward and approach Branka, Oghren must be in your party. The path is

linear, loot the two [DWARF CORPSE] and two [DARKSPAWN CORPSE] as you move on.

Check the [BROKEN CRATE] and [BARREL] as the Darkspawn horde approaches. Make

good use of the Lyrium surrounding you in between waves, by good use that means

let the Mages use it. After the waves head down the path looting the two


In the room close the four Gas Valves and defeat the Stone Golems to release

the door. Loot the [DWARF CORPSE] and enter the next room with Blade Traps and

more Stone Golems. Use the Lyrium Veins appropriately and march forward for an

interesting battle. Kill a Forgotten Spirit where it stands and touch the Anvil

behind it to shoot fire into the face and make it spew blood. After a certain

time the faces will rotate so kill as many as you can. Hitting the bleeding

eyes will stop the Enraged Spirit from being summoned so try to take a side

out every time.

Check out the [RUBBLE] then exit at west to meet Caridin. Side with Branka or

Caridin but know that the other side will attack. Leliana and Wynne strongly

disagree and take a huge hit to approval though Zevran, Oghren, and Morrigan

will approve. Caridin drops [CARIDIN'S SHIELD] and [CARIDIN'S CAGE] while

Branka drops [BRANKA'S SHIELD] and [VANGUARD]. Either way you can destroy the

Anvil of the Void, but choosing to do so is best done only if you sided with

Caridin. You will also be crafted the [PARAGON-FORGED CROWN] regardless of your


Loot the [CHEST] for some items plus a [MEDIUM SILVER BAR]. Check the [GOLEM

REGISTRY] and make an imprint to start the quest [THE GOLEM REGISTRY]. Oghren

will ask if you want to go back, you can if you wish but you should go back to

Ortan Thaig. Visit the Warrior's Grave here to finish [AN ADMIRABLE TOPSIDER]

and receive [TOPSIDER'S HONOR], a very good main hand Longsword. Return to

Orzammar when you're ready.


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|::.. . |rzammar Part 2





| Harrowmont's Staff | Ambassador Gainley |

| Key to the City | Bhelen Fanatic |

| Ruck's Shield | Bodyguard |

| Trian's Maul | Harrowmont Fanatic |

| | Rogek |

| | Rogek's Thug |




| 223 Trian's Journal | Exotic Methods |

| 232 A Letter from Rica | |


If you side with Harrowmont then Bhelen will attack you. Afterwards you will

receive [HARROWMONT'S STAFF] or [TRIAN'S MAUL]. Make your way out and loot the

[ASSEMBLY CACHE] for the [KEY TO THE CITY], an incredible ring. Time to tie

loose ends here and turn in all the side quests. You can speak with Kardol just

outside, convince him to fight with you during the Blight and it will be so. Go

to the Shaperate and talk to Orta, then speak with the Shaper to turn in [THE

GOLEM REGISTRY]. You can check the [MEMORIES] to turn in [THE DEAD CASTE].

Return to the Assembly and speak with Orta to finish [LOST TO THE MEMORIES]

and receive 5 gold. To receive the full reward from her you must leave to an

area other than Orzammar and the Frostback Mountains then return. Head over to

the Royal Palace and enter the door to the left. Down the hall continue west,

the Royal Bedroom has nothing in it.

If you sided with Harrowmont and speak with Vartag he will attack. Kill him

and then proceed to enter Bhelen's room and examine the [LETTER] for [CODEX

232: A LETTER FROM RICA]. Head further down the hall and go south to Lady

Broden's room. Loot the [CHEST] and talk with the herbalist to receive a new

recipe and the quest [EXOTIC METHODS]. Make a potion and use it on the Lady

to cure her and finish the quest.

In the other room at the end of the hall is Ambassador Gainley. Kill him and

his bodyguards to satisfy [THE TRIAL OF CROWS]. Loot the [CHEST] and examine

the [BOOK] for [CODEX 223: TRIAN'S JOURNAL]. Go to the Commons and speak with

Filda to finish [A MOTHER'S HOPE] and receive [RUCK'S SHIELD]. It's optional

but at this time go to the Circle Tower. Speak with Irving about Dagna wanting

to study there. Also, find Godwin and sell him the Lyrium with a little

persuasion for 65 gold and a dagger. Persuade him even further for another 8

gold then back to Orzammar.

Speak to Dagna and ask for a reward, this completes [AN UNLIKELY SCHOLAR]. Go

to Dust Town and speak with Rogek, persuade him that you need more money to

receive 25 gold and finish [PRECIOUS METALS]. Seek out Orta now and talk with

her to receive an additional 10 gold! You can now return to Redcliffe and tell

Arl Eamon it's time to summon the Landsmeet.


|. |

|. |___

|: 1 |

|::.. . |andsmeet





| Elementalist's Grasp | Assassin |

| Fade Wall | Captain Chase |

| Gloves of Guile | Gaxkang the Unbound |

| Keening Blade | House Archer |

| Love Letter | House Soldier |

| Teyrn Loghain's Crown | Howe Soldier |

| | Loghain Guard Captain |

| | Loghain Soldier |

| | Loghain's Seneschal |

| | Master Ignacio |

| | Rogue Mage |

| | Thug |

| | Taliesen |

| | Zevran |




| 106 The Bannorn | Dead Drops |

| 118 History of Ferelden: Chapter 2 | False Witness |

| 122 The Free Marches | Rescue the Queen |

| 126 Highever | The Landsmeet |

| 150 Par Vollen: The Occupied North | Untraceable |

| 194 Meditations and Odes to Bees | |

| 210 Feast Day Fish | |


Enjoy the cutscene and the dialogue that ensues. Head to Eamon's study and

listen to Erlina's plea. Agree to help and gain the quest [RESCUE THE QUEEN].

The [BOOK] is [CODEX 194: MEDITATIONS AND ODES TO BEES], head into the eastern

room to find a [CHEST]. In Your Room where Morrigan, Sten, and your Mabari are

you will find two more [BOOKS], [CODEX 106: THE BANNORN] and [CODEX 150: PAR

VOLLEN: THE OCCUPIED NORTH] respectively, while the adjacent room holds a

[CHEST]. Head west and then north to find Leliana and Zevran, there is also a


There is a [CHEST] in the adjacent room that holds a [LOVE LETTER](12). Go

south from the previous room to find Oghren. In the other room is a [BOOK] for

[CODEX 210: FEAST DAY FISH]. Leave the estate and turn in the quests you have

finished along the way. The ones from the tavern should leave access to two

more, [FALSE WITNESS] and [UNTRACEABLE]. If you've been looting everything you

should have 10 Garnet easily so you can turn in the latter quest which leads to

[DEAD DROPS]. [THE TRIAL OF CROWS] should update to the final part once you

speak with Ignacio. You can choose to do the next section which will close up

all the side quests in Denerim or simply proceed with the story at section





Note that during your travels there are random encounters you may start that

involve Zevran and another in which your characters are split up by a gate.

The one with Zevran is where he meets Taliesen, an Antivan Crow, who can tempt

Zevran back to the Crows. If you and Zevran aren't on the best of terms then

he will leave, otherwise just ask him to stay and a fight will begin. Taliesen

drops the [GLOVES OF GUILE] which are half-decent gloves. The other battle in

which you are separated from your group is somewhat difficult, but the real

purpose for the mentioning is the [GLASS PHYLACTERY] for the final Revenant and

last update for [THE BLACK VIALS].

Out in the district check out the [DEAD DROP] near Cesar. Slim Couldry also

has a quest update for a payment of 6 sovereigns. Enter the Gnawed Noble Tavern

once more and do one of the following to get Teryn Loghain's Crown:

- Buy the guards a round of dwarven spirits, then when they're drunk, walk past


- Use Poison-Making to poison the drinks to knock the guards out

- Persuade or bribe the waitresses to keep the guards occupied

- Use Intimidation to convince the guards to leave

- Use Stealth to sneak past them

- Just kill the guards

Return to Slim and he'll give you the last break in for 10 sovereign. Head to

the Bann of West Hill's Estate from the City map. Head around the corner and

unlock the east door. Check the [WEAPON STAND] and [ARMOR STAND] then flip the

[LEVER]. Follow the path back in the hall to the west until you reach a single

[WOODEN CRATE], it seems you were deceived. Fight your way out to the main hall

and return to the Market District.



Sometimes the game will not update the quest even after you've left the

estate. Going through the another quest later in the game usually fixes this

issue. Worst case scenario, load up a saved game just before you went to the



Speak with Slim Couldry who gives your money back and leaves town for the

time being. Time to complete [UNBOUND], head to the Dirty Back Alley and

approach the door to the Quaint Hovel. Talk your way in to the building and be

prepared for what is possibly the hardest fight in the game.



| Gaxkang the Unbound |


| Drops: Keening Blade |

| Fade Wall |


| Gaxkang is a powerful Arcane Warrior with what seems to be limitless mana. |

| This means he uses all kinds of spells, mainly those from the Entropy and |

| Primal trees. The best way to avoid most of this is to cleanse the group |

| and try to spread out. Use your tank to face him away to avoid everyone |

| being affected by Cone of Cold attacks (though he might turn around and hit |

| the party anyways). Most all stuns and freezes are going to get resisted or |

| he is just immune. Use numerous potions and halfway through the fight you |

| may want to use Wynne's Vessel of the Spirit to keep her going strong. |



When the fight is over check the [CHEST] in the back for a healthy amount of

sovereign, some gems, and the [ELEMENTALIST'S GRASP] which are possibly the

best attacking mage gloves. Leave the area which will disappear when you leave,

and head to the Ransom Drop Location.

Here defeat the wave of Howe's Soldiers and Captain Chase to find there was

no hostage. Head back to the Gnawed Noble Tavern and speak with Ignacio. You

can choose to kill him or let him leave on good terms with you, either way the

quest is completed.


| _ |

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|. _ |

|: | |

|::.|:. |rl of Denerim's Estate

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.24.02]--+




| Arl Howe's Key | Arl Howe |

| Biteback Axe | Guard |

| Grey Warden Documents | Guard Captain |

| Howe's Shield | Howe Guard |

| Irminric's Signet Ring | Jailor |

| Key to Lower Prison | Loghain's Guard |

| Medium Gold Bar | Mabari |

| The Summer Sword | Mage |

| Vaughan's Key | Off-Duty Guard |

| | Ser Cauthrien |

| | Soldier |

| | Torturer |




| 048 The Summer Sword | Lost Templar |

| 104 Antiva | Tortured Noble |

| 125 Gwaren | |

| 214 The First Blight: Chapter 4 |


Head over and speak with Erlina who informs you Howe is inside so you need to

be careful. Go left and loot the two [ELFROOT] then when the Guard notices you

and summons soldiers from the rear, kill them. Turn the corner to find another

[ELFROOT] and enter the courtyard. Check out the two [ELFROOT], [DEATHROOT],

and the [SACK] here then Erlina will stop you. You can simply kill the guards

and have to battle your way through this part of the quest or place your

disguises on and go stealthy, which is how the guide will go.




Head to the bushes and Erlina will distract the guards. Run around the corner

past the door and check the [CHEST] which was blocked off before then head

inside. Speak with Erlina to find out where Anora is at then head south from

the Kitchen to find two [WOODEN CRATES]. Head north past the guards to a small

room with another [WOODEN CRATE]. Go west now and up the hall to the left where

some archers are practicing. Check the [WEAPON STAND] and [ARMOR STAND] then go

north from the hall.

Enter the first room on the left to find a [CHEST] and a [BOOK] on [CODEX

214: THE FIRST BLIGHT: CHAPTER 4]. The second room on the left has a single

[CHEST] as does the second room on the right. The first room on the right is

empty in terms of loot. Go all the way north and turn the corner east to find

Anora, unfortunately her door is sealed shut by magic. Go to the four-way

intersection and head north to find a [BOOK] for [CODEX 125: GWAREN]. Head back

and go east this time. The first door to the north has a guard receiving some

"favors", if you get too close though he will be suspicious and sound the alarm

so keep your distance.

