The Phoenix Potion (Fic dịch - Dramione)
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The Phoenix Potion (Fic dịch - Dramione)
Fic AO3
Tác giả: FedonCiadale
Hai mươi năm sau trận chiến ở Hogwarts .... Harry là người đứng đầu cực quang và lo lắng về trường hợp những đứa trẻ Muggleborn gặp nạn, Ron là một thủ môn Quidditch nổi tiếng. Cả hai đã không nói chuyện với Hermione trong nhiều năm và chắc chắn không phải với chồng cô, Draco Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy giờ đây phải đấu tranh với lời nguyền, Neville và Luna cố gắng làm bạn với tất cả mọi người.
Chìa khóa để giải quyết vấn đề có thể nằm trong quá khứ, thời điểm mà không ai thực sự muốn xem lại và một số thì không.
5 chương mới nhất truyện The Phoenix Potion (Fic dịch - Dramione)
Danh sách chương The Phoenix Potion (Fic dịch - Dramione)
- Chap 1: Cut out
- Chap 2: Photos
- Chapter 3: At the lake (12/4/1997)
- Chapter 4: The hospital wing (12/5/1977)
- Chapter 5: In need of a wand
- Chapter 6: The headmaster's office (15/6/1997) --Văn phòng hiệu trưởng-
- Chapter 7: Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff
- Chapter 8: The astronomy tower (30/6/1997)
- Tám nhảm
- Chapter 9: Gringotts
- Chapter 10: On probation (21/4/1997)
- Chapter 11: Getting galleons
- Chapter 12: Rooting out compassion (15/8/1997)
- Chapter 13: An anonymous donation
- Chapter 14: Questions and Answers
- Chapter 15: On the Hogwarts Express (01/09/1997)
- Chapter 16: Shopping with the Granger children
- Chapter 17: What do we deserve?
- Chapter 18: Room of Requirement (November 1997)
- Chapter 19: Dinner
- Chapter 20: Pillow talk
- Chapter 21: Forest of Dean (December 26, 1997)
- Chapter 22: Preparing observations
- Chapter 23: Potions and Dark Arts (March 26-27, 1998)
- Chapter 24: A day in a lawyer's office
- Chapter 25: Pillow talk II
- Chapter 26: The Manor (30th March 1997) - I
- Chapter 27: The Manor (March 30, 1998)-II
- Chapter 28: The Manor (March 30, 1998) III
- Chapter 29: Off to Hogwarts
- Chapter 30: A teacher's duties
- Chapter 31: Nursing (May 31, 1998)
- Chapter 32: Excursion to the Muggle world
- Chapter 33: Bill and Fleur's cottage (March 31, 1998)
- Chapter 34: The Common Room
- Chapter 35: Locked out (April 22, 1998)
- Chapter 36: Failed tailing
- Chapter 37: Saving Muggles (April 25, 1998)
- Chapter 38: The figurine
- Chapter 39: The Room of Hidden Things (May 2, 1998)
- Chapter 40: Wrackspurts
- Chapter 41: The Battle of Hogwarts (May 2,1998)
- Chapter 42: Pillow talk III
- Chapter 43: Some testimonies at the Malfoy trial (January 2002-March 2002)
- Chapter 44: Obtaining Muggle Expertise
- Chapter 45: Baking cake (Easter 2001)
- Chapter 46: Old and dusty tomes
- Chapter 47: Revisiting Mayweed Grove (September 18, 2001)
- Chapter 48: Doubts and Hope (September 19, 2001)
- Chapter 49: The Cloak
- Chapter 50: Goblin silver at Malfoy Manor
- Chapter 51: Duty soliciting (September 22, 2001)
- Chapter 52: Parent - teacher conference
- Chapter 53: A loophole (March 14, 2002)
- Chapter 54: Visitors at Hogwarts
- Chapter 55: Disturbances in the courtroom (March 18, 2002)
- Chapter 56: Family trees
- Chapter 57: DADA lesson
- Chapter 58: Final speech of the defence (March 18, 2002)
- Chapter 59: Shadows from the past
- Chapter 60: Disinherited (March 18, 2002) (Tước quyền)
- Chapter 61: The wardrobe incident (Sự cố tủ quần áo)
- Chapter 62: Honeymoon Pillow Talk (March, 18 - April, 11, 2002)
- Chapter 63: Nott Villa I
- Chapter 64: Nott Villa II
- Chapter 65: Amortentia (April 10, 2002)
- Chapter 66: A phone call
- Chapter 67: Separated (April 11, 2002)
- Chapter 68: The Muggle Detective - Thanh tra muggle
- Chapter 69: The perks of getting along with the in-laws (April 12, 2002)
- Chapter 70: Work contract with a former house elf (April 15, 2002)
- Chapter 71: Inconvenient truths
- Chapter 72: An untimely discovery-Phát hiện không đúng lúc
- Chapter 73: Spinner's end (19 September 2002)
- Chapter 74: Pillow Talk IV
- Chapter 75: Awkward negotiations
- Chapter 76: Rina (December 1, 2002)
- Chapter 77: Written into their bones
- Chapter 78: Conditions of Dark Magic
- Chapter 79: Dragon Pox (September 28, 2003)
- Chapter 80: The Mirror
- Chapter 81: St Mungo's
- Chapter 82: The playground (June 27, 2004)
- Chapter 83: Bobbin lace
- Chapter 84: Bethan's disease
- Chapter 85: Teatime
- Chapter 86: The art of avoiding wrackspurt infestation (August 27, 2004)
- Chapter 87: Carriers
- Chapter 88: The arrest
- Chapter 89: The Core of a Wand
- Chapter 90: A new house (January 5, 2005)