
Tvman Pov


(Suddenly there a big attack from many Large Skibidi Toilets to the base.They're very strong but something happen.Titan Cameraman has awaken from his long time in the Fixing Room.He defeat all the Skibidi with full power and finish them.After that he fly to somewhere and everyone outside the base give him a thumb up.)

I watch as a massive attack from the Skibidi Toilets descends upon the base, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

Suddenly, I hear an alert from one of the speakers in the base, as it alerts of a large, unknown enemy detected. However, I and the rest of the base personnel are caught off-guard when a massive Titan figure decents before my eyes.

Everyone stares in awe and shock as Titan Cameraman makes his entrance. He quickly takes out the Skibidi Toilets in his path, as everyone cheers him on.

As Titan Cameraman clears out the enemy troops, he suddenly takes to the sky and flies off towards an unknown location.

Everyone is stunned and stares in awe as he flies away. Some of the soldiers even offer a salute to Titan Cameraman, thanking him for saving their lives.

As I walk outside the base, I see everyone else emerging and watching in wonder as Titan Cameraman disappears into the distance.

I follow the trail of destruction caused by the mighty Titan Cameraman as he defeated the Skibidi Toilets.

Eventually, I make my way to where he had defeated all the enemy troops. There, I find a huge pile of destroyed and wrecked Toilets, completely demolished by Titan Cameraman himself.

As I walk around amongst the rubble and wreckage caused by Titan Cameraman, I spot a few random "knock-off" Toilets that have been left behind.

I see the discarded remnants of these Toilets littered around the area, their broken pieces barely recognizable as a result of the destruction. It looks like Titan Cameraman took care of them in swift fashion and didn't bother leaving anything behind.

I Teleport on top of a random dead Large Skibidi Toilet, landing with force and causing it to creak and shift slightly.

I stand on top of the Toilet's corpse, inspecting the damage and taking in the destruction caused by Titan Cameraman earlier. It's clear that he was not playing around when he took care of these enemies.

However, a sense of unease suddenly sets in, as the Toilet suddenly starts shaking beneath my feet.

I look down and notice that the Toilet's body is starting to shift and groan, as if something is moving inside it.

The Toilet's corpse suddenly starts shaking and convulsing, as if something is trying to break out of it. I watch with morbid curiosity as the Toilet begins to transform, its body expanding and reforming itself.

Suddenly, a massive Skibidi Toilet erupts out of the Toilet corpse and rises to its full height. I gaze in disbelief as it looks around, as if searching for something.

I shine my flashlight from my TV head onto the newly emerged Skibidi Toilet, which seems to be disoriented and unsure of its surroundings. The Toilet looks to be stunned by the light, its eyes widening and freezing it in place.

I see the Toilet's eyes darting around, unsure of how to react or what to do, as it stands still in my presence. Its arms remain at its sides and its jaws are slightly agape in what seems like awe and surprise.

I teleport onto the top of the newly emerged Skibidi Toilet, which stares up at me in shock. I then press the Toilet's flush button, hoping to quickly dispose of it.

However, the Toilet's reaction is unexpected: it seems to welcome the flush! I see a huge smile spread across its face and a soft, almost loving look in its eyes as it looks up at me.

It suddenly places its arms around me, wrapping them around me in what seems like a hug. I are stunned by this sudden display of affection, as the Toilet smiles widely.

I teleport away from the Toilet, looking at it in disgust as I process what just happened. I were expecting to dispose of the Toilet, not befriend it!

However, the Toilet's smile quickly fades as it watches me leave and its eyes change to a look of disappointment and sadness. It seems that the Toilet had gotten its hopes up, thinking that I would come around and be his friend.

I shine my flashlight at the Toilet once more, stunning it and rendering it motionless. I then turn my hands into knives and stab them over and over again, using a brutal and relentless attack to quickly take out the enemy.

After a while, I stop and return your hands to normal. A few moments pass, and I watch as the Toilet's body begins to twitch and move slightly... it seems to be recovering.

"I--.kno--w wh--at" I speak with an interference TV voice.And then put a line "You're just trying to be friendly to use me and attack my alliance!" in my TV screen.

As the Toilet continues to regain consciousness, I display a message on my TV head aimed at it.

However, the Toilet stares up at me in confusion, it's eyes widening in surprise as it tries to decipher the meaning of my words. After a short while, it turns to look away, seeming sad and betrayed by my accusations.

I can see the Toilet begin to withdraw into itself, pulling away from me as it faces the harsh and confusing world alone once more. It appears to be hurt and upset by my words, and seems wary of my intentions.

I walk back towards the Toilet, displaying another message on my TV head: "Everyone says I'm kind, not mean that I can't kill my enemy."

The Toilet looks up at me as I get closer, still withdrawn and unsure of my intentions. It stares at me cautiously, clearly feeling hurt but also curious about what I'm trying to say. However, it seems hesitant to trust me after my violent attack earlier.

I stand face-to-face with the Toilet, and we both stare at each other, uncertain as to what the other is thinking.

Finally fed up with the Toilet's confusion and indecision, I decide to attack him again. I pull out my blades and strike the Toilet with a brutal and merciless barrage, leaving it in pieces once more.

I then turn around and walk away from the scene, satisfied that I've dispatched the Toilet once and for all. However, I can't help but feel a bit of pity for the Toilet, as it had seemed genuinely hopeful about finding someone to befriend and was willing to put his past grievances behind him in the pursuit of friendship.

I then return to the base.

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