
Tuyển tập Damian - centric

Look up (E)


TITLE: Look up
AUTHOR: Anonymous
PAIRING: Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne
SUMMARY: Dick wants Damian to enjoy Christmas, Damian just needs them for his own purposes.
NOTES: Wow man I thought I wouldn't make it on time. Hope you enjoy!

Damian was tired. Tired of carrying boxes with tree ornaments, tired of Christmas carols, but overall, he was tired of Grayson insisting on showing him "The true meaning of Christmas". Damian was perfectly aware of what Christmas was about: getting civilians to spend their hard earned money on stupid things they didn't need for stupid people who wouldn't want them.

Most Christian celebrations have apparently been swallowed by the capitalist fever, but Grayson seemed to believe there was some feeling or spirit underneath, not that Damian paid much attention to his talks. He was tired of how his old mentor insisted on treating him like he was one of those jaded children in the those movies that only needed a good gift to believe in Christmas again. Mostly because of the child part; he was fifteen now! He wasn't considered a child in any way. In fact, Damian would be an adult and of age to marry in many countries, why was it so hard for Grayson to see him as one?

But he wouldn't. Of course he wouldn't, and no matter how many times Damian tried to insinuate it -and that one dreadful time when he had tried to climb into his lap and Grayson's sudden movement had made him fall to the ground- Grayson always found something better to do than listen to Damian.

Like right now.

"Damian, come here! You brought this box, it's your responsibility to decorate the tree too!" Dick called cheerfully, signaling for Damian to get closer. There was absolutely no need to talk so loudly -even if the hall was big, Damian was standing a mere couple metres away. "Where would you like to put the candy canes?"

"I know where would I like to put my candy cane," Damian replied, throwing subtlety out of the window. He had nothing to lose.

"These are all yours, you chose that box, remember? Here."

Dick put a couple of sticks with gold string attached into Damian's hand, laughing lightly and immediately turning his back to him to search for another box. Damian might or might not have imagined the light pink dusting his cheeks.

The tree, of course, was grandiose. It was so tall they had to open one of the big windows to get it inside the living room, and Damian wondered once again why they couldn't hire a set of interior decorators to fix it up. Dick loved jumping up and down setting decorations, but it was impractical and took ages.

Knowing this, Damian decided that he at least would try to be efficient, so he started setting the decorations mechanically, evenly spaced and always opposite to whatever section Dick was working on. Thanks to that, they managed finish it in only two hours instead of five.

Grayson really had to think things over, though. Traditions like this only make him dislike Christmas more.

"What should top the tree? The red star or the gold star?" Dick asked, looking between two completely gaudy stars that, in Damian's opinion, Alfred should have never allowed in the Manor.

Nor that Damian would ever be able to say that to Grayson's happy, beautiful face, or to his cheeks slightly flushed from the exercise, or to the shirt clinging to his body with sweat...

"I don't know about the tree, but I know what should top you," Damian mumbled, carefully arranging some of the remaining decorations in an empty box.

A small cough behind him, and Dick jumped to set the gold star on top without a single word.

Frustration didn't even begin to cover Damian's feelings after a whole week of "Christmas spirit". Of course, it was just his luck that they would have a White Christmas that year, which added even more things to Grayson's interminable list of important things to do with Damian.

"I can't believe you've never made a snowmen, Damian! I know it's not the first you have seen snow here!"

"I never saw the point, honestly. Snow is uncomfortable to work with, and if I wanted an accurate life-sized portrait of someone, there are better ways and materials."

"But it's fun!" Dick protested walking out into the gardens, and Damian wasn't able to do anything but follow him. What if he died of hypothermia of something? He was always so irresponsible. "Don't knock it til you've tried it, alright?"

"Sure, sure," Damian grumbled, looking around. The gardens looked beautiful alright, but he couldn't stop thinking he would have prefered to look at them through a window.

"We'll make a magnificent snowman. Do you have a design in mind?" Dick said cheerfully, totally oblivious to Damian's bad mood. "I wish we could have a snowball fight too, but I think it's a bit chilly right now."

"I could warm you up."

The reply had been automatic, and for an instant Damian's face went red with embarrassment. He had to start controlling himself better, after all Dick was never going to catch up-

-or maybe he might, because as soon as the words left his lips, Dick tripped and fell onto a snowbank.

"What are you doing?" There was no way Grayson -the oh so great acrobat- had tripped. "You got snow everywhere, we need to get back."

"This is nothing," Dick replied, standing on his feet immediately and trying to shake the snow off. "I'm fine, let's make the s- augh!"

A full body shiver broke through Grayson's body, and seeing the snow pooling on his hair it was easy to guess what had happened.

"You got snow inside your clothes, idiot. We can try again tomorrow."

Dick was clearly about to protest when he had another shiver, and soon they were walking home.

Damian had half a mind to tell him the offer was still up, but he couldn't gather the courage.


It still took Damian a couple more of days to come with a proper plan. Of course, Dick wasn't leaving him much time to prepare anything, between Christmas shopping and cooking and decorating, but the solution had been so simple it still embarrassed Damian to think he hadn't come up with it before.

He had been looking up Christmas traditions to check what kind of thing would Dick torture him with next when he realized there was one that hadn't been mentioned. It wasn't in their shopping list, they didn't have it in the Manor... But it existed. And it was really popular, or so everything made it seem.

It couldn't be an accident that the only tradition Grayson hadn't told him about was also the perfect one to solve his problem.

"Did you do as we agreed?" Damian muttered to Jason. They were both sitting behind a sofa, which, as unsophisticated as it was, worked perfectly to stop Dick from finding them too early.

"'course. Are you sure you don't prefer to get the mistletoe headband instead?"

"I already told you, he cares about traditions. That's definitely not what the tradition calls for."

Jason snickered, and Damian just knew he was determined to presence the act. Not that Damian minded -who cared if there were witnesses or not, as soon as he got what he wanted- but he couldn't stop himself from thinking he would have prefered almost anybody else's help. However, Todd was the only one who wouldn't run to tell Grayson about Damian's plans, even if only because he thought the whole affair to be fun as hell.

"As we agreed, it's on the kitchen's door. Now go before he suspects anything."

Damian didn't need to told twice. Dick had been in the kitchen all morning, helping Alfred with the gingerbread cookies, and Damian had no chance of doing anything there unnoticed. Jason didn't attract as much attention, though, and when Damian arrived he found the mistletoe there. Hidden from Dick's view behind one of the hanging Christmas decorations, but visible from the point where Damian stood.

And as Damian had predicted, as soon as he stepped inside and Dick saw him, the other man left the bowls and pans he had been washing inside the sink and walked up to him with a bright smile, his hands dripping foam on the already stained floor.

"Damian! Where have you been all morning? Alfred and I finished the cookies without you, you should-"

Damian didn't walk closer. Instead, he simply moved slightly to the right, and as soon as Dick was close enough he grabbed his shirt and pulled him flush against him, directly under the mistletoe.

He took a moment -just a moment- to appreciate Dick's eyes, his lips and skin. His face was still perfectly beautiful, even despite the confused expression he was directing at Damian. It was deeply satisfying to see that instead of scared or threatened -like most people would be when a trained assassin dragged them around- Dick was blushing slightly, and his lips were parted, and-

Damian's moment was up.

"Mistletoe," Damian almost sighed out against Dick's lips -it didn't come out as sure or playful as he would have liked, but it would do.

Dick glanced up, realization now clear in his eyes, and as soon as his eyes met the sprig Damian pulled him closer and kissed his breath away.

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