Unlock the door to the south at the end of the hall to find three [TREASURE

PILES], a [CHEST], and a [VASE] to obtain quite a bit of money, a [MEDIUM

SILVER BAR] gift, and [HOWE'S SHIELD]. Proceed north to find a [BOOK] on [CODEX


In the next room you will find Riordan, bring up the documents and then ask for

Howe's where-abouts. Unfortunately, at this time Riordan cannot be of any aid

so head to the Dungeon.




Regardless of the choice you make your cover is blown so start fighting your

way through the guards. There is a tripwire trap immediately in front of you so

disarm it before progressing. Make your way south through the metal door then

turn right two enter a room with two [BARRELS], a [WOODEN CRATE], and a [PILE

OF SACKS]. Return to the hall and enter the next door to the south-west to find

more guards. Beware the trap of fiery death that lurks as you enter the door

to the south.

Unlock the three [CHESTS] then enter the door at the north side of the hall

where Torturers reside. Free the man on the Torture Rack to find out he is

Oswyn. After some discussion you can gain his father's approval at the coming

Landsmeet and gain the quest [TORTURED NOBLE]. Back in the hall, follow the

path east around the corner and enter the first room where the Jailor resides.

Loot the key off him and open Rexel's cage. You can let him go or put him out

of his misery. You can open Soris' cage at the end but it serves no real

purpose at this time.

The last room on the east side has a [CHEST], check it and open the door at

the northern end. Defeat Arl Howe by taking out his two Mages first and keeping

the others stunned or immobilized. Loot Howe for the [BITEBACK AXE] and [ARL

HOWE'S KEY]. Go north to find Vaughan where you can gain his voice for the

Landsmeet and receive the key to his chest. Open Irminric's cell door and ask

him what he wants you to do to update the quest [LOST TEMPLAR]. Go up the stairs

and head over to Vaughan's room if you got his key, open [VAUGHAN'S LOCKBOX] to

find 40 gold, then go free Anora.

As you try to leave Cauthrien attempts to stop you. You can surrender or

fight, which both allow Anora to escape. If you explain that Anora was being

help captive then she betrays you and Cauthrien attacks anyways. Plot wise, you

aren't supposed to win this battle but if you do Cauthrien drops the [SUMMER

SWORD] which adds to your Codex. Since this battle is nigh impossible to win

then it is assumed you are captured.


| _ |

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|: |

|::.|ort Drakon





| Key to Cell Doors | Captain |

| Key to Front Hall Door | Colonel |

| List of Passwords | Guard |

| Regulation Sword | Jailor |

| | Mabari |

| | Off-Duty Guard |

| | Sergeant Tanna |

| | Soldier |




| | Captured! |


You are given the option to wait for your friends to bust you out or break

out yourself, which is what you should do. You gain the quest [CAPTURED!], now

check the door and choose one of the many options you are given to get out of

the cell. Check the [CHEST] to get your gear back, you can free the man in the

other cell if you wish for some experience. Make your way through the open door

and defeat the enemies in the Kennel. Head to the Regular's Armory and check

the [WEAPON STAND], [ARMOR STAND], and [WOODEN CRATE]. The Armor Stand lets you

put on a Guard Uniform.

The eastern room has three [WOODEN CRATES] and a [BARREL]. Pickpocket the

guard for the [LIST OF PASSWORDS] or simply kill them and loot it off them,

then put your guard uniform back on. Enter the northern room to receive orders

from the Colonel, enter the southern room. Open the [WOODEN CRATE] and persuade

the guard that you are his relief then enter the east door and persuade the

guards that the Colonel wants to see them for inspection. Tell them you will

help get their swords, enter the southern room again and check the [WEAPONS


Return to the Colonel then loot the [CHEST] and head up the main path out.

Check the [WOODEN CRATE] and use the password check to get by, "Rabbit" is the

correct password. Continue north to a four-way intersection, go right to find a

[CHEST] in the Captain's Office. Return to the four-way and enter the north

room then go through the left door to find another [CHEST]. Leave Fort Drakon

and return to Arl Eamon's Estate.


| _ |

|. 1 |

|. _ |

|: | |

|::.|:. |rl Eamon's Estate

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[05.24.06]--+




| Axe of the Grey | Cam of Redside |

| Duncan's Shield | Thug Bodyguard |

| Griffon's Helm | |

| High Constable's Mace | |

| Map of the Anderfels | |

| Spirit Ward | |




| | Unrest in the Alienage |


Enter Eamon's room and speak with Anora. You gain the quest [UNREST IN THE

ALIENAGE], speak with Riordan to find out where the vault is. Head to the

Warehouse and check the [SHELF] in the back to reveal a hidden room. Four


are prime for looting. You can receive the [GRIFFON'S HELM], [MAP OF THE


Enter the Gnawed Noble Tavern and speak with Alfstanna. Ask for a reward and

her voice at the Landsmeet to finish the quest and receive [SPIRIT WARD].

Talk to Sighard about his son's imprisonment and he will grant you either

coin or support at the Landsmeet. Turn in another quest to the Bartender then

head over to the Wonder's of Thedas Shop. Kill Cam of Redside and turn in a

quest at the Chantry then go to the Alienage.


|.| | |

'-|. |-'

|: |

|::.|the Alienage





| Andraste's Grace | Alley Guard |

| Bow of the Golden Sun | Blackstone Mercenary |

| Free Sailor Sextant | Caladrius |

| Gift of the Grey | Demon |

| Hospice Key | Devera |

| Imperial Edge | Elf |

| Knight-Commander's Shield | Elf Guard |

| Lesser Tevinter Robe | Greater Shade |

| Robes of the Magister Lords | Guard |

| Slaver Documents | Healer Saritor |

| The Summer Sword | Healer Veras |

| Veal Bone | Lesser Rage Demon |

| Worn Amulet | Lesser Shade |

| | Loghain |

| | Loghain's Guard |

| | Mage |

| | Rabid wardog |

| | Raelnor Hawkwind |

| | Rage Abomination |

| | Rampaging Spirit |

| | Rioting Spirit |

| | Royal Guard |

| | Ser Cauthrien |

| | Supervisor |

| | Taoran Hawkwind |

| | Tevinter Guard |

| | Tevinter Soldier |

| | Tormented Woman |




| 041 Bow of the Golden Sun | A Change in Leadership |

| 110 The City Elves | Defending the Collective |

| 111 Alienage Culture | Defying the Collective |

| 157 Vhenadahl: The Tree of the People| Hearing Voices |

| | Something Wicked |

| | The Final Battle |


Speak with the Hooded Courier and Varel Baern to finish those two quests.

Enter Cyrion's House and speak with Soris to get some incite as to what is

going on. He tells you to speak with Shianni who should know more. See what the

gathering is all about to eventually speak with Shianni. Enter Alarith's Store

if you want but you can't get any information out of him. Approach the Mystical

Site of Power outside and check the sign for [CODEX 157: VHENADAHL: THE TREE OF


Speak with Ser Otto and aid him in finding the Maleficarum to acquire the

quest [SOMETHING WICKED]. Speak with the Deranged Beggar, check the Feral Dog,

Pool of Blood, and the Dead Dog, then return to Ser Otto. Tell him of your

findings and he will say it's time to check out the Orphanage.


ORPHANAGE [05.24.08]


Open the door and watch the spirit run off. Enter the room to the right and

check the [BROKEN CHEST]. In the room to left head up to find two [WOODEN

CRATES]. Continue through the Orphanage as the side doors open up and release

Mabari on you, one of the rooms has a [WOODEN CRATE]. Follow the path and defeat

the Tormented Woman and the Rampaging and Rioting Spirits. Check the two

[CHARRED CORPSES] then enter the next room. Defeat the Demon and the Lesser

Shades that are summoned. Check the [CHEST] and [CHARRED CORPSE] then continue


Defeat the enemies in the next room and check the [CHARRED CORPSE], go left

to find another. Go up through the door and unlock the other one to find a

[CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE], looting them will summon some enemies. In the room

to the east is another [CHARRED CORPSE], up from there is a Greater Shade. West

from here is four Rage Abominations, kill them and proceed through the final

door. Defeat the Demon and Ser Otto will die, the final Demon will come out. It

summons Lesser Rage Demons to it's side but they are easily dispatched of. There


and a [WORN AMULET] which unlocks the quest [HEARING VOICES].

Leave the Orphanage and speak with the Deranged Beggar and give her amulet

back to her to finish the quest. Head to the north side of the Alienage and

loot the two [DEATHROOT], then speak with the Elf Guard. You can give him six

sovereign or kill him for the Hospice Key. Enter the Hospice and kill the Guards

and the Supervisor, who holds the [IMPERIAL EDGE]. Check the [CHEST] and the

[WOODEN CRATE], then the [PILE OF COINS] and the [NOTE]. Open the door behind

you and release the elves that are held captive here.

Head out the front door and take out the healers and guards. Talk with Shianni

afterwards and tell her about the note and key. Head back to the north end and

enter the apartments.




Turn the corner and speak with the Elf to get some information on what's

happening here. Enter the room in the middle to find a [WOODEN CRATE] and a

[CHEST]. The room above it has a [CHEST] with the [FREE SAILOR SEXTANT]. Enter

the western room and kill the Tevinter Soldier's. Check the two [CHESTS] and the

[PILE OF BOOKS] for [CODEX 110: THE CITY ELVES]. Make your way out the south

exit and defeat more Soldiers. Check the [BARREL] and enter the Warehouse.

You can fight Devera or Intimidate/Persuade her to take you to Caladrius, just

know that she drops the [BOW OF THE GOLDEN SUN], a decent bow and codex update.

Check the [WEAPON STAND] and disarm the traps to the right, check the [BARREL].

Head north and open the left door first to find a [CHEST], the right door has

more Soldiers. Check the [WOODEN CRATE] and continue north. Battle through the

hall and kill the Soldiers in the large room; check the [CHEST]. In the next

room you meet Caladrius. You may present a counter offer where you have various

levels of Persuasion and Intimidation choices. You can make it so that he leaves

and gives you everything or you fight him. Upon his defeat you can bargain to

get a health increase via his Blood Magic.

Afterwards Valendrian is released and returns to his home. Loot Caladrius for


[CABINET], [WOODEN CRATE], and the [CHEST] then exit. Enter Valendrian's Home

and check out the two [CHESTS] and [ARMOIRE]. Speak with him about Duncan and

he will give you [GIFT OF THE GREY]. Alarith's Store is now open for business

and he has a few decent items for sale. Return to Arl Eamon at this time who

will tell you to meet him at the Royal Palace.



| Alarith |


| Choking Powder Cloud Trap Plans................................. 7g 97s 50c |

| Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap Plans................................... 7g 97s 50c |

| Greater Injury Kit Recipe....................................... 7g 92s 00c |

| Flaming Coating Recipe.......................................... 4g 88s 40c |

| Freezing Coating Recipe......................................... 4g 88s 40c |

| Lesser Warmth Balm Recipe....................................... 2g 68s 40c |

| Lesser Nature Salve Recipe...................................... 2g 68s 40c |

| Rock Salve Recipe............................................... 0g 72s 60c |

| Tome of Skill and Sundry....................................... 11g 00s 00c |

| Staff of the Ephemeral Order................................... 18g 70s 00c |

| Senior Enchanter's Robes........................................ 3g 30s 00c |

| Warpaint of the Waking Sea...................................... 2g 49s 70c |

| Swordsman's Girdle.............................................. 0g 55s 00c |

| Current Map of Ferelden......................................... 0g 12s 10c |



Head out and turn in the quests you finished to the Chantry and the Mages'

Collective. Pick up the quests [DEFYING THE COLLECTIVE] and [DEFENDING THE

COLLECTIVE] from the bag after you turn that quest in. You should also enter

the Gnawed Noble Tavern to turn in the quests from the Blackstone Irregulars.

