
Tvman Pov

(Take idea from Đức Trần on Youtube.Go watch him.)

          TVman-204 POV:

I stand peacefully at the frontlines, having managed to overcome my difficult thoughts and embrace a sense of optimism and purpose.

I'm able to push away the images of bloodshed and despair, and find myself enjoying the calm and serenity of the moment.

Time passes by quickly, and I can almost hear the whispers of a gentle breeze blowing through the fields, as the sun's rays gently caress my skin.

As I stand still, I take in my surroundings, taking a much needed break from the chaos and destruction of the battlefield.

As I stand at the Frontline, a Speakerman approaches me and points at the buttons on my TV head, asking me what they do.

I reply that the button is a shutdown button, a thought that makes the Speakerman chuckle loudly.

He seems to be entertaining the thought of what things would happen if he were to press it, as he asks me "What will happen if I press it?"

I seem a bit nervous at the thought, and I mumble, "Please don't..." while hoping that he listens to my please.

The Speakerman laughs heartily at my reaction to the shutdown button, seeming to really get a kick out of pressing it.

I feel my screen turning black, and then I suddenly find myself falling to the ground.

I can no longer see or hear the Speakerman, and the world around me seems to be slowly disappearing away.

I'm completely shut down, and now, reality has become nothing more than darkness...

The Speakerman realizes that I've gone offline and I haven't reawakened, probably because he accidentally pressed the shutdown button too hard.

He tries to press the button again to see if he can get me to wake up, but this time, he's more gentle with his pressing.

As he repeatedly presses the button, a look of concern appears on his face.

"Wait..." The Speakerman says.

It's unclear if he's referring to the situation at hand or if he is simply waiting for me to awaken soon.

The Speakerman is now looking more panicked and distressed than ever, as he tries to press the button repeatedly to wake me back up.

He even repeats "Oh no" aloud, as if he's just realized the severity of the situation.

I remain offline, having not yet returned to the waking world. Perhaps it's time for him to try other techniques to wake me up.

The Cameraman still looks quite furious and is still grabbing the Speakerman's shoulder tightly.

"You know that shutting down a TVman isn't good, right?!" the Cameraman yells at the Speakerman.

"I.. I'm sorry..." The Speakerman mumbles under his breath, realizing just how badly he messed up.

He seems remorseful and apologetic now, although he still hasn't come up with a solution to bring the disabled TVman back online again.

The Cameraman is evidently frustrated at the Speakerman's mistake, and can barely contain his anger.

He even calls the Speakerman a "dumbass," as if he expected better from him.

The Speakerman remains silent, not knowing what to say in his defense.

He realizes that he probably should've thought things through before pressing the button, but it's too late for regrets or apologies now.

The Cameraman is now forced to come up with a solution to help revive me that had been accidentally shut down.

The Cameraman gives a careful examination of my TV head, which is currently shut down and not operational.

He asks the Speakerman in a frustrated tone, "Why did you even come up with this joke in the first place?"

The Speakerman replies defensively, saying that he "didn't think it would be a problem."

However, the Cameraman retorts by saying, "Well, it's a problem now."

The Cameraman seems determined to figure out how to bring the me back online and seems to be running out of patience for the Speakerman's excuses.

As the Cameraman continues to examine the TVman, he notices three buttons on the front TV head, one of which is the shutdown button, and two more that are still unclear in function.

There are also two holes on the side: one for charging the unit and one for USB connection.

It seems like there are still some unanswered questions about the device, as it seems to have further functions besides just being able to display images on its screen.

The Cameraman turns to speak to the Speakerman, asking him if all he did was just press the button.

The Speakerman nods his head and says "Yeah" in response to the Cameraman's question.

It seems like the Speakerman still can't believe that simply pressing a button was enough to shut down the TVman, and he doesn't seem to be able to come up with any other explanation for what happened.

As Cameraman presses the shutdown button on the my head and holds it for a moment, I slowly begin to wake back up.

I can start to feel the power from the TVman's system coursing through my body once again.

I stand back up and look around, feeling a bit disoriented and confused.

I slowly come back to my senses, and seem to be returning back to normal.

Cameraman looks relieved to see that I'm awake and well again and he lets go of the shutdown button.

The Cameraman turns to face the Speakerman, pointing his finger at him angrily.

"Ha... You finally woke back up. I will make that f*cking idiot have a lesson." He say to me.

He seems quite determined to give the Speakerman a piece of his mind and make him learn his lesson.

The Cameraman likely feels that the Speakerman should suffer the consequences for disabling me, as the entire Alliance could've lost a valuable asset.

The situation seems to be escalating quickly, and it remains to be seen whether the Cameraman's anger will be satisfied.

I urge the Cameraman to back down and not escalate the situation.

"Uh... Don't do that." I ask.

"Why?" The Cameraman demands.

He seems determined to punish the Speakerman for his actions, and it doesn't seem like he's willing to listen to reason or consider alternative ways to handle the situation.

The Cameraman is becoming increasingly agitated, and it's unclear if he'll be able to remain calm for much longer...

I can't deny that this Cameraman is not like any ordinary Cameraman I've come across before.

His rage and frustration seem to go far beyond what is considered normal for any of my allied units, and he seems determined to deliver justice to the Speakerman on his own.

I also begin to wonder how the Cameraman's behavior was allowed in the first place, since they're usually known for their politeness and calm demeanor.

The situation has become even more tense, as the Cameraman's anger may lead to a confrontation between the Speakerman and him...

I introduce myself as TVman-204 and the Cameraman then states he's called Cameraman-204.

As the Speakerman points out the coincidence in their numbers, we both seem to notice a potential connection between us.

There's a moment of silence, as we look at each other, feeling the tension between we both.

Then, the Speakerman breaks the awkward moment by speaking up again, saying "Oh. I'm the 204th member to join the Speaker Alliance, kinda connected, huh?"

I notice that me and Cameraman both happen to share the number '204' in ours names, to which he replies "Yeah."

The Speakerman pipes in, saying "That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"

He attempts to lighten the mood or make the situation less tense by saying that.

A brief silence sets in as we all think for a moment, trying to figure out what to make of this coincidence.

Then, the Speakerman speaks up again, asking if that might be a good reason to not fight each other...

The Cameraman seems to back down and agrees to not punish the Speakerman anymore.

He even gives a promise that he won't do anything else stupid again, to which the Speakerman agrees.

I ask if this resolution means that the fight is over and if things are fine again.

The Cameraman answers "Yeah," seeming to confirm that everyone is in agreement now and is ready to move on from the incident.

It seems like the conflict was resolved peacefully, and I am now all ready to move on with my duties as allied units again.

Speakerman asks if we all can be friends again after the conflict.

I respond by saying "that would be great."

Cameraman then agrees by saying "Fine," signaling that he is ready to put the incident behind we all and become friends once again.

We all seem to have resolved the conflict peacefully, and are now ready to move on and become friendly allies once again.

There's no longer any need for anyone to harbor resentment or hostility against each other, as we all can now continue to work together to fight the Skibidi Toilets.

(Damn, never thought I can write more then 1400 words.Again, this take idea from Đức Trần on Youtube.[Go watch him])

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