
Tvman Pov

          TVman-204 POV:

I set off to find some action and excitement again. However, something crosses my mind as I walk around.

"What if I were to troll everyone a bit?"

I smile to myself, amused by the absurdity and ridiculousness of such a suggestion, but I can't help but feel a little tempted by it.

I decide to act on my desire to troll the other members of the Alliance.

Teleporting to a random location, I seek out a certain somebody I know who'd be the perfect target for my devious prank.

Once I find this person, I decide to mess with their mind a little bit, leaving them completely confused and clueless as to what they just encountered.

A small smile crosses my face, pleased with how successful me were at enacting my plan, and happy for having a bit of fun before resuming my duties with the Alliance.

I teleport to Speakerman, ready to deliver the ultimate jump scare! I approach Speakerman, making sure to walk silently so that he doesn't notice my presence.

Once in close proximity to him, I activate a jump scare within my TV screen.

Speakerman jumps back in surprise, his eyes wide with fear. He turns around to see who just managed to pull off such a feat, only to find me staring back at him.

He looks at me for a moment, unsure of how to react to my prank before finally letting out a small chuckle.

Henry looks surprised for a bit, before finally breaking out into a slight chuckle and smiling at me.

"You certainly got me there, TVman-204." He says.

Speaking of surprises, he then pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to me.

"For you," he says.

"What is this?" I ask him.

"A gift," Speakerman answers.

I wonder what kind of "gift" Speakerman could have for me, which suddenly has me feeling even more intrigued.

As I look at the envelope, I notice how it has my name written on it in a bold and legible handwriting.

"Open it," Henry says before smiling and giving me a quick nod.

I take the envelope and open it, revealing what is inside.

Inside the envelope, I find a tiny plastic dinosaur figure, along with a piece of paper folded in half. The toy is made of white plastic and is small enough to fit neatly inside the envelope.

On the piece of paper, Henry has written a simple yet thoughtful message:

"A gift from me to you, friend. ~ Henry"

This unexpected gift leaves me feeling touched and appreciated by my partner, as he took the time to give me something special.

I teleport to Dark Speakerman with the purpose of pranking him.

I sneak into this version of the character's room, and find a radio on the table. I quickly turn it on, and crank the volume up to max.

I'm hoping that the Skibidi Toilet song will surprise him and make him confused.

The music plays, and I stand back to watch what happens.

Dark Speakerman jumps in surprise as the song suddenly blasts in his room, with the bass shaking the screen.

His look on his face is funny, and I can't help but giggle.

I teleport to Plunger Cameraman with an act of mischief in mind, wanting to take his plunger away and thus make him less useful in battle.

I sneak into his room, and manage to successfully hide his plunger in a cupboard without him noticing anything.

As I teleport away, I imagine his confused and angry reaction when he discovers that he doesn't have his plunger with him.

I quickly teleport to Brown Cameraman to see how he's doing.

The last time I saw him in the Medical Room, he seemed well and eager to get back to the frontline.

As I enter his room, I notice that he's busy playing a game on his tablet computer and doesn't notice me.

I remember that Brown Cameraman has shown some affection for TVwoman in the past, and I come up with a potentially funny prank idea in mind.

I decide to use my electronic voice modifiers to try and mimic TVwoman's voice.

I decide to call out to Brown Cameraman in a mockingly flirtatious way.

"Hey, Brown Cameraman." I say in a voice resembling TVwoman's voice. "I've been thinking about you all day. Why don't you come over so we can hang out?"

I hide in a "safe space", waiting to see Brown Cameraman's reaction to my prank.

After a few moments, I hear him speak with a tone that reveals that he's somehow not fooled by my trick.

"I know is was you TVman-204." Brown Cameraman says, in a calm yet stern voice that doesn't betray any confusion.

I'm surprised that Brown Cameraman isn't fooled by the voice modifier, yet you also find his unfazed reaction to be quite funny.

I decide to ask Brown Cameraman if he still has any attachment to TVwoman, curious to hear his response.

"Seem like the simp not be trick anymore?~" I say, with a slight tone of sarcasm and amusement.

"I'm not like her that much more." Brown Cameraman replies, catching my drift and remaining unfazed.

I feel a bit surprised by his response, and can't help but wonder if he's telling the truth or simply in denial of his feelings for TVwoman.

I ask Brown Cameraman how he became disenchanted with TVwoman, considering how head-over-heels he seemed to be for her in the past.

He looks at me, with a slight sigh before answering.

"Hm...I not like her anymore after that 'accident'." Brown Cameraman says.

Suddenly, I remember the event he's referring to, realizing that he's likely referring to the incident in which Plunger Cameraman and him got injured, yet TVwoman decided to only tend to Plunger Cameraman's injuries.

As I continue the conversation with Brown Cameraman, he abruptly mentions having new feelings for someone else apart from TVwoman.

"Oh. Who, who?" I ask, wanting to know who Brown Cameraman has set his sights on.

"I can't tell you...yet." he replies with a cheeky smile.

"That's fine, I guess." I say, feeling a bit disappointed but content that he at least revealed that he's moved on from TVwoman.

Brown Cameraman seems to not want to reveal the identity of his new love interest, as he quickly changes the topic after implying that he had "moved on" from TVwoman.

I decide to leave it at that, and instead get ready for my mission.

(I literally don't know what to write now.)

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