Pick up [A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP] after turning those two in. Head to the west

side of the Market District to find Raelnor Hawkwind. You can either kill him

or his son Taoran, who you will find out in a random encounter on the world map.



Once you complete the Landsmeet things in Redcliffe are changed forever. If

you have any quests that require you to go to any part of Redcliffe do so now.

Mainly the quest [DEAD DROPS] that has not been covered yet and if you choose to

do [DEFENDING THE COLLECTIVE] it must also be done before the Landsmeet.

Talk to Knight-Commander Harrith to update that quest. The [DEAD DROP] point

is north of Dwyn's Home on the pier.


When you reach the Royal Palace you will run into Cauthrien if you didn't kill

her earlier. You can Persuade/Intimidate her to go away peacefully but it is

suggested that you fight her and her six guards. Loot her for [THE SUMMER SWORD]

which is also added to your codex. Head through the doors to join the Landsmeet.

You now have several ways that the game can end and almost all of them rely on

your decision here.



- Tell Anora you support her, even if it's a lie.

- Get Vaughan's vote by rescuing him from Howe's dungeon.

- Rescue Oswyn from Arl Howe's estate during the "Rescue the Queen" quest and

mention Howe's crimes.

- Rescue Irminric in Arl Howe's dungeon, give his signet ring to Alfstanna in

the Gnawed Noble Tavern in Denerim, and say that Loghain hired a blood mage to

poison Eamon.

- When you confront Loghain in the Landsmeet, mention the Blight and pass a

Persuasion check to get Arl Wulff on your side. You can also use Persuasion to

choose the "I'm not the one who betrayed Ferelden" dialogue choice, which gets

you a little support.

- Mention the slave trade in the Alienage.


- Before the Landsmeet, don't tell Anora that Loghain should die for his crimes

or just don't talk to her at all.

- Mention leaving Cailin to die.

- Mention Alistair in the first dialogue round.

- Rescue Irminric from Howe's dungeon, don't give his ring to his sister in the

Gnawed Noble Tavern, and mention Loghain allowing Howe to torture innocents.

- Rescue Irminric and don't give his ring to his sister, then mention Arl Eamon

at any point.



- Alistair rules with Anora

- Anora won't marry the murderer of her father, so if you want Loghain dead,

you'll have to do it yourself. If you let Loghain live, he'll only take the

throne if he has been changed by his sister.

- Alistair rules with you

- You'll need to have at least a neutral approval rating with Alistair for him

to marry you, and of course you must be female. You must pass a Persuasion

check to seal the deal.

- Alistair rules alone

- Pretty easy to get if he's been changed by his sister and Loghain's dead.

- Anora rules alone

- Even easier to get than Alistair ruling alone, as he doesn't want to be king

anyways. Doesn't matter if Loghain lives or dies.

- Anora rules with you

- Only available if you're a Male Human Noble. You must let Loghain live, or

let Alistair kill or execute him, not you.


Either way you will be in a battle. Focus on Loghain and the battle will be

halted prematurely. Accept the challenge of the duel and fight with whomever

you see fit. You can choose to kill Loghain but who does the deed determines

your endings, or you can make him undergo the Joining and join the team. You

gain the quest [THE FINAL BATTLE]. Leave the estate to find Slim Couldry has

returned. Accept the update for The Tears of Andraste. You can go to Redcliffe

but once you enter the castle you can no longer explore the world map so do

some side questing if you want.




Speak with the survivor and make your way down the path killing Darkspawn as

you go. Defeat the enemies at the main part of town then head to the castle area

for another fight. Fight off three waves of Darkspawn to have an Ogre Alpha

attack. Tell the soldier you need time to prepare because when you enter the

castle you are locked down and can no longer visit the world map.


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|::.. . |ide Questing Part 3





| Captain Key | Brian |

| Exalted Maul | Captain of the Guard |

| Hideout Directions | D |

| Tears of Andraste | D's Lieutenant |

| | Golem |

| | House Archer |

| | House Soldier |

| | K |

| | K's Lieutenant |

| | Mercenary Captain |

| | Rogue Henchman |

| | Rogue Mage |

| | Skinny Frank |

| | Thug Bodyguard |




| | Harsh Decision |

| | New Ground |


Start off by heading to the Bann of West Hill's Estate again. Head south and

defeat the Soldiers that attack. Continue west and then south at the cross to

find a locked door. In the room is a [CHEST], head north to the middle room and

check the [KITCHEN SUPPLIES] then enter the north room for two more [CHESTS].

Continue to go west and the take the top path into the expansive room. Pass

through the middle room looting the [CHEST] as you go. Kill the Mercenary

Captain in the south-east room and loot the [CHEST] as well as the [CAPTAIN KEY]

from the corpse.

Keep trucking west and make your way to where the treasure "wasn't" last time.

The room before it to the north has a concealed door that can be moved. Go north

and disarm the pressure plates then open the door to the tiny room. A [CABINET],

[WEAPON RACK], and two [CHESTS] reside. An [EXALTED MAUL] and the [TEARS OF

ANDRASTE] are among the items you can loot. On your way out the Captain of the

Guard is waiting for you with his troops. The north east room has a [WEAPON

STAND] and an [ARMOR STAND] along with more enemies. Leave and return to Slim


Choose to drop the tears off yourself and Slim will be on his way. Head to

Lake Calenhad Docks now. You should run into Taoran on your way there if it was

him that you chose to kill. You can kill him or make him pay you a few sovereign

for his life. He drops the [FREE SCOUT ARMING CAP] if you choose to kill him.




Find Skinny Frank near the docks, kill him. Enter the Spoiled Princess to find

another [DEAD DROP]. Mark it and be on your way to the Frostback Mountains.




Head to the middle area to find another [DEAD DROP] and Brian. Kill him to

finish [FALSE WITNESS] then head to Denerim to turn in the quests and pick up

the last one called [HARSH DECISIONS] or [NEW GROUND]. To gain access to the

latter you must signal Gorim and Sister Theohild in the Denerim market, and the

tranquil proprietor of the Wonders of Thedas. Talk to each and given them "K's"

wink and nod and they will return the signal as expected. After all the signals

have been sent, check in with "K's" Denerim guard contact in the market.


RUN DOWN ALLEY [05.26.03]


Make your way around Denerim till you run into D's/K's Lieutenant. Loot the

[HIDEOUT DIRECTIONS] from him and be on your way to it.


D'S/K'S HIDEOUT [05.26.04]


There is hardly any discussion here, simply fight and kill D/K then head back

to the Bartender for your reward.


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|: |

|::.|he Final Battle





| Axe of the Vashoth | Archdemon |

| Corruption | Devouring Corpse |

| Dawn Ring | Dragon Thrall |

| Malign Staff | Enraged Corpse |

| Map of Occupied Ferelden | Genlock Alpha |

| Spiral Band | Genlock Assassin Acolyte |

| | Genlock Conjurer |

| | Genlock Emissary |

| | Genlock Grunt |

| | Genlock Master Assassin |

| | Genlock Shapechanger |

| | Greater Shade |

| | Hurlock Alpha |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Hurlock General |

| | Hurlock Grunt |

| | Lesser Shade |

| | Ogre |

| | Ogre Alpha |

| | Shade |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Shriek |




| 267 - Army Picker | Defend the Alienage |

| 280 - Defending the Gates | Hold the Gates |


Speak with Arl Eamon and then head to the second floor. The first room on the

right has a locked [CHEST] containg a [MAP OF OCCUPIED FERELDEN], at the end of

the hall is Riordan. Learn the truth behind the Archdemon and the meaning of

being a Grey Warden. Head to your room to find Morrigan waiting for you. You can

accept her offer to earn a definite ending scenario or refuse and she leaves

your party forever unfortunately.

You are taken to the Denerim City Gates after the cutscenes. Most enemies

should die in a single blow so run around and kill them all. When they are all

dead the quest updates, speak with Riordan. Now you must split your party in

two and you might want to take Alistair/Loghain with you to enter the city.

Start off by heading to the Market District.




Defeat the Ogres and press onward to the back side of the district. Check the

[RUBBLE] at the northern side, then the [BARREL] on the other side of the

building. At the south eastern end you will find more Ogres and the Hurlock

General. Let it come out to you then sleep/paralyze/freeze the attacking Ogres

and pummel the General. It drops several good items including [CORRUPTION] and

[AXE OF THE VASHOTH]. Loot the [RUBBLE] from where the General was and another

in the north east corner from there. Return to the city map and go to the



THE ALIENAGE [05.27.02]


Run through to find Shianni. Convince her to defend her home and send her to

the front lines. Follow her and then let loose on the Darkspawn that break

through the gate. The Hurlock General is in the back and will set up some Glyphs

to aid its allies. Fortunately it can be controlled so spells like Blood Wound,

Sleep, and Paralyze are life savers. It drops the [MALIGN STAFF], [STORM TALONS]

and a [SPIRAL BAND]. When they are all defeated speak with Shianni to complete

the quest and receive the [DAWN RING]. As you leave the Archdemon destroys the

bridge behind you, head to the Palace District.




Here you get control of your party. Equip them and speak with the Officer to

start the fight. An Ogre Alpha strikes first, tank it and let the Soldiers aid

you. Again, most enemies die in a hit or two so area of effect skills are great

for thinning out the competition and focusing on the harder enemies. When the

enemies are defeated talk to the messenger and tell the messenger you have

secured the gates to finish the quest.




Watch the cutscene and then head up the left side killing Darkspawn. Check the

[CHEST] then head to the south side and destroy those Darkspawn. Head up the

stairs and check the [RUBBLE] after eliminating more foes. Make your way to the

top floor, beware the tripwire trap at the top of the steps. Defeat the rest of

the Darkspawn and check the [RUBBLE] then head to Fort Drakon.


FORT DRAKON [05.27.05]


Take out the archers on the sides and then the Dragon Thrall that lands. Try

to sleep the Emissary and Alpha in the back so you can take care of them later.

Take out the rest of the small fry and head inside. To the right is a [CHEST],

to the east at the four-way is a [PILE OF BOOKS], same on the west. Head down

the Main Hall and a large amount of Shades will spawn around you. Defeat the

Genlock Conjurer at the southern end and head down the hall disarming the trip

wire. Enter the south west room to find three [WEAPON STANDS] and a [WOODEN

CRATE] to loot.

You can kill the enemies in the western room if you want but enter the south

eastern room. Loot the four [ARMOR STANDS], two [CHESTS], and two [WOODEN

CRATES]. The northern room has a [CABINET], [ARMOIRE], and a [CHEST] to loot.

Enter the east room and check the [BARREL] then speak with Sandal. Head to the

second floor.




There is a [BARREL], [WOODEN CRATE], and a [SACK] in the immediate room. Go

through the west door and then open the [CHESTS] at the top of the stairs.

Continue west and defeat the Alphas that attack. Head north and open the far

left door to find two [CHESTS]. The next room over has a [CHEST] as does the

other. Open the east door and go east through another. Defeat the ranged foes

that await you. Enter the south area in the previous room. Fight off the Genlock

Master Assassin and beware the leghold traps. The room has three [WOODEN CRATES]

to check out.

Head south and fight off the two Ogres and Hurlock Emissary. There are six

[CHESTS] and a [WOODEN CRATE] amongst the sides which contain lots of consumable

items for the upcoming battle. Head to the Rooftop to reach the final battle.




