
My Demon King

Gasps, sobs, and silence was all that was heard. All the ladies were sobbing. The men were silent. Alexander looked shocked and angry. Dante looked pissed and dare I say broken.


Everyone turns to look at Dante. He gets up and comes to me. Grabbing my forearm and lifting me. Everyone stands. Johan and Alexander grab Dante while Jessalyn takes a hold of me. Dante not letting go of me wraps his arms around my waist tightly bring me further in. His forehead on mine. His eyes stare into my soul. "You tried to leave me? How dare you try to leave me? You tried killing yourself...You are mine. Always mine. You cant leave me. Never can you leave me do you understand?" Dante whispers as he hits his forehead into mine over and over again gently yet sternly. "Wait you are this Princess's true mate? You rejected your mate? Son tell me it isn't true." Dante's mother asked.

"Let her go you have done more then enough to my daughter already...leave her." My father said. "Dante let the girl go. You lost whatever right to her you had if everything she said is true." His father said angerly as he grabbed him.

"No, I inactive the Matinee Law." Dante yells. "You can't." Johan says. "Oh but I can. By Matinee Law only true mates can marry." Dante smirks. "So, this is how it's going to go. Amber it's going to go back to her mate Johan. I never meant to mate or mark her. That night I was on another level and was drugged out of my mind she was in the hallway that smelled strongly of my mate opening the door in my mate's outfit again smelling strongly of my mate. I was unable to see straight and worked only on instinct. I assumed it was my mate by the smell I mean any of us would and I use my powers to dazzle her once she tried to reject my advances just like little ugly always does. I mated and marked her thinking she was my little troublemaker. I never meant to take her from you Johan and I don't want her the only one that is for me is my mate. With that being said you will take Amber and live happily ever after. I will take my little ugly and she will marry me not duche canoe Alexander over there." Dante spoke with authority. He loosened his grip on me and hands me to his men that came out of no where ripping me from Jessalyn.

Suddenly my father's men surrounded everyone. A fight starts to break out. Weapons drawn. "TAKTICATION!" I screamed and everyone stopped. "What? What did you say?" Dante's father asks.

"I said Taktication which means that I over ruled the Maintee Law. On the basis that Dante my true mate renounced me formally and I also renounced him. That and the fact that even if he meant to or not he marked and mated another.... plus before that he mated with other girls. While I know that is common it still stands as ground to enact the Taktication Law. With that being said Mr. Hadi if you are still willing I agree to marry you." I explained.

", my little troublemaker you can't do this to us." Dante said stunned. "Mr. Hadi, do you except my proposal?" I asked. "Yes." Alexander replied. "Then from this day forward we are engaged. I am yours. Please walk me to my room." I spoke. "No! No! No! She is mine. You are mine Dellarose ..... MINE!" Dante screamed as he started fighting everyone. His father and brother finally made him leave. By literally knocking him out with some type of drug and then dragging his body out the door.

"My Princess, this was all a ploy. I never was going to marry you off to Hadi." My father explained. "I understand." I replied. "Mr. Hadi, I will explain anything to your mate so she doesn't get hurt." I said. "Thank you Princess unfortunately what I said earlier was the truth she past at a younger age." He explained. "Well again I'm sorry. A girlfriend or a partner perhaps?" I asked. "Nope nothing. I have no one but random girls to pass the time." He explained. "Well now you have me. After all we are engaged even if it's just a ploy." I smiled.

"I would like that very much my Princess. Even if we just end up as friends that would make me more than happy." Alexander explained. I smiled. "So my Princess how about tomorrow I take you out?" Alexander asked. "I'd like that very much. Pick me up at school?" I replied.

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