Omega The Alpha
"He's telling the truth. We're the ones doing it not him. In fact he's actually the one who looks. After us and makes sure we don't get out. Of hand or have to much. When we're drinking or getting fuked up. He's smart and he's anything but a bad guy. Hell he even makes sure I'm completely sobbered up before we go into work. So I don't lose my job. Look we don't like advertising or attmiting the bad shit we do. But I'm willing to if it keeps the only person. That's ever encouraged me to do anything. And actually took the time to act as. A voice of to help me actually get my life together. He helped me out so much. I can't let people talk about him like that. No one trusts him because of it. And its not okay. And I will never be able to forgive myself if. Keeps her from letting him even see his son. I got a kid I never got see them since they were born and it kills me every day. I won't wish that opon my worst enemy. It's the worst thing in the world to put a man through. I don't want that happening to my brother. Hope you don't think bad of me for being so up front." One of Vlad's friends said."I'm sorry baby I shouldn't have assumed. Something just because of a rumor. But you should have just told us from. The begining instead of being so distant. And thank you sweetie for clearing this mess up. And I'm getting you new clothes." Rose replied. "So can I at least have a word with her? I want to apologise for earlier. I don't want her to hate me." Vlad asked her hesitantly."Ro it's your decision?" Rose asked, I sighed, noticing my pup had fallen asleep suckling. So I pulled him away and used my free hand to fix my bar so I was covered and pulled my shirt down. "Okay now you let him I'm decent." I yelled. "Relax she was just nursing the pup." Rose informed him when I heard her move letting him though. He walked in while the others started bringing stuff in. He made his way in turning on the lap beside me since we had all the lights off while I was nursing him. He practically jumped when he seen I was right there. "Sorry didn't know you were that close." He said, as I covered my mouth trying not laugh. When he noticed Gemini was fast asleep. His softened as he got his first good look at the pup we made. He knelt down "Damn mom wasn't joking. Im sorry not just about earlier. But about everything that happened how I treated you. Truth is I was just to afraid to tell you how I really feel about you so I pushed you away. I regret all of it I'm not just saying cause I'm trying something. I'm saying it. Brcause I legitimately don't want you to hate me and I want. To be able to be in my son's life. I don't want him to grow up. Not knowing who his father is. And I don't care how much time it takes to make things right with you I'm will to do whatever it takes. I don't want him grow up in a broken family. If you'll let me." He exclaimed, I have never heard him so dead serious and sincere in my life. I knew he wasn't joking. "You did hurt me. You took my innocentence. Then rejected me in the most humiliating way. Leaving me for another female. Do you have any idea how that feels to a sixteen year old girl. Do you have any idea how hard pregnancy is on a girl of my age. Mentally and physically. It's utter hell I had no experience or knowledge with pups or pregnancy. I even thought about just killing. Csuse it was to overwhelming for me. At first and I was all alone no support system or anyone to comfort me. Turns out I'm immune to silver. So obviously that didn't work. So I started letting my wolf take over. Turns out it was a good decision she helped me through. The whole thing and taught me everything. I needed to know to not only raise my pup properly and survive. She made me what's infront of you instead of that timid. Shy Omega you humiliated." I said, to him he did not like that. He buryed his face in my knees. When I realized I literally made him cry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I never met to push you that far. I'll never be able to forgive myself. The last thing I want is for you to hurt yourself because of something I said or did. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He muttered, I actually felt really terrible I made him cry. I've seen him shed a tear for shit or heard him talk so compassionately. This was not at all the Vlad I know. Not even close. I honestly can't even believe it's him. He's really changed. Maybe giving him a second chance wouldn't be such a bad idea. I don't want him to grow up without a father and even though. Everything thats up. I still feel a pull to him as my soulmate even. After he rejected me. My soul was still bound to him. This most be the reason and he is my son's biological father. I unconsciously leaned down kissing his head hugging him. He looked up. I wiped his cheeks. "Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked. "More than anything." He replied, pulling me into his arms. "Okay but I'm not okay with Sora hanging around you all the time." I said, when he kissed me. "Then I'll stay away from her." He replied eagerly. "Really that doesn't bother you?" I asked. "Nope you'r the only woman I need in my life." He answered, kissing me again. "Alright. I'll give you a second chance." I said, he was so happy he practically jumped on me kissing me all over my face. "Okay I get watch your gonna wake Gemini." I remind him. "Sorry babe I got so I forgot you were holding him." He said, getting up carefully so he did not wake him. Then he sat down beside me. "You want to hold him?" I asked, he had. A huge grin plastered across his face as he nodded eagerly. As I gently handed him to him. He was being so careful not to wake him."He's beautiful." He said, kissing his head. Looking like the proudest man on the planet."And he's mine?" He asked."Yes. Do you really think I'm lie like that. Stop second guessing me I speak the truth." I said."I didn't mean it like that dear. I just can't believe that we created him. He's magnificent." He cradled him. Not taking his eyes. Off him even for a minute. "So now that we've got that all taking care of. Mommas tired. Can I finally get some sleep?" I asked. He nodded handing me our pup and picking me up. I closed my eyes and the next thing I know. I laying on a bed.
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