Watch the cutscene and get ready.



| Archdemon |


| Drops: None |


| This fight is broken down into phases, every 25% the Archdemon will move to|

| another phase. Summon your armies but leave a melee and ranged unit for |

| later. It uses some area of effect attacks, a stunning roar, flame breath, |

| bites, and tail swipes. It takes flight to move around and does so often, |

| just adjust and play it like the other dragons you have fought. |

| When the second phase starts it will use Vortex, an attack that deals |

| minor damage but afflicts anyone it hits with attack and defense debuffs. |

| Just continue like it was the first stage being wary of the Vortex. |

| The third phase starts at half health and the Archdemon takes flight. Use |

| the ballistas and ranged attacks to deal damage to it. Summon the ranged |

| unit you held earlier and take notice of the Darkspawn that pour into the |

| area. Have your mage use some area of effect spells to quickly wipe them out|

| and then switch back to the Archdemon. |

| Phase four starts at 25% and the Archdemon summons more Darkspawn. Use the |

| last unit that you held now to focus on the Darkspawn while you deal the |

| of the damage to the Archdemon. Whatever choice you make at the end of the |

| game will decide the ending. Enjoy the ending! |





|+++++++++++++++++++++++++Downloadable Content (DLC)++++++++++++++++[06.00.00]|



This section covers all downloadable content for this game. It will be added

to as more DLC is released.


| _ |

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|::.. . |oldier's Peak





| Antique Warden Crossbow | Arcane Horror |

| Asturian's Might | Arland Corpse |

| Robes of Avernus | Arland Skeleton |

| Shadow Belt | Arland's Lord |

| Warden Commander Armor | Ash Wraith |

| Warden Commander Boots | Commander Athlar |

| Warden Commander Gloves | Dead Warden |

| Warden Tower Shield | Desire Demon |

| Winter's Breath | Greater Shade |

| | Lesser Rage Demon |

| | Rage Demon |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Shambling Skeleton |

| | Sophia |

| | Warden Acolyte |

| | Warden Master Scout |

| | Warden Scribe |

| | Warden Skeleton |




| 099 The History of Soldier's Peak: | Ancient History |

| Chapter 1 | Infernal Dealings |

| 100 The History of Soldier's Peak: | |

| Chapter 2 | |

| 101 The History of Soldier's Peak: | |

| Chapter 3 | |

| 102 The History of Soldier's Peak: | |

| Chapter 4 | |

| 226 Sophia Dryden's Journal | |

| 237 A Letter From Bann Mathuin Wulff | |

| 238 Avernus's Notes | |

| 239 A Plea From Commander Athlar | |


Head up the hill and view the cutscene. Head left and observe the [STATUE] to


Head back east and defeat the Arland's Lords that attack you. As you move on

Warden Skeletons and Acolytes will attack from the statue area. On the steps

the Warden Master Scout leads more troops, loot it's corpse for the [ANTIQUE

WARDEN CROSSBOW]. When you're ready enter the Keep.


THE KEEP [06.01.01]


Listen to the speech that the spirit is giving and then enter the Break Room

where an Arcane Horror awaits. Check the [NOTE] on the table for [CODEX 237: A

LETTER FROM BANN MATHUIN WULFF]. Enter the Barracks and defeat Commander Athlar

then loot the [CHEST], [WEAPON STAND], and [NOTE] for [CODEX 239: A PLEA FROM

COMMANDER ATHLAR]. Head to the Mess Hall to find a [CHEST] in the corner, go

back in the hall and enter the Archives. Defeat the Archivist and check the

[ARCHIVIST'S BOOK] to view another cutscene. Check the [BOOK] in the corner for

[CODEX 100: THE HISTORY OF SOLDIER'S PEAK: CHAPTER 2] then head to the second



SECOND FLOOR [06.01.02]


You'll view another cutscene and then a Rage Demon and Dead Wardens will be

your next opponent. You must defeat the Dead Wardens and the Demons that are

summoned before you can stop the Rage Demon from rapidly healing. Loot the

Rage Demon for [WINTER'S BREATH], a good staff for any mage. Loot the [VASE]

and head up stairs. Kill the Skeletons and check the [RASPBERRY JAM] on the


Enter the door at the left to find Sophia possessed. You can side with the

demon but it's best not to if you are playing the good character. Check the two

[CHESTS] and the [BOOK] on the table for [CODEX 226: SOPHIA DRYDEN'S JOURNAL].

Be sure to loot Sophia for the [WARDEN COMMANDER SET], a great set for a damage

dealing warrior. Take the exit in the other room. On the bridge are a few

enemies and a few traps. Make your way across to Avernus's Tower.



Sophia always drops the three set pieces for the Warden Commander Set but

rarely she will drop the [WARDEN TOWER SHIELD], which matches the set and is

very good.



AVERNUS'S TOWER [06.01.03]


Defeat the Warden Corpses that attack and check the [BOOK] for [CODEX 238:

AVERNUS'S NOTES]. The [ALCHEMICAL CONCOCTION] will give your character the

Power of Blood abilities, two unique abilities pending your class. The [ABILITY

NOTES] will lead to another mini-cutscene. Head to Avernus's Room and speak

with him. Agree to ally with him until the Demons are taken care of. Loot the





Mage - Dark Sustenance

- Blood Grasp

Rogue - Dark Passage

- The Tainted Blade

Warrior - Blood Thirst

- Blood Fury


Return to the Great Hall on the second floor of the Keep. Protect Avernus

from the Demons that are summoned as he closes the Veil. The final creature is

a Desire Demon that is easily tanked and killed, it usually drops decent coin.

Speak with Avernus afterwards and choose to kill him, he drops the [ROBES OF

AVERNUS] which improve blood magic.

Head down the steps and check [ASTURIAN'S PORTRAIT] to gain access to his

stash. Inside is [ASTURIAN'S MIGHT] and the [SHADOW BELT], this completes the

quest [ANCIENT HISTORY]. If you leave and come back Levi will have his shop set

up and you will gain access to a storage chest. If you have acquired the

[METEOR METAL ORE] from the random encounter then give it to Mikhael and have

him forge [STARFANG]. You can choose either a one-hand or two-hand sword, the

choice is dependent on your play style.



| Levi's Shop |


| Greater Warmth Balm Recipe...................................... 8g 46s 00c |

| Greater Ice Salve Recipe........................................ 8g 46s 00c |

| Soulrot Coating Recipe.......................................... 6g 28s 80c |

| Freezing Coating Recipe......................................... 5g 32s 80c |

| Soulrot Trap Plans.............................................. 2g 01s 60c |

| Freeze Trap Plans............................................... 1g 53s 60c |

| Soulrot Bomb Recipe............................................. 1g 47s 60c |

| Freeze Bomb Recipe.............................................. 1g 48s 80c |

| Shaper's Amulet................................................. 1g 62s 00c |

| Charm of Still Waters........................................... 0g 72s 00c |


| Note: Levi also sells some runes. |




You can sell your armor to Mikhael and then exit the menu. Open his shop up

again to find the gear you sold upgraded to a higher tier!



| _ |

| 1___|

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|: 1 |

|::.. . |ulcher's Pass





| Bloodied Bronze Key | Dust Wraith |

| Cord of Shattered Dreams | Genlock |

| Golem Control Rod | Genlock Emissary |

| Harvest Festival Ring | Hurlock |

| Helm of Honnleath | Hurlock Alpha |

| Olaf's Prized Cheese Knife | Kitty |

| Remarkable Greenstone | Lesser Rage Demon |

| Willhelm's Special Brew | Lesser Shade |




| | A Golem's Memories |

| 183 Shale | The Golem in Honnleath |

| 224 The Journal of Enchanter Willhelm| |

| 230 A Note from the Honnleath Village| |

| Council | |

| 236 A Decades-Old Letter | |


On your way here you will meet a man named Felix. He will ask you to take a

control rod off his hands, it will wake a Golem upon chanting the proper words.

You should finish the initial quest and then gain [THE GOLEM IN HONNLEATH].

Loot the two [ELFROOT] and be on your way.


HONNLEATH [06.02.01]


Loot the [ELFROOT] and defeat the Darkspawn that attack. Turn the corner to

find a horde of Darkspawn waiting, kill them and check the [BARREL]. Grab the

[DEATHROOT] and press on into the main part of the village. In the southern

corner you'll find a [NOTE] for [CODEX 230: A NOTE FROM THE HONNLEATH VILLAGE

COUNCIL]. Loot the [VILLAGER] for the [BLOODIED BRONZE KEY] then check out the

[BROKEN CHEST], [CHEST], and [BASKET OF BIRDSEED]. Lastly, examine Shale and

try to activate him. Enter Willhelm's Cellar to continue.




Check the [STRANGE CRYSTAL CLUSTER] and [CHEST] then head down the ramp and

open the door. Defeat the waves of Darkspawn and check the [CHEST], [BARREL],

and [CHARRED CORPSE] for anything useful. In the next room use [WILLHELM'S

SPECIAL BREW] to obtain that gift. Defeat the Darkspawn in the next area, kill

the Genlock Emissary first. Check the [GLOWING CRYSTAL] and [A DECADES-OLD


Take down the magical barrier and speak with Matthias. Agree to find his

daughter in exchange for the right code. In the hall are two [ELFROOT], a

[DEATHROOT], and a [FRACTURED STONE], the room will summon shades and a Dust



[CHEST] in the corner. In the next area are two [STRANGE CRYSTAL CLUSTERS],

head to the Containment Facility at the end of the path.

Persuade "Kitty" that you will help free it. Move the floor tiles so that the

top-right tile is lit. Use the arrows to direct the fire then let Amalia run

for it while you dispose of the Demon. Kitty drops the [HELM OF HONNLEATH] and

[CORD OF SHATTERED DREAMS], make your way back to Matthias defeating the Lesser

Shades that spawn. With the correct code, head back to Shale. On your way out

head up the hill north and open [OLAF'S CHEST] for [OLAF'S PRIZED CHEESE KNIFE].


| _ |

|. 1___|

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|: 1 |

|::.. . |adash Thaig





| Blood-Gorged Amulet | Bronto |

| Cadash Stompers | Deep Stalker |

| Dead Thaig Shanker | Deep Stalker Leader |

| Remarkable Ruby | Genlock |

| | Genlock Alpha |

| | Genlock Rogue |

| | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Ogre Alpha |

| | Shriek |

| | Shriek Alpha |





If you have completed a Paragon of Her Kind then enter camp and talk with

Shale about his past until he mentions Willhelm and the Deeproads, you should

obtain [A GOLEM'S MEMORIES], Shale's personal quest. Once that is done head to

Caridin's Cross with Shale in your party. Shale should remember something and

mark the location of Cadash Thaig on your map.

Head down the path defeating the Darkspawn and Shrieks that attack. Follow

the path north checking the [RUBBLE] as you go. Shale will note that this is

Cadash Thaig and that he wants to venture further. Defeat the numerous enemies

and check the [STRANGE CRYSTAL CLUSTER] to your right. Up the path to the left

is a [CHEST]. Further along is a Hurlock Emissary that drops a [BLOOD-GORGED

AMULET], there is a [CHEST] and [PILE OF JUNK] nearby as well. Cross the bridge

and take out the Deep Stalkers and Darkspawn.

To the immediate left is some [RUBBLE] and the right is a [WOODEN CRATE].

Where the Darkspawn were lies a [PILE OF BONES] and a [PILE OF JUNK]. Follow

the path to another [PILE OF BONES], further south and to the east is a [CHEST]

that when approached spawns Deep Stalkers. The southern nook has another [PILE

OF BONES] then continue down the path and fight more Deep Stalkers that spawn

on top of you eventually spawning the Deep Stalker Leader. Check out the nearby

[RUBBLE] and fight off the Darkspawn that emerge.

