
× FORETHOUGT × Homicipher



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× FORETHOUGT × Homicipher

49 lượt thích / 563 lượt đọc
A child trapped in a disturbing place filled with monsters that want him dead. He has to navigate his way through what he assumes belongs in the darkest pits of hell. Strangely, every time he makes a decision, he's able to see a gruesome fate awaiting him behind those said choices. He has become cautious to everyone he encounter. He can't trust anyone, he can't trust their words, if not them, then himself? He can't even trust himself anymore, he's becoming more and more like them. He HAS to escape this unending nightmare. He NEEDS to escape this hell-hole. (Homicipher x Male! Child reader

Danh sách chương × FORETHOUGT × Homicipher