
[Trans] SEBAEK/HUNBAEK - That's what the water gave me



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[Trans] SEBAEK/HUNBAEK - That's what the water gave me

46 lượt thích / 911 lượt đọc
Tên fic: That's what the water gave me Couple: Oh Sehun x Byun Baekhyun Author: Omgdidyouhear Translator: Ngơ Tag: real life, fluff, romance Tình trạng bản gốc: Hoàn thành Tình trạng bản dịch: Hoàn thành Nếu các bạn thấy thích hãy thả kudo cho author ở AO3 nhé. Link fic gốc: archiveofourownorg/works/10898172/chapters/24226059 Bản dịch đã CHƯA CÓ sự cho phép của tác giả. Vui lòng không đem ra ngoài trang wattpad này. ----- Title: That's what the water gave me Couple: Oh Sehun x Byun Baekhyun Author: Omgdidyouhear Translator: Ngơ Tag: real life, fluff, romance If you like the story, please give the author kudos and comments at this link: archiveofourownorg/works/10898172/chapters/24226059 The translation does NOT have permission from author. Please DO NOT TAKE OUT.

5 chương mới nhất truyện [Trans] SEBAEK/HUNBAEK - That's what the water gave me

Danh sách chương [Trans] SEBAEK/HUNBAEK - That's what the water gave me