Head to the western corner and fight off the Alpha Shriek and it's friends

to find a [CHEST] and a [PILE OF BONES]. Head up the hill north and defeat the

Genlock Alpha and its cronies then check the [CHEST] to the east. Cross the

bridges to reach your destination which is guarded by an Ogre Alpha. Shrieks

will come mid-fight so be ready to handle them. The Ogre Alpha drops numerous

items but most notably the [CADASH STOMPERS] and [REMARKABLE RUBY]. Check the


SHANKER] then examine the [GOLEM MONUMENT]. This starts a scene and completes

the quest as well as an achievement.


| _ |

|. 1 |

|. _ |

|: | |

|::.|:. | King's Confidant

+'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[06.03.00]--+




| Cailan's Breastplate | Blight Wolf |

| Cailan's Gauntlets | Corrupted Spider |

| Cailan's Greaves | Genlock |

| Cailan's Helm | Genlock Forgemaster |

| Cailan's Shield | Genlock Grunt |

| Corrupter Magister's Staff | Genlock Necromancer |

| Deathroot | Genlock Rogue |

| Duncan's Dagger | Hurlock |

| Duncan's Sword | Hurlock Alpha |

| Elfroot | Hurlock Emissary |

| Firestone Harness | Hurlock General |

| Joining Chalice | Hurlock Grunt |

| Key to the Royal Arms Chest | Hurlock Strategist |

| Maric's Blade | Hurlock Strider |

| Nug Crusher | Hurlock Vanguard |

| Repeater Gloves | Ogre |

| Secret Correspondence | Private Militia |

| Swiftrunner Warpaint | Risen Ogre |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Shambling Skeleton |

| | Shriek |

| | Skeleton Mage |




| 227 - Cailan's Documents Page 3 of 3 | A King's Confidant |

| 250 - Cailan's Documents Page 2 of 3 | Return to Ostagar |

| 251 - Cailan's Documents Page 1 of 3 | |

| 252 - Return to Ostagar - Credits | |


Make your way to this area on the World Map. Take a look at the unarmed man

and the guards, then join the fray. Defeat the Private Militia and loot the two

[DEATHROOT] and two [ELFROOT]. Check on Elric and attempt to revive him. After

the conversation head to Ostagar. Bring Alistair or Loghain along for added

commentary and scenes.


OSTAGAR [06.03.01]


Upon entering the area Darkspawn immediately attack you. Kill them and check

the [PILE OF SACKS] and [WOODEN CRATE] nearby. Head north to find more Darkspawn

lurking, led by a Hurlock Strider. Loot the [WOODEN CRATE] then the dead Strider

for [CAILAN'S GREAVES]. Another [PILE OF SACKS] is up the snow-covered hill

along with the [JOINING CHALICE]. Proceed back down the ramp and into the main

part of camp. More Darkspawn led by a Genlock Forgemaster await you, defeat them

and move near the Magic Encampment to find a Hurlock Alpha. In the quartermaster

area is a locked [CHEST] and [WOODEN CRATE].

In the Magic Encampment you will find Elric's Buried Key, the [KEY TO THE

ROYAL ARMS CHEST] as well as the [MAGES' CHEST]. If you did not use the key

earlier then you can unlock the chest to receive the [CORRUPTED MAGISTER'S

STAFF], along with the other loots that would have been there. Proceed near the

Mabari kennels and defeat the rogues that attack. Check the [PILE OF SACKS] and


and a Hurlock Vanguard will attack you upon checking the corpses -- the Vanguard

drops [CAILAN'S SHIELD]. Continue east to [CAILAN'S CHEST] where [MARIC'S BLADE]

and [SECRET CORRESPONDENCE] can be found. Head south up the ramp to find more

Darkspawn, loot the [WOODEN CRATE] for some [REPEATER GLOVES] and the [PILE OF

SACKS] in the corner.

As you continue east beware the tripwire. Defeat the Darkspawn and loot the

locked [CHEST], [PILE OF SACKS], and two [WOODEN CRATES]. Return to the main

camp and start on the way across the bridge to find Cailan. A scene occurs and

then more Darkspawn attack, but from both sides of the bridge. Make it to the

other side of the bridge and look north to find a [WOODEN CRATE]. From here

continue to dispatch the Darkspawn. Keep an eye out for the leghold traps and

the enemies on ballistas. In the back you will find the Hurlock Strategist, it

holds [CAILAN'S GAUNTLETS]. Loot the two [WOODEN CRATES] and the [PILE OF SACKS]

in the southeast corner, you'll find the same set up on southwest end; the far

east has two [WOODEN CRATES].

Head up the ramp and check the [WOODEN CRATE] then engage the Darkspawn. There

is a [PILE OF SACKS] near some destroyed area and a [WOODEN CRATE] up on the

platform. A Hurlock General leads the next pack, stun him to gain better control

of this fight and then check his corpse for [CAILAN'S BREASTPLATE]. Before the

ramp is a locked [CHEST] ripe for picking, do so then proceed to the Tower of



TOWER OF ISHAL [06.03.02]


You are immediately attacked by Darkspawn, the grunts will fall in a single

blow but the Ogre will have to be handled. Clean up and loot the [PILE OF FILTH]

then move to the next area where you are again swarmed by grunts. There is a

[PILE OF FILTH], 2 [BARRELS], and a [WEAPON STAND] that holds the [NUG CRUSHER].

Check the two piles of [RUBBLE] then jump down the hole to enter the Darkspawn





Once again you are thrust into battle against Darkspawn. Check the [BROKEN

CHEST] to the east to spawn a Corrupted Spider. Follow the path south to an open

room that spawns more spiders. Loot the [RUBBLE] and go south through the door.

More Darkspawn and another pile of [RUBBLE] can be found in this hall. A locked

[CHEST] is found in the room along with more spiders. Enter the Battlefield for

a heartfelt memory.


BATTLEFIELD [06.03.04]


Step forward to trigger the scene then simply defeat the Risen Ogre and the

Genlock Necromancer that revives the fallen. The Necromancer has [CAILAN'S HELM]

and the Risen Ogre has [DUNCAN'S DAGGER] and [DUNCAN'S SWORD]. Head back and

decide what to do with Cailan's body, you will finish the quest and earn the

"In War, Victory" achievement.


|.| | |

'-|. |-'

|: |

+-|::.|he Darkspawn Chronicles------------------------------------[06.04.00]--+




| Antivan Leather Boots | Alistair |

| Crow Dagger | Arl Howe |

| Enchanted Dagger | Ballista Guard |

| Forge Master's Hammer | Bann Ceorlic |

| Juggernaut Plate Armor | Bann Teagan |

| Large Bone | Barkspawn |

| Malign Staff | Bodyguard |

| Redcliffe Shield | Circle Mage |

| Reinforced Magus Cowl | Drunk |

| Saw Sword | Dwarven Crossbowman |

| Shield of the Legion | Dwarven Legionnaire |

| Spirit Band | Dwarven Soldier |

| Steel Bracers | City Guard |

| Steel Spiked | Collar Crossbowman |

| Sten's Sword | Cullen |

| Swordsman's Girdle | Elven Archer |

| Totem | Elven Defender |

| Tribal Necklace | Elven Elder |

| Warden's Longsword | Frightened Elf |

| Wine | Goldana |

| | Gorim |

| | Guard Dog |

| | Habren |

| | Innocent Man |

| | Innocent Woman |

| | Kardol |

| | Knight |

| | Knight-Commander Greagoir |

| | Leliana |

| | Mabari War Hound |

| | Man-at-Arms |

| | Master Wade |

| | Morrigan |

| | Mother Perpetua |

| | Oghren |

| | Qunari Mercenary |

| | Ser Cauthrien |

| | Ser Landry |

| | Ser Perth |

| | Sister Theohild |

| | Soldier |

| | Steel Golem |

| | Sten |

| | Templar |

| | Werewolf |

| | Wynne |

| | Vaughan |

| | Zevran |




| | Blow the Gate |

| | Burn the Vhenadahl |

| | Earn Respect in Battle |

| | Free the Ogre |

| | Kill Bann Teagan |

| | Kill the Arl |

| | Kill the Qunari |

| | Protect the Archdemon |

| | Rampage to Fort Drakon |

| | Rampage to the Alienage |

| | Rampage to the Market |

| | Rampage to the Palace |

| | Recruit a Thrall |

| | Save the Ogre |

| | Slaughter the Elves |

| | Slaughter the Innocents |

| | Slay the Healer |

| | Stop the Resupply |

| | Smash the Barricades |

| | Smash the Gates |

| | Sneak Past the Ballistae |


You are a Hurlock Vanguard, chosen by the Archdemon to lead and destroy the

city of Denerim. Use the Enthrall ability on the nearby Genlock to recruit it

in to your ranks. Move forward through the gate to the [DARKSPAWN CORPSE], then

to the middle of the city where a battle is taking place. Defeat the City Guard

and Crossbowman and continue north, recruiting a Hurlock isn't a bad idea.

There is a [BROKEN CRATE] in the vicinity and defeating the guards should get

the quest completed. Move west to the Ogre and enthrall it, then turn it on the


Another quest is added to [SMASH THE BARRICADES] but first head south from

the crate to find a [CHEST]. West of here up the steps are some guards to take

out if you desire. Head back north and take out a barrier as you fend off more

guards and Ser Cauthrien. Loot the [CRATE OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES] and destroy the

other barrier to complete the quest. The next tasking is to kill Arl Howe who

spawns south of the barricades. Deal with the dog first and utilize the Ogres

Stomp to control the Bodyguards. Loot the Guard Dog for [LARGE BONE] and [STEEL

SPIKED COLLAR] while Arl Howe holds a [SAW SWORD] and [STEEL BRACERS]. You gain

a new quest, [RAMPAGE TO THE MARKET], so proceed east to continue.




Recruit the nearby Shriek in to the party, execute one of your own if you

need to make room. Stealth past the Ballista Guard and use the Shriek's skills

to take them down. A new quest has been added to [KILL BANN TEAGAN], head south

to find innocents running around and gain a new quest that involves their

demise, [SLAUGHTER THE INNOCENTS]. Kill Sister Theohild and Mother Perpetua and

go east to find Goldana and Bann Ceorlic. South you'll find a Cleric and an

Innocent Woman, through the gate is Bann Teagan, Ser Landry, and Gorim who will

try to stop you. Use the Ogre's Stomp and the Shriek's Terrorize to control the

group while you take out the tougher crew.

Teagan drops the [REDCLIFFE SHIELD], go north to find another Cleric. Go east

and south towards the tavern to find a few Drunks and Oghren. Loot the corpses

for a [FORGE MASTER'S HAMMER] and [WINE] then continue south. Loot the [WOODEN


around until you complete the quest to kill the innocents to gain a new ability

in Death Blow. Use the Sapper on the Alienage gate and gain another quest,

[STOP THE RESUPPLY]. Head north and burn the weapons cache before more guards

arm themselves. Kill Vaughan and his men then destroy the cache.

[KILL THE HEALER] is gained and the sapper has finished his mission. Go south

to meet Wynne and Knight-Commander Greagoir. Your focus should be on Wynne, use

the Ogre's Hurl to knock everyone down then stun them with the Shriek and Ogre

while you kill her. Loot the [SPIRIT BAND] off her corpse then go to the Elven





Head north and defeat the elves then check the [WOODEN CRATE] for some [FIRE

BOMBS]. Use the bombs to light the areas indicated by arrows through out the

alienage. Light the alienage tree to start the quest [SLAUGHTER THE ELVES],

which will summon Zevran and more elves. Lighting them is a good way to make

quick work of them and don't forget to enthrall the Hurlock Emissary. Zevran

drops a [CROW DAGGER] and [ANTIVAN LEATHER BOOTS] and there are two [WOODEN

CRATES] that can be looted on the western end of the alienage, the northern one

is guarded by Valendrian who drops an [ENCHANTED DAGGER] and [TRIBAL NECKLACE].

With the quest completed go north and exit to the Palace District.




