
My Demon King

(Johan's P.O.V.)

My first day back to the academy since having to go on a trip with my father. It's hard being next in line for the throne but it comes with great rewards. Such as being able to spoil and protect my beautiful mate who I can not wait to get back to. Her name is Amber and she looks like an angel. Innocent as ever way or at least she was I fixed that the first night I found her. We married the next day. I've missed her these two weeks I've been gone. I can't wait to hold her in my ar...

I'm cut off mid thought as I see a young woman falling from the sky connecting hard with the ground. I race over and turn her. I know I probably shouldn't but she's already dead there is no surviving that fall. I just wanted to see who it was that would take their own life and make sure her family is notified. I know it wasn't my mate because this girl had dark brown almost black hair. I turned her over and I gasp. Not from the scene before me but for the fact that she looks exactly like my father The Demon King of House Takovich.

I hold her lifeless body with a million thoughts running through my head. So I do the only thing that I can think of and I summon my father. It doesn't take him long to show through the portal and when he does he looks annoyed as if I was bothering him which I probably am. He asks me what was the reason for me summoning him and then looks at the girl in my hands.

Now mind you my father is no sentimental man so just seeing the blood drain from his face and his terrified look confirms what I've been thinking. The emotion of fear in my Dad's eyes had myself shaken.

"What happened to my prin...?" My father said his voice unsteady unable to finish. "I don't know I was walking to go to class and she fell from the roof. I ran over to see who it was and when I turned I couldn't believe how much she looked like you.

Tell me I'm crazy father why does she look like you." He didn't answer. "I mean look she looks like me but with dark hair and she looks like Alaron only older. Who is she father? I know you know or else you wouldn't be reacting this way. Who is she?" I pushed for my answer.

"She's your little sister... my daughter. Our true heir. She looks just like Innalia.  Innalia is my most beloved mate who died in childbirth I have told you the story before haven't I? Your mother and I dated before I met my precious Innalia my Mate. Your mother's mate died in battle two years before your mother and I got together. We dated for a while always knowing it couldn't be serious because I had seen mate out there. Once I found my Innalia your mother was more then happy to step aside due to wanting me to be happy.

Lia my name for her. Lia and your mother became best friends after your mother coming back once she found out she was pregnant with you. Lia welcomed her with open arms. She understood that our relationship was before I met her and that she my mate owned my heart. Your mother understood that to and still does. Lia knew I cared for your mother but loved her. Your mother understands that even now that I could never offer her my heart only my friendship and companionship.

Back to the story at hand my lia and your mother became like sisters and were even happier when we found out that Lia was pregnant also. Innalia made your mother promise to care for her child if something ever happened to her and to care for me as well. Innalia had a sinking feeling that something would happen. You see Innalia was powerful. She was the Queen of all magical creatures.

When Lia gave birth and passed due to complications I was dead inside myself. Your mother agreed to take over care of your sister mine and Lia's daughter. However two hours after her birth I was told that the baby died too because it was a girl which as you know is beyond rare. Demons only have male children. That's the reason why they have to mate with human women.

Obviously I was lied to and she didn't pass because I could recognize her from anywhere. She has her mother's hair and winter bitten lips but she looks exactly like me." My father gazed at the girl in my arms with such love and guilt. I've never seen this before not with him at least.

Suddenly I'm hit with sadness deep in my soul. How I would love to have a little sister to spoil her rotten to protect her from all that is out there and now I'll never get that chance. Out of no where I hear it gasp and she jerks in my arms. I touch her throat and I can feel her heart beating even though she is still not moving and her eyes are not open. "There's a heartbeat it's faint but it's there can you hear it?" I said to my father. "Yes bring her home I'll have the doctors look at her she is a unique one always fighting against the odds." he smiles lovingly. With that I pick her up and I transport back home with father and my little sister in my arms.

We transported in the living room. The room full of servants and family. Everyone looks in disbelief with a young girl covered in blood and dangling in my father's arms. Everyone in our kingdom has heard the story of my father's beloved mate our true Queen that died giving birth to a rare  girl our little princess and now they're seeing the product of their love live in front of them which no one knew was even possible. Jessalyn my father's current wife and mother of myself and younger brother comes up to us and touches my sister's face ever so gently. My father growls as a warning.

She puts her hand back stepping back slowly and gives a small smile. He apologizes to her once her feels the distance is adequate and she nods in understanding. Everyone knows my mother is the sweetest person and could never hurt a fly and that father would never hurt her. However father is in protective mode right now. She directs us to the main guest room which is as large as our private rooms. "Put her in here the doctor should be here shortly and when she heals and wakes up we can decorate it however she likes matter of fact I'm extremely excited to have another girl in the house. A little piece of Innalia back where it belongs" She explains. She walks over to my father "stop worrying Alaric she will be fine I have a feeling she's a lot stronger than anyone has thought possible after all he is Lia's little girl." She says giving us all hope.

Father takes her to the room and lays her down when the doctor comes rushing in. He asks for us all to leave her room and let him and his team do their magic. My father however will not budge the rest of us understanding and step out. "Welcome home my precious princess your daddy will never let you go again." My father says as he let's the doctors take over. I place my hand on his shoulder as a sign of support before leaving the room "and I will always protect you my precious sister." I say looking at her and my dad smiles.

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