You get to watch the scene with the Archdemon again and your Ogre becomes

caged if you still had one. [FREE THE OGRE] by heading north and aiding the

Darkspawn that are fighting. The best way to get through is by helping out the

others that are already fighting and using the Emissary to fireball groups, the

Shriek is good for getting the ballista guards early. The path is blocked here

so start to go north and check the [CHEST] for a [REINFORCED MAGUS COWL]. Watch

out for the Dwarven Legionnaires and Kardol. Continue up the steps after taking

the [SHIELD OF THE LEGION] and [TOTEM] from the corpse.

Defeat the Steel Golems and continue south to find more. Check the [CHEST]

around the corner for a [MALIGN STAFF] and hit the levers to release the Ogre.

[SMASH THE GATES] and head up the steps to fight more golems and legionnaires.

Pick a side and get to the top. Fend off the hordes of enemies and defeat Sten

to get through, loot him for [JUGGERNAUT PLATE ARMOR], [SWORDSMAN'S GIRDLE],

and [STEN'S SWORD] and continue to Fort Drakon.




[PROTECT THE ARCHDEMON] is initiated, loot Riordan for a [WARDEN'S LONGSWORD]

and chase the good guys. Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, and Barkspawn (the Mabari

Warhound) are up top fighting the Archdemon. Not to mention the Werewolves that

are there nipping away. Start off with Morrigan because she can heal then go

for Leliana and the dog. Take out Alistair last and enjoy a new ending to the

game had the Darkspawn conquered.

You will gain access to the [BLIGHTBLOOD] upon completing this DLC for use

in Origins/Awakening.


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|::.. . |eliana's Song





| Artificer's Canopy | Bann Perrin |

| A Soldier's Body | City Guard |

| Bastard Thorn | Commander Harwen Raleigh |

| Battledress of the Provocateur | Crossbowman |

| Fenced Fereldan Jewelry | Dragon |

| Fenced Historical Costumes | Dungeon Guard |

| Fenced Tevinter Antiquities | Elite Soldier |

| Hard Line Coat | Mabari |

| Heaven's Wrath | Mage Mercenary |

| Iron Key | Night Captain |

| Jovi Merice's Corpse | Off-Duty Soldier |

| Knight-Commander's Shield | Sand Stalker |

| Masterwork Leather Piece | Sand Stalker Leader |

| Mages' Collective Signet | Sand Stalker Spitter |

| North Ward | Sergeant |

| Note from the Chantry | Severin Corwood |

| Note from the Collective | Soldier |

| Pelerine Slip-Knife | Stone Golem |

| Progenitor Crosscut | Trained Bronto |

| Set of Keys | Weapon Master |

| Silver Cord | |

| Suspect Underthings | |

| The Spellward | |

| Tug's Edge | |




| 280 Raiding the Collective | Defeat Bann Perrin's Guards |

| 281 The Orlesian Game of Intrigue | Find the Mages' Cache |

| 282 The Arl's Estate | Honoring Tug |

| 283 The Hard Line | Kill the Loose Tongue |

| 284 War Journal, Revised | Marjolaine's Vendetta |

| 285 Harwen Raleigh's Personal Journal| Orlesian Battledress |

| 287 Sketch | Stealing in the Market |

| 288 Tug | The Game |

| 289 An Introduction | |

| 290 Silas | |


Start this DLC by choosing Other Campaigns and selecting Leliana's Song. You

are in control of Leliana, Tug, and Sketch whom all start at level 10. Leliana

can either be melee or ranged based on your preference, Tug should be made in to

a tank, and Sketch should be your healer. You start with a multitude of quests

to be done primarily in Denerim.




Start off by going south to the [COLLECTION PLATE] and taking a few silver.


to start the quest [FIND THE MAGES' CACHE] and obtain [CODEX 280: RAIDING THE

COLLECTIVE]. Go north of the chantry to find the [MAGES' COLLECTIVE MARKER].

From here go to the center of the city and check out [MELFORD'S IMPORTS OF

IMPORT], you can steal the [FENCED FERELDAN JEWELRY] and 4 Sovereign but be

ready for a fight if a guard spots you.



you look southwest from the marketplace you will see another [MAGES' COLLECTIVE

MARKER] and a [CRATE]. North east of the marketplace is Bann Perrin, knock him


FROM THE CHANTRY]. Loot the nearby [CRATE] and go north west of the marketplace

near the elven alienage to find a Night Captain.

Go near the [MAGES' COLLECTIVE CACHE] to summon Severin Corwood and his Stone

Golem that protect it. Loot the cache for [SILVER CORD], [PROGENITOR CROSSCUT],

and 5 sovereign then the corpse for [MAGES' COLLECTIVE SIGNET]. Check the

[CRATE] and continue toward the tavern. Search the [CRATE] in the corner then

speak with Jovi Merice to fight him. Loot the body for a [BASTARD THORN], [JOVI


BATTLEDRESS] then dump everything on [GUARD CAPTAIN EAMS] to complete the quest.

Signal Marjolaine you're ready, but tell her to hold up and talk to Bonny Lem to


Note: You must place all 6 items on the Guard Captain to obtain the achievement.

That is the 3 Fenced items, the Suspect Underthings, the Mages' Collective

Signet, and Jovi Merice's Corpse.



| Lem's Fenced and Found |


| Spirit Hands.................................................... 1g 99s 50c |

| Charged Mitts................................................... 1g 99s 50c |

| The Practical Plates............................................ 9g 27s 15c |

| Havard's Aegis.................................................. 4g 09s 50c |

| Senior Enchanter's Robes........................................ 3g 15s 00c |

| Robes of the Gifted............................................. 1g 62s 75c |

| Rivaini Grace................................................... 1g 94s 25c |

| Dwarven Warrior's Belt.......................................... 1g 07s 62c |

| Ring of Resistance.............................................. 1g 24s 95c |



Talk to Marjolaine when you are ready to continue.


NOBLE'S ESTATE [06.05.02]


After the scene head north to [THE ARL'S ESTATE] for 50 EXP and [CODEX 282:

THE ARL'S ESTATE]. Continue around the corner to be discovered, loot the [ELITE

SOLDIER] for [A SOLDIER'S BODY] and obtain [CODEX 283: THE HARD LINE]. Bury the

bodies in the [FRESHLY TILLED SOIL] then head past where you killed the last two

to find a window granting access to the estate. Go east through the door and

dispatch the guards then go south and unlock the southern door, then the [CHEST]

containing [MASTERWORK LEATHER PIECE], various gems, and over 10 sovereign.

Exit the hall west and kill the Sergeant for a [SET OF KEYS]. Open the door

and at the intersection head south. Empty the [FOOTLOCKERS] then go north and

kill the mages, looting them for a [NORTH WARD]. Check the [WAR JOURNAL] for

[CODEX 284: WAR JOURNAL, REVISED]. Leave the room and go west, taking the north

door in to the bedroom. Check the [PERSONAL JOURNAL] for [CODEX 285: HARWEN

RALEIGH'S PERSONAL JOURNAL] then unlock the [ORNATE CHEST], pending your skill

is high enough, for another [MASTERWORK LEATHER PIECE] and some sovereign. When

ready approach the [DROP POINT] to continue.

You are taken to the hideout, use this opportunity to talk to Bonny Lem for

more trade. Check out [SKETCH'S BOOKS] and [TUG'S SATCHEL] for [CODEX 287:

SKETCH] and [CODEX 288: TUG]. Talk to Marjolaine in the other room to head back

to the Noble's Estate.



| Lem's Fenced and Found |


| Tome of Arcane Technique....................................... 15g 75s 00c |

| Tome of Skill and Sundry....................................... 10g 50s 00c |

| Spear-Thrower................................................... 4g 14s 75c |

| Elementalist's Grasp............................................ 7g 35s 00c |

| Ashen Gloves.................................................... 5g 25s 00c |

| Backhands....................................................... 2g 88s 75c |

| Magus War Boots................................................. 4g 09s 50c |

| Tevinter Enchanter's Robes...................................... 3g 25s 50c |

| Robes of the Gifted............................................. 1g 62s 75c |

| Lightning Chain................................................. 1g 91s 62c |

| Deep Sawtooth................................................... 1g 31s 25c |

| Dawn Ring....................................................... 2g 40s 45c |

| Ring of the Warrior............................................. 2g 29s 95c |

| Blackhand Pouch................................................. 1g 43s 27c |






Leave the room and head south and defeat the enemies that emerge from the

rooms. Loot the [FOOTLOCKERS] in the rooms then continue down the hall to the

next set of rooms. Unlock the eastern door and the [ORNATE CHEST] if your skill

is high enough to do so. Back in the hall, open the southern door and defeat

more guards, the mage mercenary drops an [ARTIFICER'S CANOPY]. Unlock the

locked door if possible and defeat the Weapon Master. Loot the [ARMOR STAND]



Run in to the mess hall and take care of business then open the northern door

to the pantry and search the [CRATE]. Go south through the kitchen in to a

closet to find a [PILE OF SACKS], return to the kitchen and exit at the east.

Head to the farm area and meet up with Marjolaine. After the scene Leliana will

awake in the dungeons.


THE DUNGEONS [06.05.04]



the cell and go east to the northern room. Defeat the guards and loot the

[FOOTLOCKER] to get your items back. A new character, Silas, joins the team once

the fighting is over. Use the crank and continue east to another door. Defeat

more guards and check the [WEAPON RACK] for [TUG'S EDGE] then use the crank.

Give the gift to Silas to complete the quest [HONORING TUG] and equip him with

the new axe [TUG'S EDGE].

Leave the room and go south to the first room on the east. Same routine, kill

the guards and check the [ARMOR STAND] and 2 [FOOTLOCKERS] for a [HARDLINE COAT]


go south and clear the room. Search the [FOOTLOCKER] and hit the crank then

continue west taking the first door available. Loot the [PILE OF SACKS] then

proceed west once more, defeating your enemies until the cutscene occurs.


CHANTRY [06.05.05]


Search the [DESK DRAWER] for the last [MASTERWORK LEATHER PIECE] which will

complete the quest, give the achievement, and reward you with the [BATTLEDRESS


INTRODUCTION] and then talk with Bonny Lem. Speaking with Silas will get the

[CODEX 290: SILAS]. Talk to Revered Mother Dorothea to progress the storyline.



| Lem's Fenced and Found |


| Tome of Physical Technique..................................... 15g 75s 00c |

| Tome of the Mortal Vessel...................................... 10g 50s 00c |

| Wintersbreath.................................................. 21g 89s 25c |

| Malign Staff.................................................... 9g 03s 00c |

| Hotspur......................................................... 1g 46s 94c |

| Seal of Rat Red................................................. 0g 93s 45c |

| Madstone........................................................ 0g 90s 51c |

| Heavy Hobnails.................................................. 8g 31s 60c |

| Half-Cask Ward.................................................. 1g 15s 50c |




GAME OVER [06.05.06]


Defeat the soldiers and head out to the canyon path. Follow the path and when

the ground shakes Sand Stalkers appear. Kill them and go south to fight some

Trained Brontos then onward to more soldiers. The mage should be controlled and

looted for [HEAVEN'S WRATH]. Press on to the Blighted Cliffs, destroying more

guards as you cross the bridge. A Dragon is summoned as you cross the bridge, be

sure to tank it and heal as necessary. When it dies kill the Mage then go after

Commander Harwen Raleigh. He doesn't hit very hard but he has a lot of health

and having the Mage heal him is just bothersome. Be sure to stun him when you

can for an easier fight.


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+-|::.|he Golems of Amgarrak--------------------------------------[06.06.00]--+




| Chasind Arm | Arcane Horror |

| Golem Control Rod | Devouring Corpse |

| Grandmaster Immunity Rune | Enraged Sentinel |

| Grandmaster Lightning Rune | Enraged Watcher |

| Greater Tome of the Mortal Vessel | Genlock Alpha |

| Mage's Running Shoes | Genlock Emissary |

| Master Reservoir Rune | Harvested Corpse |

| Sash of Forbidden Secrets | Hurlock |

| The Reaper's Cudgel | Mangled Corpse |

| Wasp's Sting | Phantasmal Crossbowman |

| | Phantasmal Shadow |

| | Phantasmal Warrior |

| | Primal Phantasm |

| | Ravenous Enraged Corpse |

| | Revenant |

| | Sentinel |

| | Shambling Corpse |

| | Shriek |

| | Twisted Sentinel |

| | Warped Watcher |

| | Watcher |




| 033 A Bronto Named Snug | Amgarrak's Secrets |

| 188 Jerrik Dace | Harvest of Amgarrak |

| 223 Darion's Journal | In Search of Amgarrak |

| 232 Ancient Writings | The Runic Golem |

| 233 Seneschal Garevel's Missive | |


Start this DLC by choosing Other Campaigns, you may import or start a new

character. The guide will assume you are using a character that has completed

the game and the expansion and have all items available to you. A new character

starts at level 20.




You start off with Jerrik and his pet Bronto, your quest [IN SEARCH OF

AMGARRAK] requires you to find the doors to the thaig. Jerrik is a rogue and

Snug is a one attack tank. Head south and loot the [DEAD DWARVES] for a


you turn the corner Darkspawn appear, the Emissary can cast Mass Paralysis so be

sure to take it out. Ahead at the opening to the room is a trap trigger that can

and should be disarmed, Shrieks attack regardless.

The mist forces you to go south west towards a runic golem and you are given

the quest [THE RUNIC GOLEM]. Loot the [OLD SACK] for some [GRANDMASTER RUNES]

and inspect the [RUNIC GOLEM] for some dialogue. Follow the path north and kill

the Shrieks that attack, the [RUNE ANVIL] can be used for enchanting. Grab the

[GOLEM CONTROL ROD] and take it back to activate the [RUNIC GOLEM] who joins the

party. The Runic Golem can cast a few spells in addition to basic golem skills.

Go back north and east, Jerrik will start to see things as you approach the

[MAIMED CORPSE] which holds various healing items and [MAGE'S RUNNING SHOES].

Follow the path to a Revenant and Arcane Horror that need to be dealt with, the

Horror should be controlled and taken out as quickly as possible due to it's

deadly arsenal of magic. Loot the [ARCANE HORROR] for a [MASTER RESERVOIR RUNE]

then check the [CHEST] for more generic items and [WASP'S STING]. Follow the

path west to the Doors of Amgarrak.


AMGARRAK [06.06.02]


Two quests are added, [AMGARRAK'S SECRETS] and [HARVEST OF AMGARRAK]. Go west

to the opening and check [DARION'S JOURNAL] for [CODEX 223: DARION'S JOURNAL]

then go north to get ambushed by two Watcher's and two Sentinels. Loot the

corpses and the [CHEST] then proceed east to find Brogan. Further east you'll

find more of [DARION'S JOURNAL] and another ambush, this time by Phantasmal

beings. Take out the ranged first and then focus the warrior down. Up the stairs


Continue south after The Harvester still, in the large room loot the [CHEST]

for a [GREATER TOME OF THE MORTAL VESSEL]. Hit the [SWITCH] to be thrown in to

an altered state, loot the [CHEST] now that it's solid. Go back north to find

two Warped Watchers waiting for you, they are essentially weak Revenants. To

the west is another [TATTERED NOTE] and a [CHEST] containig superb items. From

here head north and open the door, prepare for another ambush led by a Twisted

Sentinel. Once dead loot the [CHEST] for a [GREATER TOME OF THE MORTAL VESSEL]

then return to the [SWITCH].

Press it again and return to room you just came from. Defeat the Watchers and

grab this [CHEST] for [GOLEM RESEARCH NOTES: HEALING], it will grant the Group

Heal ability to the Runic Golem. Hit the switch again and go east then north

to find more of [DARION'S JOURNAL]. Further east you will find and free Brogan

of his trance, he joins the party. Continue east and destroy the attackers the

same as you have been. The first [CHEST] to the left contains [GOLEM RESEARCH

NOTES: FIRE] and grants Flaming Weapons to the Runic Golem. At the eastern end

is another three [CHESTS] containing [GOLEM RESEARCH NOTES: MECHANICS] which

raises the Runic Golem two levels.

Continue south defeating the corpses until you reach another room with more of

[DARION'S JOURNAL]. Hit the switch in the middle twice to create a purple haze

as opposed to the previous blue. Check the [SCATTERED NOTES] for 50 EXP then go

back to the previous and continue north back to the Sunken Grotto on your map.

From here open the northern door and press the switch. Prepare yourself and

approach the green switch as the golems come to life. Activate the switch to

assume a green haze then proceed to check the [CHESTS] for [GOLEM RESEARCH

NOTES: HEALING], granting the Revival skill to the Runic Golem, [THE REAPER'S

CUDGEL], and [GOLEM RESEARCH NOTES: LIGHTNING] for the Tempest spell.

Head back and gain the purple haze then go west. Go through the northern door

and defeat the enemies, hit a switch and read [DARION'S JOURNAL]. Go back out

and defeat the Phantasmals as you continue south. Open the door to the east and

kill the Sentinels, read more of [DARION'S JOURNAL] and check [DARION] for

[DARION'S NOTES]. Go around the corner and check the [CHEST] for a [SASH OF

FORBIDDEN SECRETS] then head back to the northern room with all the switches.

Press the switches in the correct order, YMWC, to activate the switch in the

middle creating a red haze. Continue south and down the steps in to the Anvil.

Head north up some steps to a [CHEST] containing [GOLEM RESEARCH NOTES:

MECHANICS] to increase the Runic Golem's level and finish the quest. Head back

down and around the anvil to get the attention of the Harvester.



| The Harvester |


| Drops: |


| Start by having Snug charge in and taunt. Use Brogan to pick up the |

| Harvested Corpses and take care of them as they appear. As you bombard it |

| with magic it will adapt and become immune, Jerrik will note this so don't |

| bother casting offensive magic during that time. The red haze indicates that|

| magic is effective again. A good tactic to utilize, if you have two magic |

| users, is to bombard The Harvester with one of them and pull aggression. |

| This allows you to "kite tank" The Harvester even on Nightmare difficulty |

| and avoid it's powerful blows. The tough part about this is that Harvested |

| Corpses will continue to spawn so you will need to kill them as you kite. |

| Fortunately, when the red haze occurs and more corpses are abound you can |

| simply hit the switch in the corner to make them go away. It is ideal to |

| place your healer here while you let melee attack from behind and tank in |

| the middle if you aren't going to kite. Once you deal a killing blow the |

| fight takes a twist. |

| During phase two of the fight The Harvester emerges from it's body and |

| will hop around, releasing Harvested Corpses of all ranks. At this point it |

| becomes a damage race because the corpses have much more health then The |

| Harvester thus it's easier to just kill it. The faster you force the |

| creature to move the less corpses will be summoned. Keep up the pressure on |

| it and The Harvest should drop in no time. |



Earning the Reaper achievement will unlock the [SASH OF FORBIDDEN SECRETS]

for play in Origins/Awakening. Earning the Grim Reaper achievement will unlock

[THE REAPER'S CUDGEL] for Origins/Awakening. And earning the A Secret Stitched

Together achievement will unlock [THE HIGH REGARD OF HOUSE DACE] for use in


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|::.|:. |itch Hunt

-'--- ---'--------------------------------------------------------[06.07.00]--+




| Cinch of Skillful Maneuvering | Ancient Elven Guardian |

| Dragonbone Cleaver | Bronto |

| Elfroot | Corrupted Sentinel |

| Essence of Willpower | Cultist |

| Expert Barrier Rune | Cultist Archer |

| Grandmaster Lightning Rune | Cultist Mage |

| Gradnmaster Silverite Rune | Deep Stalker |

| Master Tempest Rune | Deep Stalker Leader |

| Paragon Hale Rune | Dragon |

| The Sorrows of Arlathan | Dragonling |

| Tome of Arcane Technique | Drake |

| Tome of Physical Technique | Genlock |

| Vestments of the Seer | Hurlock |

| | Hurlock Alpha |

| | Hurlock Battle Mage |

| | Hurlock Berserker |

| | Hurlock Emissary |

| | Infected Elf |

| | Infected Key Master |

| | Lesser Shade Demon |

| | Robed Sentinel |

| | Shriek |

| | Shriek Alpha |

| | Varterral |




| 157 Letters from the Past | In Search of Morrigan |

| | The History of Cah'Halash |


After the opening scene you are reunited with the Mabari War Hound and start

the quest [IN SEARCH OF MORRIGAN]. Enter the nearby hut and engage in a

conversation with Ariane. Listen to her plea to find out what Morrigan has been

up to then team up with her; Ariane joins the Party. Upon leaving the hut you

are ambushed by Darkspawn, defeat them and then head to the Circle Tower.


CIRCLE OF MAGI [06.07.01]


After speaking with Hadley head down the hall into the rooms on the right.

Inspect the [CHEST] in the back corner for [EXPERT BARRIER RUNE] and a [MASTER

TEMPEST RUNE] while a [CHEST] on the other side of the room contains various

potions and healing materials. Continue further down the hall to find Sandal

and a [CHEST] with more healing items. Sandal carries various items that are

available across the main game, but nothing unique.

Head through the library until you reach the center area just before going to

the second floor. Read through [INDEX A-F] then check the [BEGINNER'S HERBALISM]

on the bookshelf and read the entries to receive some [ELFROOT]. Leave this area

and check the [MYSTERIOUS ARTIFACTS] book where Ariane should recognize some

elvish in one of the entries and update the quest. Return to the indexes and

read [INDEX G-L] then head into the library and read the [MAGE TRAINING] book

which leads to another book. Find the book on [SELF-IMPROVEMENT] and read the

first entry to spawn an [ESSENCE OF WILLPOWER] near the library entrance.

Read the second entry to obtain a [TOME OF PHYSICAL TECHNIQUE]. Go back to

the indexes and read [INDEX M-S] then read [MAGE WEAPONRY] for a [MASTER BARRIER

RUNE] from the first entry. The [ZOOLOGY] book has an entry that you can give

to the Mabari Hound. The [EXPERT HERBALISM] book has an entry that grants you

some potions. Once more, return and read the final index, [INDEX T-Z] and read

the [SCHOOL OF ENTROPY], the last entry will give you the option to get a [BAD

LUCK CHARM] and a [LETTER OF PAYMENT] stating that the charm reveals a chest in

the apprentice dorms.

Head into the library and read the [HISTORY] book. Check all entries to get

the [UNDERSTANDING THE ANCIENTS] and a quest update. Return to the dorm room

and open the [SHROUDED CHEST] for a healthy amount of money. Read the third

entry of the [MYSTERIOUS ARTIFACTS] once more to encounter Finn, who shortly

joins the party. Speak with Hadley to get the basement key, then enter the


Head through the door and fight off the sentinels, then destroy the Veil Tear

to send the sentinels back. At the top of the stairs is a locked [CHEST] and

some old vials. In the next room use the [LANDMARK DEVICE] with the hound to

establish dominance then speak with the [STATUE]. A total of six tears must be

mended, continue north to find the second one. Pass through the door heading

east to find another Veil Tear. As you make your way east you will fight a group

with a Robed Sentinel, be sure to neutralize it. Open the [WOODEN CRATE] at the

southern end for some money.

Further east is a larger group of sentinels and a [BARREL]. As you move south

open the door and then a [CHEST] for a [PARAGON HALE RUNE] and [VESTMENTS OF

THE SEER]. The final group of sentinels is down the hall, defeat them and loot


then the [WOODEN CRATE] for more money. Return to the statue to receive a quest

update tben head out to the Elven Ruins


ELVEN RUINS [06.07.02]


Once inside immediately find the Landmark to establish dominance then check

the [PILE OF BONES]. In the next room you are ambushed from three sides, work

one side at a time to overcome this. At the southern end is a [PILE OF BONES]

and a door to the next area, currently locked. Head north and defeat the Key

Master to receive the [KEY]. Check the [CHEST] in the northern area and in the

southern is another containing [THE SORROWS OF ARLATHAN]. Open the locked door

and defeat more Shriek Alphas and loot the [RUBBLE]. Unlock the final door and

examine the [SHARD] to update the quest. Leave and head to the Cadash Thaig.


CADASH THAIG [06.07.03]


Make your way down the path defeating enemies until you reach the Landmark.

Establish dominance then continue to the second light where Darkspawn impede

your progress. Loot the nearby [CHEST] for a [WORN NOTE] which starts the quest


in the light to reveal the location of a [LIGHT OF ARLATHAN], grab it to update

the quest and spawn an Ancient Elven Guardian.

Follow the path and defeat the darkspawn then continue north to a [CHEST].

Defeat the Deep Stalkers and step into the light to find another [LIGHT OF

ARLATHAN]. Ahead, defeat more Darkspawn and loot the [PILE OF BONES] for a

[WORN JOURNAL]. Continue to follow the lights to find anohter [LIGHT OF

ARLATHAN] and it's Guardian. Search another [PILE OF BONES] for a [TORN LETTER]

then cross the bridge and read the [SCRAP OF PAPER] to complete the quest.

Follow the light to find a Hurlock Berserker and some of his companions. Kill

it and loot it for the [CINCH OF SKILLFUL MANEUVERING], then loot the [CHEST].

Stand in the light to see the last hidden area is nearby. With all the pieces

in place, observe the Scrying Spot. Defeat the Lesser Shade Demons that pass

through then head to the Dragonbone Wastes.




Check the Landmark Skull as you arrive then fight off the Cultists and the

Dragonling. In the next area is a large group of Cultists and a Drake. There

is a total of four [CHESTS] to be looted, one is locked, one holds the [DRAGON

BONE CLEAVER], another has a [BARREL] nearby. Continue moving south, defeating

more Cultists as you proceed. Eventually you will reach an open area where you

must fight a Varterral.



| Varterral |


| Drops: |


| The Varterral is slow and uses a Corrosive Spit when it's main attacker is |

| at range. Take advantage of it's slow movement to run to it's backside and |

| force it to change direction mid-attack. After 25% of it's health is gone, |

| it will spawn two Dragons. The Varterral will use a Paralyze attack, usually|

| on Finn, so be sure to use the Potions and Draughts you have during this |

| down time. When the Varterral reaches 25% health it will spawn two more |

| Dragons. Keep the pressure on and your health high to avoid taking an |

| unnecessary knockout. |



Proceed through the door to enter the Nest and find Morrigan with the Eluvian.



|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Crafting Skills+++++++++++++++++++++[07.00.00]|



This is a list of the crafting skills in Dragon Age: Origins. It provides

the how to obtain the recipes and what materials are used to craft the item.


HERBALISM [07.01.00]


Herbalism is a crafting skill. Herbalism allows a character to make a wide

variety of potions, poultices, salves, balms, elixirs, and so forth, whenever

raw ingredients and a recipe are at hand. At higher ranks, the character can

complete more difficult recipes, producing particularly potent items. All mages

start with one rank in this skill.



Requires: N/A

The character can make simple potions, poultices, and salves from common

herbs. The following recipes come with learning Herbalism and are classified as

Tier 1:





| ACQUIRE | Learn Herbalism |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Elfroot, 1x Flask |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Health Poultice |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Herbalism |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lyrium Dust, 1x Flask |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Lyrium Potion |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Herbalism |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Elfroot, 1x Deep Mushroom |


| CREATES | 1x Mabari Crunch |





Requires: Level 4

The character has become more familiar with important flora in order to make a

wide variety of potions, poultices, and salves, now including the second tier.

The following recipes require Improved Herbalism:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Lloyd |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Elfroot, 2x Deep Mushroom |


| CREATES | 1x Double-Baked Mabari Crunch |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Bartender in Denerim |


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Elfroot, 1x Flask, 1x Distillation Agent|


| CREATES | 1x Health Poultice |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lyrium Dust, 1x Deep Mushroom, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Incense of Awareness |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Lloyd |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |

| | Purchased from Bartender in Denerim |

| | Purchased from Figor in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Elfroot, 2x Deep Mushroom |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Injury Kit |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |

| | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Lyrium Dust, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Double-Baked Mabari Crunch |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Deep Mushroom, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Rock Salve |





Requires: Level 7

The character has perfected techniques to make third-tier potions, poultices,

and salves. The following recipes require Expert Herbalism:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Bartender in Denerim |

| | Purchased from Figor in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 4x Elfroot, 1x Flask, 2x Distillation Agent|

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Health Poultice |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas - Denerim |

| | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Lyrium Dust, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Lyrium Potion |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Bartender in Denerim |


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Elfroot, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 3x Deep Mushroom, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Injury Kit |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frozen Lightning, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Elixir of Grounding |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frostrock, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Ice Salve |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|

| | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lifestone, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Nature Salve |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Spirit Shard, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Spirit Balm |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Fire Crystal, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Lesser Warmth Balm |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas - Denerim |

| | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Lyrium Dust, 2x Deep Mushroom |

| | 1x Flask, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Swift Salve |





Requires: Level 10

The character's vast knowledge of herbs permits creation of potent fourth-tier

potions, poultices, and salves. The following recipes require Master Herbalism:





| ACQUIRE | Start quest Exotic Methods |


| INGREDIENTS | 4x Elfroot, 2x Lifestone |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Dwarven Regicide Antidote |







| ACQUIRE | New Shop Keeper in Haven who is only |

| | available via Toolset |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Frozen Lightning, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Elixir of Grounding |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas - Denerim |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Frostrock, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Ice Salve |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 4x Elfroot, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 4x Deep Mushroom, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Injury Kit |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Lifestone, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Nature Salve |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Spirit Shard, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Spirit Balm |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas - Denerim |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Fire Crystal, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Greater Warmth Balm |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 5x Elfroot, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Potent Health Poultice |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas - Denerim |


| INGREDIENTS | 4x Lyrium Dust, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Potent Lyrium Potion |




POISON-MAKING [07.02.00]


Poison-Making is a crafting skill. Poison-Making focuses on mixing deadly

substances that the character can apply to melee weapons, inflicting extra

damage and often leaving enemies immobile. Those skilled in this art can also

create explosive bombs and flasks designed to be hurled at the enemy. As with

Herbalism and Trap-Making, creating items using this skill requires a recipe and

raw ingredients. This skill is required not just to create poisons, it is also

required to use them. However, only the first level is required to use all

poisons and grenades, even if crafting the poison requires a higher level of

Poison-Making. All rogues start with one rank in this skill.



Requires: N/A

The character has survived the difficult learning process of making simple

poisons and grenades. The following recipes come with learning Poison-Making and

are classified as Tier 1:





| ACQUIRE | Learn Poison-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Deathroot, 1x Flask |


| CREATES | 1x Deathroot Extract |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Poison-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Toxin Extract, 1x Flask |


| CREATES | 1x Venom |





Requires: 4

The character can now create deadly second-tier poisons and grenades. The

recipes following require Improved Poison-Making:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|

| | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lifestone, 1x Flask, 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Acid Flask |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|

| | Purchased from Merchant in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Deathroot, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Concentrated Deathroot Extract |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Merchant in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Toxin Extract, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Concentrated Venom |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Cesar in Denerim |

| | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Toxin Extract, 1x Flask |

| | 2x Deathroot, 1x Distillation Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Crow Poison |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Circle Tower Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Merchant in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Fire Crystal, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Fire Bomb |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Merchant in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frostrock, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Freeze Bomb |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas in Denerim|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frozen Lightning, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Shock Bomb |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Spirit Shard, 1x Flask |

| | 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Soulrot Bomb |





Requires: 7

The character has learned exotic new techniques for making poisons and

grenades up to the third level of potency. The following recipes require Expert






| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|

| | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Lifestone, 1x Flask |

| | 2x Corrupter Agent, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Acidic Coating |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Toxin Extract, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Flask, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Adder's Kiss |





Requires: N/A

The character is an elite poisoner, able to create fourth-tier poisons and

grenades. The following recipes require Master Poison-Making:


TRAP-MAKING [07.03.00]


Trap-Making is a crafting skill. Characters who have learned this skill can

construct traps or lures from common components, so long as they also possess a

plan to build the mechanism. The second and fourth rank of this skill also

increase the range at which the character can detect enemy traps. While all

characters who have learned this skill can set traps, only rogues can disarm

them and no one can make a trap until they have acquired the appropriate trap

making recipe.



Requires: N/A

The character has learned to construct basic traps and lures from common

components. The following plans come with learning Trap-Making and are

classified as Tier 1:





| ACQUIRE | Learn Trap-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Metal Shard |


| CREATES | 1x Small Caltrop Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Trap-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Metal Shard, 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Small Claw Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Trap-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Metal Shard, 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Small Shrapnel Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Learn Trap-Making |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Spring Trap |





Requires: Level 4

The character has learned to create complex second-tier traps and lures, and

can now detect enemy traps at greater range than previously. The following plans

require Improved Trap-Making:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Owen in Redcliffe Village |

| | Purchased from Janar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Metal Shard |


| CREATES | 1x Large Caltrop Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Janar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Metal Shard, 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Large Claw Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Owen in Redcliffe Village |

| | Purchased from Janar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Metal Shard, 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Large Shrapnel Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |

| | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Innkeeper at Lake Calenhad |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Toxin Extract, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Mild Choking Powder Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Shopkeeper in Haven |

| | Purchased from Legnar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Barlin in Lothering |

| | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Glamour Charm |


| CREATES | 1x Mild Lure |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Deathroot, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Mild Sleeping Gas Trap Plans |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Ostagar Quartermaster |

| | Purchased from Barling in Lothering |

| | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|

| | Purchased from Innkeeper in Lake Calenhad |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lifestone, 1x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Small Grease Trap |





Requires: Level 7

The character has learned to assemble lethal third-tier traps and lures. The

following plans require Expert Trap-Making:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Lifestone, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Acidic Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Toxin Extract, 2x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Choking Powder Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Innkeeper in Lake Calenhad |


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Fire Crystal, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Fire Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |

| | Purchased from Old Tegrin - World Encounter|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frostrock, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Freeze Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Legnar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Glamour Charm |


| CREATES | 1x Interesting Lure |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Lifestone, 2x Distillation Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Large Grease Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Owen in Redcliffe Village |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Metal Shard, 1x Lifestone |

| | 1x Corrupter Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Poisoned Caltrop Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Old Tegrin - World Encounter|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Frozen Lightning, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Shock Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alimar in Orzammar |


| INGREDIENTS | 2x Deathroot, 2x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 1x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Sleeping Gas Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Faryn in Frostback Mountains|

| | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 1x Spirit Shard, 1x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger |


| CREATES | 1x Soulrot Trap |





Requires: Level 10

This character has mastered the art of designing deadly fourth-tier traps and

lures, and gains a further increase to trap detection range. The following plans

require Master Trap-Making:





| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Varathorn - Brecilian Forest|


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Lifestone, 2x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Acidic Grease Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Toxin Extract, 2x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Choking Powder Cloud Trap |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Wonders of Thedas in Denerim|


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Glamour Charm |


| CREATES | 1x Overpowering Lure |







| ACQUIRE | Purchased from Alarith in the Alienage |


| INGREDIENTS | 3x Deathroot, 2x Corrupter Agent |

| | 1x Trap Trigger, 2x Concentrator Agent |


| CREATES | 1x Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap |


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